Thank you all so much for your thoughts and comments on Dobie. I miss him so hard and am slowly easing back into normal life or whatever normal looks like now. We do plan to get another dog but it’s off the table until I return from Dallas which is actually better for all of us, Barkley included. And as far as rejoining the blogging world. I’m getting there.
In the meantime, here’s what my life looked like this week when I wasn’t crying.
Reading.American Fire by Monica Hesse. I planned to start Caroline but this one called me instead. Haven’t bothered to look at NetGalley or get anything from the library. Three year anniversary for Show Us Your Books is Tuesday and that means giveaway and prizes!
Watching. American Vandal. It’s a Netflix parody of true crime docs but it’s incredibly hilarious and well done and definitely stands on its own merit. I also started The Disappearance of Maura Murray. Fascinating shit, that case.
Listening. I’m trying to get into some new serial (not Serial) type podcasts and I found Small Town Horror which is okay but not my favorite. I have a couple of others that I’m looking forward to but if you know of any in the vein of Homecoming or Alice Isn’t Dead, send them my way, please.
Eating. Um, well, really nothing beyond basic sustenance. I don’t eat when I’m grieving (although I binge when I’m stressed) so I’ve been on a steady diet of coffee, cheese, and tortilla chips. If you have any recipes that might help bring back my appetite, please also send them my way. If they can be adapted into gluten free, all the better.
Raging. Watching the events in Las Vegas and the horror show of 45’s trip to Puerto Rico and the new abortion ban that passed the House and the lack of vote to reauthorize CHIP and now 9 million kids are uninsured unfold when you’re in a fog makes it hard to really process all that you’re seeing. Where I want to see red, and believe me I do, I just feel helpless instead. I CANNOT handle what the orange menace is doing to this country and to see people like Pitbull and Bethenny Frankel and Mark Cuban and Ricky Martin and others step in overwhelms me to the point of crying even more. And then there’s the Second Amendment. I’ve never really expressed my opinion on this in any forum but here goes. I have absolutely ZERO problem with the amendment itself. I have no problem with people owning guns for their own safety, protection, or simple amusement. You feel that you need a conceal and carry permit, have the fuck at it. There are thousands and thousands of responsible, normal gun owners in this country and it is their right to do so. HOWEVER. We have a serious fucking problem with mass shootings. We have a serious fucking problem with access to assault rifles and unhinged lunatics who procure them and the accessories needed to turn them into even bigger weapons of mass destruction. We have a serious fucking problems with gun control laws and regulations and an even more serious problem with the gun lobby. People are too afraid to lose a donor than to stand up and protect the rights of concert goers, movie goers, club goers, church goers, women attending exercise classes, people going to work, and KIDS WHO DID NOTHING ELSE BUT GO TO SCHOOL. Freedom of assembly is in the First Amendment and we have a raging problem of the power of the Second usurping the freedom guaranteed in the First. Gun control and regulation is not taking away the right to own guns. It is limiting access to people who shouldn’t have them in the first place and adapting our laws to match the evolution of the weapons and accessories. Assault rifles in their current form weren’t a thing in the 1780s when the Constitution was written and I’m confident the Founding Fathers would be just fine with some modifications. We should all be. THE TIME TO TALK ABOUT IT WAS IN 1999 BUT NOW WILL DO, TOO. JUST HAVE THE FUCKING DISCUSSION.
Deciding. To run a bunch of 5Ks next year. I hate running but Dobie loved it and because of his heart, he never could do it as much as he wanted so for the next year, my husband and I are going to honor him by running when we can and in races that support causes we believe in.
I try to end these with something funny so
Have a great weekend! Wish me luck as I’m going shopping. I hate shopping.
Awesome idea to do the runs. I would gladly walk fast
With you. I need to turn off the tv 📺 right now. Don has a posse of anti-lifers doing tons of damage. God bless and help and heal all.
Goddess speed this weekend.
Love, Steph’s Momma
I love the idea of honoring Dobie with running – grieving is such a process, but it also means he was well-loved.
I told Steph this on her post too, but I have a gun (‘Chiraq’ is not an exaggeration) and I’m totally fine with gun control laws. I don’t think people who are anti gun control ever even read what’s being proposed? It’s really not even changing what the 2nd Amendment actually says and meant. And my god, the constitution also counted all black people as 3/5ths of a person so let’s not pretend like it’s the fucking 10 commandments here, we can change some shit.
Stephanie recently posted…Road Trip Essentials
I make so many Iowa Girl Eats recipes and most are gluten free or can be adapted to be so (the Mediterranean Chicken bowls and Gnocchi with chicken sausage are favorites). I too need to shop and I hate pretty much all fall trends so I am dreading it… I love the running to honor Dobie. And I understand you with being in a personal fog/not processing the rest of the world. I was there, too. Coming out of it is also no fun. And I’m still mad that Dallas is so far from Houston but enjoy Texas and eat a kolache if you can handle the gluten and GOOD BBQ (I can send you recs, or let you know if you are eating garbage or good stuff) and Tex Mex.
I love that you and your husband are going to run 5Ks in honor of Dobie. Grieving is definitely a process and still five years later, there are days where I miss Emeril so much. I most definitely remember the fog and heartache. Fortunately, Max has helped me heal and now memories of Emeril make me smile more than cry. Stay strong, my friend! You said everything I feel in raging. I have no desire to ban guns but I do believe in common sense gun control. And I am damn pissed that a gun is right but healthcare is a privilege. And a woman doesn’t have a right to make choices about her body but buying a gun for the sole purpose to kill people (including babies!) is just fine.
Tanya @ A Mindful Migration recently posted…What I Ate in September
Love the 5k goal! Great way to honor him.
I love that you and your husband are going to run in Dobie’s honor. I have been wanting to get back on my treadmill and run 2-3 days a week and perhaps I will do it for Dobie too 🙂 I 10000% agree with you on everything you said about gun control. It needs to happen. I am all about the constitution and the right to have a gun, but there is no reason that someone should be allowed to buy 30 of them in a year or need an automatic weapon or any of this other shit that can take out a whole crowd of people! After all of these mass shootings, you sit and wonder…wtf is it going to take for someone to make it better??? Wasn’t this enough?
Kathy shared a paleo pumpkin bread recipe that I am going to try for breakfast next week
Nadine recently posted…Currently
I think the 5k idea is wonderful!!! I love doing runs in honor or memory of someone. Makes the miserableness of running worth it 😉
I’m still hugging your grieving heart… so hard. So dang hard.
i love the idea of those races in memory of Dobie.
I love the idea of honoring Dobie with races. That’s awesome.
I agree 100% with your 2nd amendment position. I mean, it’s common sense to me. The gun lobby is murderous.
Audrey recently posted…Live Loudly.