I do not understand why this bronchitis will not go away. Yes, it’s better than last week but the lingering effects are making me insane. I’m tired of coughing, I’m tired of medicine, I’m tired of being tired. I just want to feel better.
Also, I’m avoiding politics this week. I need a week off. I’m still outraged and horrified and disgusted that we’re now at a point that party lines mean more than public good, welfare, and safety but I need to leave it alone this week.
Reading. Finished All the Ugly and Wonderful Things. Started Head Full of Ghosts. Still plugging away at Imagine Me Gone. Picked up Nearly Found which was on the list pre-library diet. Got one book from NetGalley (my sole diet infraction!). Thanks again to everyone who participated in Show Us Your Books and set your calendars for the next one on March 14.
Watching. Documentaries. Many. But the one that I’d recommend is Beware the Slenderman (HBO). Mother of hell, this one is disturbing. As if I wasn’t already paranoid about my daughter, knowing these girls were only 2 years older than she is now when they committed the crime freaks me the fuck out.
Eating. Girl Scout cookies. The child’s BFF is a girl scout so OF COURSE we had to buy 5 boxes from her. Strangely, all the boxes are still in the house. If you have the opportunity to buy the s’mores ones, I highly recommend them. And, parenting win of the week: when we putting the cookies away, the child picked up the Thin Mints and walked them right over to the freezer without being told. GUYS. SHE KNOWS.
DIY-ing. Now, it is a well-known fact that I am not crafty. I actively avoid crafts. But I’ve been wanting to free up some space in my bathroom linen closet as well as come up with a better, easier way to access my nail polish so I dug out this old spice rack from our garage, cleaned it up, considered painting it, nixed that idea, and hung it up in the bathroom. Once the great nail polish purge of 2017 is over, I’ll post pictures on IG.
Meditating. It’s also a well-known fact that I have depression and anxiety. I refuse to take meds (please note, if you need meds, there is NO SHAME in taking them. I did for a long, long time) anymore and do whatever I can to maintain it naturally. I’ve heard all the benefits of meditating, especially for anxiety, so I download the Headspace app to my phone. I quite enjoy it, am considering paying for a year subscription, and would recommend it. However. Every time I use it, I fall asleep. And not just for 10 minutes. For like an hour. I can’t imagine that’s supposed to happen. For those of you who meditate, any suggestions?
Listening. This is my favorite song of the week. I’ve been trying to use my phone less which means I’ve been listening to the radio rather than streaming from Spotify when I’m in the car. It’s working out well. I like new music.
No big plans this weekend which is really nice. I need a weekend off from all the stuff. Hope your weekend is as relaxing! See you on Tuesday!
Agree on the caramel delights! I could eat a
Box myself. My cold situation has lingered, too! Be gone, all germs! My Stephanie has the sinus thing now! Healing lights and reprogramming all of our cells to
Perfection. Jesus, on falling asleep when you meditate. I do find that stopping and paying attention to the wonder of our breaths helps! Enjoy this nice relaxing and warm weekend!
Love, Steph’s Momma
those girl scout cookies are dangerous; esp the mint ones.
That Beware The Slenderman documentary sounds really interesting, but also super creepy, so that means that I’ll probably be checking it out! We’re getting our Girl Scout cookies from our nieces this weekend, and I’m beyond excited! We didn’t get the smores ones, so I guess that means that we’re getting another box.
I want to check out that app… I am trying to learn to meditate myself for anxiety… but I just feel like I’m not doing it right because I’m more stressed trying to do it right 🙂 haha
Oh mercy – that documentary sounds like it will keep me up at night. But something I want to watch.
I’m waiting for my girl scout cookies to get delivered. BRING IT ONNNNN
I have to get my girl scout cookies, I haven’t picked them up yet. My friend volunteered to be a leader to a group of Daisies and the other adults wanted those 5 year olds to sell 100 boxes a piece! They’re kids! Jesus. So I bought one of every kind. Which is only 8 boxes and $40 but still, I felt like I had to help. And now I need to pick them up and eat them all.
I have not picked up any Girl Scout cookies … yet. Thin mints are my favorite. I always feel bad saying “no” to their cute, hopeful faces but I rarely ever carry cash with me these days. I remember Slenderman and I don’t think I could watch that documentary. Real life crime both enthralls me and horrifies me. Enjoy your weekend off from stuff and get better!
Tanya @ A Mindful Migration recently posted…Feeling Off, Cranky or Sad? 4 Ways to Help You Feel Good Again
It makes me giggle that your daughter knows to put the cookies in the freezer. Hahaha!
And I feel like I could NOT handle a documentary called Beware the Slenderman. That kind of manipulation/obsession/mind control freaks. me. out.
When I meditated after yoga I used to fall asleep, too. My advice is to use your mind. Yes, let it empty out, but then allow the sounds (or music) to paint a picture or send you down an Amazon river on a leaf or laying under a starry sky in the desert. My your mind go somewhere, don’t just shut it down. That helps me immensely with meditation. Or repeat phrases to yourself that you need that week like “I am brave” or “Kindness in, kindness out.”
All that helps me stay awake yet relaxed.
Audrey recently posted…Happy Not-Valentine’s Day
I plan on buying like five boxes of GS cookies too if I can ever find them. I don’t know any Girl Scouts so I’m either going to have to order them on the website and pay for shipping or hope to see them outside a grocery store or something! Good to know about the s’mores ones, because I definitely want to try them! The Slenderman story freaked me out when I first heard about it. I need to watch that documentary!
Agreed to the politics thing. I’m signing petitions and writing and even calling…but I can’t talk about it too. I have to just do at this point.
This presidency is causing me to eat and spend myself into oblivion.
I just did a nail polish purge, but I don’t think I purged enough.
I did a Six Pack post today! I ordered Girl Scout Cookies for the first time in years but we haven’t received them yet. I’m excited to try the s’mores. I might check out that headspace app. I’m terrible at meditating. I can’t seem to clear my mind.
I hate when the sickness wants to hang around for far too long. Go away! I am so glad I dont have any friends with Girl Scouts right now because cookies are my weakness and if I had some here they wouldn’t be hanging around like yours. I am not that strong yet. Smores. Trying to forget them! Cant wait to see your spice rack turned polish holder! I really could get rid of about 50 bottles of nail polish and only keep the four colors I wear….but then I start to go through them and I am like ohhh but this color is fun I might want to do my toes with this in the summer. Or oh this color is so different. I have hoarding issues with polish and make up, ok?! Hope you get better soon girl!
Nadine recently posted…Friday Favorites
Meditation is something that I want to work into my life as well.
I hope you’re feeling better by now!
Ugh, feel better! Also – literally going to watch the Slenderman thing now. I forgot about it and need something new and horrifying to watch and depress me.
My 10-year-old nephew is in the Girl Scouts, and I will buy cookies from him because family. And yes, I keep them in the freezer, the way God intended.
Did you ever try the Dreyer’s Girl Scout Cookies Thin Mints ice cream? It’s way too good. Dammit.
Donna Freedman recently posted…Vinegar is magic. Also: A frugal Swiffer hack.
There’s no wrong way to meditate, and I think Headspace is awesome for making it more accessible! My tip to keep from falling asleep: sit on the floor against a wall — this also helps you sit up nice and straight, which is good for opening up the energy channels in your body and aligning your chakra system. Posture is more important to meditation than you think! — and keep your shoes on. Pick a time of day when you’re not already tired, like after work (to help transition to your day) or in the morning after your whole morning routine but before work. Good luck!