What a week. Not so much from the I got a whole lot done perspective but more in the wow, this week has gone by in a fog perspective. I have approximately zero clue what I’ve done, where I’ve been, or anything at all, really. But I guess it couldn’t hurt to try to figure it out.
Reading. Finished Nearly Found and The Best of Adam Sharp. Started Difficult Women. Got one new book from NetGalley and none from the library. Still working on my priority list and once I get through the books mentioned in yesterday’s post, I’m comfortable starting request library books to read along with the NetGalley ones. And don’t forget, Show Us Your Books is on Tuesday!
Attending. Meetings. A lot of meetings. Mostly over the phone, which is nice, but some have been in person and that’s no fun. Plus they leave me feeling drained and not wanting to talk to anyone. Even more than usual.
Celebrating. My kid. She had a hell of a week, starting with winning a bid to compete at Disney World in May and ending with straight As, yet again, on her report card. This was like the 4th or 5th consecutive report card with straight As. We don’t pressure her to do anything except her best so the fact that her grades are all self-motivated makes it even more amazing.
Using. Remember how I talked about my introvert activism? Well now you can add lazy activism to the list. I learned about this website that will MAIL THE POSTCARDS FOR YOU. You type your message, pay a small fee for the postcard plus postage, and they do the work. There are now no excuses to not contact your representatives. NONE.
Watching. Big Little Lies. When I found out they were adapting this into a TV show, apprehension took over. Liane Moriarty isn’t exactly a spectacular writer but this was an excellent book and we all know what can happen in that situation. But it’s on HBO, which is helpful, and wow! I’m pretty damn impressed at how good it is! It’s true to the book and incredibly well done and well acted. I’m glad it’s a limited run, though, because it would absolutely start to suck beyond the 7 episodes.
That’s it for this week. Hope you all have a great weekend! I’ll be at a cheer competition on Sunday and doing absolutely nothing on Saturday except reading and sitting on my couch. Looking forward to seeing you all on Tuesday for Show Us Your Books!
Nothing is better than seeing your child excel. It’s awesome. And thanks for the postcard link.
Wishing the snow away right now!
Love, Steph’s Momma
Agreed and you’re welcome!
Looking forward to Show Us Your books! I plan to spend all evening reading on the couch with a glass of wine, and I can’t wait 🙂 So impressed with your daughter! That innate motivation to excel is so inspiring. I haven’t seen Big Little Lies yet; I’m trying to convince my hubby to watch with me because I think he would (semi) enjoy it!! Have a great weekend!!
Heather recently posted…Day of No Clutter (March 6)
My husband tried to watch it and walked away because he hated everyone. It made it unwatchable for him.
OMG I owned those shoes… but in middle school… but I guess it still counts, eek!
I’m really liking Big Little Lies. I don’t love that I know how it ends (assuming they continue to stick with the book) but I think it’s well done. Though, in the book and even more in the show, I don’t get why the Madeleine character latched on to Jane so quickly.
I think she likes projects and saw Jane as a project.
Yes. It still counts.
I was also laughing at the Steve Madden shoe meme this week. So true. I loved them.
Your child has rocked it this week! So awesome.
She really has. I am so proud of her.
Congrats to your daughter!! I think I owned those shoes, but the joke is totally lost on me! 🙁
It just means we’re old.
That meme about the Steve Madden-esque shoe (which were HEINOUS, by the way- why did we all love them?) is GOLD. So funny. Congrats to your daughter! PS I’m so lazy when it comes to mailing shit; I NEED to use that service.
I am HORRIBLE at mailing things so you can bet I will be employing it often.
I’m loving BLL on HBO too! I thought it was going to be a movie, but I think a limited series is a way better format for it. Reese is spot on what I pictured in my mind. I’m having trouble with Nicole Kidman, though, because she’s not at all who I pictured in my mind while reading the book.
hahahaha I 100% had those steve madden shoes. Do you remember the way they LOUDLY flapped against your feet as you walked?!
PS – I also use serums all the time. #oldhag.
kathy @ more coffee, less talky recently posted…Friday Thangs [3-10]
Thumbs up to your girl…
ok.. I may actually STILL have those shoes in my closet!!!
I not only had those shoes but LOVED them. I went through a huge Steve Madden phase in my 20s. Partly because he made shoes in size 5 (it’s amazing how many brands start at size 6) and big ass platforms for this shorty. And yeah, serums are now my life. 😀 Your daughter is awesome but you already knew that! Happy that her team made it to Disney World and her straight As are awesome, especially being so self-motivated that young. I didn’t really start caring about grades until I got into high school and realized that was my way out of small-town living.
LOL at the shoes meme!! I’m still looking for a good night serum. Suggestions?
I really love Big Little Lies. The acting really is the best. And I read the book so long ago that I honestly can’t remember some parts so I’m surprised along the way.
Way to go E!!!!! That is so awesome!!! I have only seen the first episode of Big Little Lies…I dont think Chris was super thrilled about it so I may have to catch the rest on my own. I just loved that book so much. The night serum thing is cracking me up so much. Because TRUTH!!!