This week was filled with drama to the 2873th degree, both personal and political, and I’m too drained to rant about either one. But I cannot anymore with this shit Congress or administration of ours and about to lose my fucking mind and it’s best if I don’t even start so my head doesn’t explode.
Let’s move on to the mundane instead. Oh, and it’s only a 5 pack this week. Sorry about that.
Reading. Finished Party of One. Started Searching for John Hughes. Requested a couple from NetGalley and picked up two (All Grown Up and I Fired God) from the library. Show Us Your Books on Tuesday!
Watching. The Netflix adaption of 13 Reasons Why. I don’t want to say too much about it but I’m curious what others think. Also, after waiting for a year, Prison Break! Let me be clear. I get it’s not that great and absolutely absurd but I love it anyway. And Wentworth Miller. *swoon*
Listening. Do you guys listen to True Crime Garage? If not, you should. Anyway, they just did a 4 part series on this one case and it was absolutely the most fascinating and interesting one they’ve done in all their episodes. It’s called The Boys on the Tracks and it has drugs and murder and corruption and Bill Clinton. If you have 4 hours, give it a listen.
Trying. Hand lettering. I actually did practice some. The results? Shameful. I need a lot more practice before I share anything publicly. I did buy some brush marker things and my art teacher neighbor said he’d help me with some techniques. I might actually be able to do something artsy! This is very exciting news!
Hope you guys have a great weekend! I’ll be in Baltimore for our last competition before Disney and I am thrilled that it’s the last regular one. So is my bank account.
Don’t forget about Show Us Your Books on Tuesday! Can’t wait to see what you’ve been reading!
I keep telling myself- control what you can control and
There has to be a reason for all of what’s going on
In this country and the world for the greater good. Jesus! God bless and heal and help all! Have a lovely time in Baltimore.
Lol on the ecards. So glad I don’t have to
Do math class any more.
Love, Steph’s Momma
I have only read two books in the past two months…shameful. But I have it on my calendar to link up, so I need to think of something else to say. I’m watching 13 Reasons Why. I read the book like two years ago but I don’t remember it at all (besides cassettes). I’m annoyed by the tattoos and piercings and f-bombs. I mean obviously kids know that word; I just didn’t expect they would use it that much. I don’t listen to True Crime Garage but I may need to add it to my list.
I have a love/hate with true crime. It absolutely sucks me in but always leaves me a bit depressed. This actually happened versus fucked up people in fiction. I have not read 13 Reasons Why but I’ve been curious if I should. Depending where my mental health is at, I sometimes avoid suicide stories. To be clear, not because I’m suicidal but they just depress me even more, seeing people in so much pain. I love fonts but I’m not skilled enough to even attempt creating my own. I’m more of a buy ’em kind of girl. 😀 Have a great weekend!
Tanya @ A Mindful Migration recently posted…March Recap: The Not Good But Good Month
I’m with you on leaving the political bullshit on the back burner in my mind so it can simmer more and just continue to piss me off until I explode. It feels like the healthiest option.
Have fun in Baltimore! I really enjoy the meme about math problems. So true!
Audrey recently posted…Things I Really Love Right Now
Ohgirl – no shame… share that lettering. Mine sometimes, I’m embarrass to share but I think its going to be something to look back on & see progress 😉
I cant wait to stat 13 Reasons Why…. I keep hearing all about it.
I really cannot handle politics at the moment…it’s just UGH!
Sounds like you’re reading some great books. That’s awesome. I love the book 13 Reasons Why but I need to make time for the show. I’m excited though!
ShootingStarsMag recently posted…Glossies Made Me Do It: Essie Gel Couture
I will have to try True Crime Garage, sounds interesting! I love that you’re working so hard on lettering!!! Getting crafty can open up all kinds of creativity!! Have a great weekend! Good luck at the competition!
Hearing mixed things about 13 Reasons Why – I may check it out but not entirely enthused about it.
My handwriting is terrible, but I’d love to learn calligraphy 🙂
I’ve been curious about 13 Reasons Why but haven’t delved into that yet. Still catching up on some other shows before moving along to some others.
I hope your weekend was better than your week was.
Take care Jana.
Lindsay recently posted…What’s up, Weekend?
Haven’t started 13 Reasons Why but I plan on it….it’s been a while since I read the book so I really have no expectations.
Started watching 13 Reasons Why, about halfway through and interested to see where it goes. While it’s dark and sad, I think there are important lessons teenagers can learn about how they treat each other matters