Reading. Still plugging through Searching for John Hughes. Picked up a book from NetGalley and nothing from the library. Thanks to everyone who participated in Show Us Your Books and I plan to finish up commenting on all your posts in the next few days. The next one is May 9.
Watching. Better Call Saul and The Son. I’m not a huge TV watcher but for some reason, all the shows I like to watch will be on and/or available within the next couple of months (see: OINTB, House of Cards, Kimmy Schmidt, Silicon Valley, Fargo, and something else that’s not in my brain right now).
Listening. In the Dark. It’s a true crime podcast, with season one focusing on the kidnapping and murder of Jacob Wetterling. Season 2 is in production and I’m excited to find out what they’re covering.
Loving. The spring weather and the fact that it’s baseball season and my Mets are starting strong. They swept the Phillies this week and they’re currently in first. Granted it’s a long season and anything can happen but for now, I’m enjoying the look from first.
Trying. To wrap my head around what an absolute fucking shitshow this administration is. I am sickened–SICKENED–by the comments by the White House mouthpiece and I’m sickened that his boss does nothing about it. Then there’s Syria, the bombing of Afghanistan, the changes to internet privacy, EPA cuts, the utter bullshit that is effectively defunding Planned Parenthood, DeVos’s changes to student loan practices, nepotism, and all the rest that supports the evidence of 45’s desire to change our country from a democracy to an authoritarian state. It’s been talked about but for fuck’s sake, how much more has to happen before it’s legit? We’re supposed to be better than this. And as a country, we are. Just not our government. It feels like a Sisyphean and Herculean battle to get those responsible to realize it, and I’m frustrated and angry and my God, please make it stop.
Laughing. I saw all of these magnets when I was in Baltimore last weekend. I didn’t buy any but thinking I probably should have.
I hope you all enjoy your Easter weekend! I’ll be taking next week off for my daughter’s spring break so I’ll see you back here the following week!
I’ve been trying to find some good investigative podcasts – I’ll have to check that one out.
Enjoy Spring break next week!!!!
My God, make it stop. I’m pretty sure my head spun off yesterday and I had to do a lot of internal work to get to some level of peace last night.
Those magnets are hilarious.
I love the magnets. DT will never admit anything to do with him is a teensy bit wrong or incorrect and will only take responsibility and credit for what is perceived to be successful. Like a spoiled rich kid. God help and heal all! Anyway, enjoy Spring break. I am thrilled to spend
This Easter holiday with my Stephanie in OCNJ
Love, Steph’s Momma
I’m from MN so I remember very clearly when Jacob went missing. While we all wanted a different outcome, I am glad his family finally got closure and was able to properly put him to rest. I love Better Call Saul and looking forward to another season of Fargo. So good! I can’t with Emperor Baby Fists. And most of all, I’m really irritated by people calling him Presidential become he’s dropping bombs. That’s not what makes someone presidential. I love every single magnet, especially the first one. I’d like to find me a wealthy cat and be his Sugar Mama. 😀 Enjoy Spring Break with your daugher!
Tanya @ A Mindful Migration recently posted…Carrot Poke Cake
Hahah those magnets are epic!!! I need to remember to put In the Dark on my list! Right now I have been listening to a lot of audiobooks but I love podcasts too. Hope you guys enjoy spring break!!!
Woooo, happy spring break! Love that first magnet. I need to try that podcast. I’m still in the market for something new to grab my attention.
i am with you with everything under ‘trying’ . seriously. it’s like a really really bad joke and i keep waiting for the end or punchline, and more keeps happening.
i need all the magnets but especially the first one.
NOOOO! I’m a Phillies fan! My gf is a Mets fan…we usually go to at least one of their games per season. I just can’t with DT anymore, and I don’t understand why he’s fucking with all these other countries that we have no business interfering with when we can’t even get our own shit together. And then North Korea too- and you’re playing golf?! Does. Not Compute. Anyway… hope you have a great spring break!
Just visited some family members. One of them confided in me that she’s been extremely depressed since the election. Right there with ya, sis.
I just read “The Forgery of Venus.” Ever read any Michael Gruber?
Donna Freedman recently posted…Want to join my mailing list?
I love those magnets (esp. the cat one) and I hate our White House. I feel like I nodded along to your entire post. UGH.
Enjoy your spring break with your little lady!!
Audrey recently posted…“Get Out of There”