The holidays are over!!! And so is 2011! Like most people, I am ready to take on the new year with intense passion and focus. Since 2011 sucked immensely, I’m optimistic for 2012 (even if the world is supposed to end). I started off on a great note, too, with my Financial Checklists post being picked up by The Consumerist and the launch of Bloggers Give Back (more about that soon). I worked with a designer to create a new logo for Daily Money Shot (which you can see now, and special thanks to my friends Andrea at So Over Debt and Jeff at My Multiple Streams for their extra help). I have some new writing partnerships that are launching this month and I even have an outline for 2 eBooks! Oh, and did I mention that FinCon12 is in Denver and I’m going to Disney World in less than 2 weeks? Yeah, there’s lots of excitement swirling around in my head.
But back to business. You’re here because you desperately want to know what I’m reading. Well, I’m happy to oblige. Here are some of my favorite posts from around the interwebs this week:
Personal finance reads (where I showcase some of my favorite personal finance posts)
My friend Eric at DollarVersity lets us know that Like Tim Tebow, Customers Only Care About Your Results. Now, I’m not a Tebow fan or even a football fan (except for the Dillon Panthers) but Eric draws some great parallels between Tebow and customer satisfaction. And for the record? Go Ravens!
Aloysa from My Broken Coin asks Would You Date a Guy From a Trailer Park? A good question. I’m conflicted on the answer (which you can read in the comments) but it certainly made me think about my own values and prejudices.
MomVesting talks about Money and Relationships: Moving for More Cash. Having been in a situation where I’ve had to balance a job and relationship, her post gives some good pointers on what to think about when you’re offered more money but need to relocate.
Mackenzie from The Random Path shares her experience with Extreme Couponing: The Other Side. I am not a couponer and I have very strong opinions on that trainwreck of a show. Mackenzie talks about what can happpen when you fall head over heels into couponing, and it’s not always pretty.
Lindy from Minting Nickels has returned from vacation (which is good because she’s one of my favorites) and discusses how she Delays ‘N Saves. As a fairly lazy procrastinator myself, I could identify with pretty much everything on her list.
Nonpersonal finance reads (where I showcase some of my favorite nonpersonal finance sites)
Blogging With Amy–I forget how I found this site (it might have been a recommendation from another blogger friend. In fact, I’m sure that it was) but it is one of the best resources available. Almost everything on her site is free and is incredibly useful. You see that Bloggers Give Back button on the side bar? I was able to do that because of Blogging With Amy.
Domesticated-ish–A new site I’ve found thanks to a comment the author, Meg, left here. I love what she has to say, her son is supercute and she’s a relatively new blogger so go give her some love.
The Isle of Man–Kevin, my new Twitter friend, is funny and random and loves movies and stuff. He also loves Bigfoot and came up with New Year’s Resolutions for Celebrities.
My other writing (where I showcase myself or where you can find my staff writing)
Part 3 in my series about online learning at Broke Professionals
My Dining Out Challenge: The Groupon Experience at Dining Out Challenge
Finding Money for Debt Repayment at Go Be Rich
Introducing 52 Ways to Be Richly Reasonable at Richly Reasonable