First full week of summer vacation is in the books! Only 4 million more to go! Although I am enjoying getting to the gym earlier and taking some classes I don’t generally get to take and also being done by 10AM most days. So that’s a perk. Also a perk? Not having to stop whatever I’m doing at 3PM to get the child from school. Parent pickup is my nightmare and 3 months without it? Yes please!
Other than that, here’s a sample of my life this week:
Reading. Bastard Out of Carolina and In the Shadow of Alabama. Picked up Everything Everything from the library. Currently contemplating creating a personal read-a-thon to clear out my Kindle.
Watching. Well, preparing to watch. Bloodline and Kimmy Schmidt. Almost done with this season of OITNB (very mixed feelings) and, to balance it all out, in need of some documentaries. Any suggestions?
Eating. It’s too fucking hot to cook so I pulled out an old recipe for gazpacho. I made it a little too spicy which mainly the result of me not wanting to cut up a chipotle pepper in adobo sauce or measure the sauce so I used the whole can (pro tip: don’t do that) so I throw some shrimp and avocado in it to offset the spice. It doesn’t help much but it does help a little.
Wearing. One of my new nail polish colors (Highlight of My Summer) I picked up on my annual birthday Ulta shopping spree. China Glaze is not a brand I use often but I’ve been quite pleased every time I’ve purchased and used their polish.
Planning. All the things I want to do this summer. It’s a long list and I don’t think my budget is happy with me but right now I give zero fucks. In September I will give lots of fucks, though, which is why I’m trying my hardest to dial things back a bit but CHOICES ARE HARD.
VERY low key weekend planned since I’ll be spending most of it alone with the husband off on a work trip and the child off to her annual week at my in-laws’ house. I’m looking forward to the quiet and you can bet I have a long list of things I will attempt to accomplish before they get back to make my summer that much lazier easier.
Yay summer! Hope you enjoy the weekend/week by yourself!! Sounds like some great reading time 🙂
Love that doggy picture hahaha
alone time is the best! sometimes that’s just what we need to recharge.
Sounds like a lovely life indeed ❣️
Enjoy ❣️❣️
Love, Steph’s Momma
A quiet summer week sounds perfect!!! I will be interested to hear what you have to say about Bloodline. We just finished it last week. I really enjoyed Everything, Everything but I felt like it was missing something towards the end. I dont want to say more and ruin in, but I wonder if you will feel the same way.
Hurrah lazy weekend!
I’m considering a personal read a thon called vacation in a few weeks to clear out my kindle!!!
Oooooh- definitely do the read-a-thon with everyone gone! That’ll be so nice!!
I don’t use my pets as passwords, but the husband does sometimes. Hahaha!
Audrey recently posted…Coffee & Conversation
We haven’t begin the last series of Bloodline yet. I have to psych myself up for it because it forever draaaagggggssss! Enjoy your weekend!