Short recap coming to you live from Disney World where my daughter is competing at the D2 Summit. It’s like the Super Bowl of cheerleading but only for small gyms (large gyms were last weekend and Worlds the weekend before that. So there’s 3 Super Bowls which is weird but so is cheerleading).
Reading. Still going through Confessions and A Colony in a Nation. Picked up Exit West from the library. Nothing from NetGalley. Thanks to all who participated in Show Us Your Books. Next one is June 13.
Watching. Twin Peaks. Even though I’m old, I was only 12 or 13 when the original came out and since the revival happens soon and it’s on On Demand, I’m giving it a shot. And you know? It holds up.
Using. Dryer balls. Now, I had no clue what they were or what they did but then a very nice woman in Bed Bath and Beyond explained them to me and now I’m hooked. I might use up the dryer sheets I’ve bought unless Pinterest can give me something else to do with them but I have gone over the to the dryer ball side. Also, mine look like hedgehogs. I might buy the fish ones, too. You know. For variety.
Fuming. Over the firing of James Comey. Rather than a long rant that I’m sure others have said more eloquently than I, I’ll leave you with this:
Celebrating. Barkley 13th birthday! I can’t believe our first baby is an old, old man and I hope he sticks around forever.
Laughing. Or forced to resign or whatever gets him the fuck out of the White House.
Speaking of Mother’s Day, I want to wish all of you a happy Mother’s Day if your kids walk on two legs, four legs, three legs, if you’re a step-parent, an aunt, a grandmother, a something that can’t be labeled. I’m grateful for all the strong women in my daughter’s life because they influence her just as much as I do, and she needs their perspective and input and encouragement and guidance and mentoring. It’s what makes her well-rounded and lets her know there’s a number of people she can count on.
That said, have a great weekend and I’ll see you back here next week at some point!
Have an awesome time in Disney World!
Agree on all the strong women. Good luck to your
Cheerleaders. Amen on our furry kids being around
Forever. Happy Mother’s Day ❣️
Love, Steph’s Momma
The hedgehogs are CUTE! But I never use the dryer.
I love dryer balls too! Just dont let your dog see them. Oops. Mac thinks everything in this house is a chew toy though sooooo. I just requested 5 more Netgalley books. Someone please stop me. Happy Mother’s Day!!!
Nadine recently posted…Friday Favorites
I think I’m a year or two older than you so I have vague memories of the original Twin Peaks. I did not watch it because it was weird and I was too busy watching Full House or some crap like that. 😀 I don’t even know what dryer balls are and now I have to find out! Happy Birthday to Barkley and may he live forever. 😀 Don’t even get me started on Comey because my head might explode. And yes, impeachment would make an excellent Mother’s Day gift. I hope you have a great Mother’s Day and good luck to your daughter!
Tanya @ A Mindful Migration recently posted…April Bookshelf: It’s the End of the World Month
I just got some wool dryer balls in my Mighty Nest subscription box -I still need to use them. I heard you can put some oils on them for scent too.
i hope your daughter does well at the competition.
I briefly had dryer balls… and they’re now in Hawkeye’s toy bin. They’re her absolute favorite toys ever, they’d fall out of the dryer when I removed clothes and she’d run off with them and finally I just gave in and they’re hers now. I’ve been too lazy to replace them but the hedgehogs are super cute.