Friday Five: I’m glad they’re gone

Earlier this week, I chaperoned my daughter’s first grade class trip to a gunpowder factory turned pioneer times museum (serious question– what do you call the people who lived on the East Coast during Westward Expansion? You know, those who stayed and worked at a DuPont gunpowder factory instead of exploring the frontier?). Unlike most elementary school field trips, this one was actually interesting. Particularly due to the fact that a) I heart American history and b) this project.

The timing could not have been any better. And maybe I geeked out a little bit. And maybe I was sad that my phone died and I couldn’t take a ton of pictures to share with you guys. But what I can share with you are 5 things I am so glad we no longer have to use:

  1. Quill pens. Of course writing with a feather dipped in ink sounds like a good time but in reality, it’s a messy pain in the ass. You need to dip the feather about 76 times to get enough ink and then it drips everywhere instead so you have to blot it but then there’s almost no ink left. Also, if you don’t hold the quill properly, you can’t write shit. So, to quill pens I say good riddance and bring me a gel ink pen!

    My daughter trying to write with one. You can tell by the look on her face she hates it, too.
    My daughter trying to write with one. You can tell by the look on her face she hates it, too.
  2. Chamber pots. How do I even begin to describe the ways I’m glad that these horrible pee pots have gone away? Just seeing the thing made me cringe and say a little prayer of thanks for indoor plumbing. Chamber pots are probably the only thing I find worse than an outhouse and should I ever decide to live like an actual pioneer, I will probably hold it in the entire time. And back then, it was the kids’ job to empty them and honestly, I just can’t do that to my daughter. Or anyone really. Just say no to chamber pots.
  3. Tight, narrow, spiral stairs of death. I’m not sure that the house we were in is entirely reflective of all East Coast homes of that time, but if they were, holy shit did those people have some coordination. This was the narrowest, steepest staircase I have ever climbed. Ever. As I walked up the stairs from the kitchen to the attic, two thoughts crossed my mind: One, how did these people navigate these stairs in the dark and/or drunk; and two, man, they must have been skinny. Nothing like a tightly wound staircase to keep your figure trim.
  4. A washtub and wringer. Let me clear– I loathe laundry. It is my nemesis of household chores and if I had all the money in the world and wasn’t so damn picky, this is the first thing I would outsource. But when I looked at the washtub, cheese grater looking scrubber, and medieval torture device looking wringer, not to mention the all purpose soap, I wanted to go home and hug my washer and dryer. I could not imagine doing laundry for my family of 3 on that, let alone a larger family. What a huge, time consuming pain in the ass. The smell of fresh air dried laundry might be delightful but the cumbersome, pioneer process to get it? Not so much.

    Doing laundry on this is pretty much a time consuming nightmare in the making.
    Doing laundry on this is pretty much a time consuming nightmare in the making.
  5. A water pump. Not only did it bring us the ability to pee indoors but indoor plumbing made the water pump obsolete. Thankfully. I could not imagine having to haul my ass outdoors, several times a day, just to get a bucket of water. Sure, I’d probably have an army of kids to help lessen that chore but I can only imagine how much longer it made the laundry process. And cooking. And washing. I sort of understand now why they only bathed once a week. I would, too, if that’s how I had to get my water.

    photo not taken by me. It was taken by a guy named Dave.
    photo not taken by me. It was taken by a guy named Dave.

While there are many, many principles and items I’d keep from the mid to late1800s, these are not on that list. Modern conveniences FTW!

What would you get rid of?

Linking up with The Northeast Bloggers NetworkFriday Five

Introducing the Little House book club!


book club

Beginning April 1, The Townhouse Pioneer will be hosting a Little House on the Prairie book club. I’m ridiculously excited about this and it has absolutely nothing to do with the fact that we already own half the series.

I decided to do this based on the amazing response to Monday’s post. I got the idea in the shower (where all good ideas happen), posted a question on the Facebook page and on Twitter (if you’re not following along over there, you should. There’s lots more good stuff like that), and got about a dozen positive responses, and we’re up and running.

Which is excellent.

But you’re probably wondering how it’s going to work. This is how.

At the beginning of the month, we’ll start reading one of the Little House on the Prairie books (my plan is to read them in order). Then, at the end of the month, any blogger who’s read the book will (if she/he wants) write a post. I’ll host a linkup on the last day of the month for all the posts. We’ll also have a discussion on Facebook so those who don’t have blogs can participate in the fun.

So, for our inaugural book, we’re reading Little House in the Big Woods. Posts discussing the book should go live the week of April 27, with a linkup on the 30th. I’ll try to design a fun little button, too.little house in the big woods

That’s it. There’s no pressure to join or participate. Just because all the cool kids are doing it doesn’t mean you have to. But in all sincerity, I hope you do follow along. It’ll be fun!