I’m not just riding the struggle bus this week. I’m riding the deluxe edition, except this one doesn’t have fancy seats and a bar. It’s a broken down uncomfortable piece of shit that gets me nowhere. I have no idea what’s wrong with me (well, I have a little bit of idea) and I cannot get anything done. I have no motivation and all I care to do is sleep. I’d like for this to go away. I don’t like it one bit.
Despite all of that, I’ve done a few not so exciting things this week which means OF COURSE I have to share. No politics because I can’t do it. Not today.
Reading. In the middle of The Handmaid’s Tale (not a reread; I’ve never read it and waited approximately 6 months for a copy from the library) and Bottomland. Got two new NetGalley books and none from the library. Progressing through my pile of books at a nice pace which is making me happy.
Watching. All of my money leave my wallet. This Disney competition is INSANELY expensive and we’re still attempting to go away this summer because clearly we’re stupid and of course Dobie’s due for his yearly exam in the middle of all of this and the child has outgrown all of her clothes and she needs a new bed and no joke, robbing a bank sounds like a viable option at this point.
Eating. Well, drinking is more accurate. My new favorite afternoon snack, a banana Greek yogurt peanut butter smoothie. We bought one of those little countertop smoothie makers and it is just delightful. Easier than the blender, I can drink the thing right from the cup you blend it in so less dishes, and it somehow manages to meet the protein requirements I’ve been given. Everyone wins!
Trying. A new class at my gym. It’s a boxing class, like punching and kicking, and I’ve been terrified of it for months but my accountability partner and I were peer pressured into trying it and now it’s my new favorite class. I sweat like a motherfucker but it’s worth every damn minute. I also need to now buy boxing gloves which is a sentence I never thought I’d say.
Working. With a new nonprofit. I’ve been steadily helping it grow, distribute grants, and develop programs and we’re getting to the point that we need a marketing strategy which is my biggest weakness. If anyone has any suggestions, please send them over. It’s a personal finance nonprofit that gives grants and provides education to the financial media, specifically those who do community based financial education.
Have a great weekend! I’ll see you guys on Tuesday when I tell another idiot on the internet why they’re wrong.
I read the Handmaid’s Tale in my first year of university and I have to admit that I didn’t really “get it” until we talked about a lot of the themes in class. I didn’t particularly enjoy it, but I do want to read more Margaret Atwood someday because I feel like she is an important Canadian. 🙂 I’ll be interested to hear what you think of it! Boxing sounds like fun!!! Hope you have a good weekend 🙂
Heather recently posted…Three Thoughts Thursday
I’ve had the The Handmaid’s Tale on my list forever, but never REALLY wanted to read it. And now that the show is coming out soon, I think I’m just going to watch that. Haha! That nonprofit sounds awesome! Good work!!
Ugh. I feel like I’m watching all my money leave, too… We’re working hard to eliminate credit card debit, we’re planning a trip to Disney, we just revamped K’s pay with the company, and I’d really, really like to move soon before I kill our neighbor.
So that’s all fun….. ha.
Have a great weekend!
Audrey recently posted…Things I Never Knew I Never Knew pt. 2
Sorry you’re having such a tough week. Internet hugs!
I’ve never read The Handmaid’s Tale either, but I’ve been wanting to. My old library didn’t have it on ebook and I never made time to actually go there; I need to get a NYCPL card stat.
That nonprofit sounds awesome–financial education is lacking so hard in the US and that needs fixing. Good on you for getting involved in it! Best of luck
I really want to read The Handmaid’s Tale, but haven’t had the chance to pick it up. I hope that I do before the TV show is released, even though I know that it’ll never be as good as the book!
OMG OMG OMG i just got a major boner reading that you’re taking kick boxing and need gloves and loving the class. Do you want to talk about gloves and gear and technique and fucking AMAZING IT IS? and now you know why I love Muay Thai so much! who doesn’t love kicking and punching the shit out of a heavy bag/pads?!
if you want quality gloves, go with Twins, Fairtex, Windy, Hayabusa or Top King, 10oz. You want real leather, not synthetic. I have two pairs of Twins gloves and I need a new pair because the padding on both is starting to go from all the ass kicking I do 🙂
kathy @ more coffee, less talky recently posted…Friday Thangs [3-25]
What counter blender did you get? I have been wanting to do smoothies again for breakfast..so that I can actually eat breakfast again…but like I dont want to wash my big Ninja!!! Its such a pain! Love that you found a new workout class. Punching things sounds great! Get out some of the anxiety, aggression, whatever it is that you are feeling. I hope you feel better and more like yourself soon. And no joke about money man. Everything seems to happen at once, right?
I have been looking for my sense of humor lately. It’s missing.
Good on you on the new class!
Mmm. that smoothie sounds delicious. I’m for anything with PB in it though. & love those smoothie makers where you dont have to clean up a container AND a cup. I love those drink right from the cup off the blender. I’m lazy – save me any thing you can to clean!
OK I think I NEED a boxing class in my life. I have a lot of pent up frustration, stress and anger I need to let out.
Rich’s daughter Kate wants to take our grandchildren ages 5 and 7 to Disney. So insanely expensive. All travel is, but Disney has you by the balls. My dentist was saying a hundred dollar bill is like $10 at Disney. Thank Goddess I was able to go before all of this.
It’s all just too much. We have 3 gsds to go for their shots, etc now so we can board them in April and May. Jmj. So I opt out of going for my physicals lol. Not really. I do go to the gyno and get mammograms!
Life is but a dream, though, and I’m insanely grateful for everything! So proud of my Stephanie and Mike Doyle sleeping out for Covenant House tonight.
Enjoy the warm temps tomorrow!
Love, Steph’s Momma
I am sorry you had a bad week. I had a rotten week too. I love your Friday six pack.
I know you think you had not so exciting things to write about but they all seem pretty cool to me, I mean not the money part but the boxing WOW so cool.
I am a new blogger there are a million mistakes on my last post because I forced the post and I should have gone to bed but I gave you a shout out.
I read “The Handmaid’s Tale” after the Reagan election and brrrr….. Wondered if I should reread it and decided no thanks, I have enough anxiety right now.
I hope that whatever you’ve got — virus? thyroid or vitamin D deficiency? cumulative fatigue? — goes away pronto. Failing that, I hope that Sven the Svedish masseur shows up to rub your feet and whirl up those smoothies for you.
Hope to see you at FinCon17. And have you heard about the Lola money conference for women? (See below.)
Donna Freedman recently posted…Lola: A money conference for women.
The adults quote. That is exactly how I feel.
Boxing gloves are a game-changer. I don’t own a pair but they made classes at the gym a lot of fun.
ha ha that last picture resonated so much with me. I sometimes wonder what the f I’m doing! I hate it when a lot of expenses pile on at once. 🙁 Congrats on working with the non profit. Is that Plutus?
Tonya@Budget and the Beach recently posted…Being Brutally Honest With Yourself
I need to find me a new fitness class that I like. I tried CrossFit and I wanted to die. Well I found out reasons why I wanted to die after the fact, but still it’s ruined for me now. Also yes being adults suck, but I hope things look up for you soon!
Mm…I could go for a smoothie right now. I’m glad that your new machine is working well. Good luck with your marketing strategy!
ShootingStarsMag recently posted…A Bit More About Usborne Books and More
i think i’ve been on that same bus and i also hate it. can’t wait to hear your thoughts on The Handmaid’s Tale.
go you on the class, that’s awesome! i did a kickboxing class many years ago – like i was 19 – and i keep saying i want to do another, but i am terrified. i don’t know what of, but there you go.
Boxing classes have always intimidated me. I’m so impressed by this discovery that you’ve done one and enjoyed it!!
I’m looking forward to this post you mention in the last line…
texerinsydney recently posted…Award-winning movie stuff to add to your list