Concise recap because this is coming to you direct from my phone and holy shit is typing a blog post on the phone annoying. I apologize for any weird formatting and autocorrects.
Reading. Finished Never Let You Go. Started Midnight at the Bright Ideas Bookstore. Picked up nothing from the library and nothing new from NetGalley although I did learn you can have a wish list and I promptly added Amy Stewart’s new book to that (third book in the Kopp sisters series). Thanks, as always, to everyone who participated in SUYB.
Watching. American Crime. If you guys haven’t watched it yet, I implore you to do so. Seasons 1 and 2 are on Netflix and if the season 3 premiere is any indication, this one is going to be a doozy.
Eating. These one pan shrimp fajitas. I added guacamole on the side because GUACAMOLE. We also had it with yellow rice instead of tortillas.
Wondering. WHY??! This book fucking sucked and I can’t imagine the movie will be any good. I guess the upside is no one will think the movie ruined the book which, to be honest, is the big fear I have with the series adaptation of YOU. I’m not sure I want to see that but let’s be honest. I will watch it. Same with Dumplin’ and All the Bright Places. And good god, can all the books I like please stop being movies?
Considering. This reading challenge I saw on the We Need Diverse Books IG account. It’s short and easy enough. Plus, it’ll force me out of my comfort zone. Anyone else interested in it?
Hope you guys have a great weekend! Be safe if you’re going out for St. Patrick’s Day. See you back here on Tuesday!
Love that challenge. It synchs up well with #relaxandresist from The Women’s March actions. I’m currently reading Phoebe Robinson’s (host of the podcast 2 Dope Queens) memoir and it’s LOL funny, like I was a little embarrassed when I was reading it alone in public.
Oh, I didn’t know Dumplin’ was being adapted…I don’t know how I feel about that.
Thinking about doing the IG diversity challenge- simple & quick & shows how easy it is to step outside our little boxes.
The Woman in Cabin 10 is on hold at my library for me right now. Lol. I hope I don’t hate it as much as you did. Hahaha! That last image is perfect. Ha.
Audrey recently posted…Goals on Goals on Goals
I like two components of that challenge. Format is something that’s really important to me. LOL I really support reading books with characters who don’t look or live like you and about things you know nothing about. This is the type of challenge I support.
I have many books to pick up at the library but I don’t think I can hoof it over there in the snow to get them.
i hated that book too and i had such high hopes for it!
Dumplin’ is going to be a movie too? I think they are turning EVERY book into a movie lately!!!!! I cant keep up!
I didn’t realize American Crime is back. Thanks for the heads up!
I put the latest Kopp mystery on my wish list too! Fingers crossed for the both of us! Because I swore off putting a ton of books on hold at the library, I instead requested a bunch of books from NetGalley. I clearly have issues! But I did get approved for the latest TJR! Woot! Woot! I love that book challenge and going to do it on my own time. I’m still working on Erin’s 6.0 Challenge.
Tanya @ A Mindful Migration recently posted…DIY Coconut Oil Hand Scrub with Lavender
I’m laughing out loud at that apple a day quote. Hilarious.
LOL at the apple a day. I decided to skip Woman in Cabin 10 because so many people said it sucked, so maybe I will just watch the movie and go in with low expectations? I hate that a lot of the books I read become movies too, its like it takes away from the book somehow.
I really loved The Woman in Cabin 10 so I’m excited about the movie. Granted, most books that are becoming movies these days I haven’t ever read.
That We Need Diverse Books challenge sounds interesting. The format aspect would be hard because I read almost any format – except audio, but I really can’t focus.
ShootingStarsMag recently posted…Friday Favorites: Usborne Books, Beauty and the Beast, and More!
So many people hated that book but I feel I need to read it just to see how bad it is. I actually liked Dark, Dark Wood. American Crime sounds intriguing, I will check it out.
I didn’t even realize all of those books were in production or being adapted into tv or movies. I’m not sure how I feel about it. Dumplin’ could be really wonderful if cast well and depending on the script. Or it could lose all of its shine. Ugh.
I think I already regularly read books with characters that don’t look like me or live like me. That was one of the reasons I jumped onboard for the “Around the World in 80 Books” challenge.
texerinsydney recently posted…Sunday’s Seven Snapshots vol.114
American Crime has been on my list since midway through the first season. I need to get on that! I couldn’t even finish The Woman in Cabin 10, so maybe the movie will surprise me. I didn’t know about Dumplin’! I tend to read a lot of books that fit the above criteria. I just read my first graphic novel last month. It was a little distracting to look at pictures, but it was also kinda fun!