Short but sweet recap of the week.
Reading. Homegoing and Still Me. I think I might have bought a couple of books but that could also have been last week but I don’t know anymore because everything just feels like one long day.
Watching. The Roseanne reboot. I have mixed feelings. It was quite funny but she’s a reprehensible, vile person and I don’t know if I will keep watching.
Loving. That SouthLAnd is on Hulu. It’s one of my all-time favorite shows and I can’t wait to binge the shit out of it after the child’s spring break is over.
Listening. This is where you come in. I’ve listened to various podcast episodes that have been excellent but no show is really setting my world on fire. Any suggestions?
Wanting. Tickets to EVERYTHING. There’s like 12 concerts and Broadway shows I NEED to see not to mention plane tickets to a bunch of places. It’s hard to prioritize which ones should come first. But I have to. I only have so much money. I should get more.
That’s all for this week. Happy Passover. Happy Easter. Happy weekend if you celebrate neither.
I’m with you on the Roseanne reboot – I can’t decide. I also love the “I should get more!” I also like free stuff and know a few people who could use a good throat punch! Hope you have a good weekend!
I never watched her show back in the day save for a few episodes, but perhaps it could be a good way to understand “the other side?”
Tonya@Budget and the Beach recently posted…I Lived on an Average of $31,000 for 7 Years in Los Angeles
LOL forever at ‘I love free shit’ that’s the best one I’ve seen in awhile.
I faithfully watched Roseanne growing up, even that godawful final season but nope to the reboot. Maybe I should be able to separate artist from character but when the artist has become a conspiracy theory nut, I can’t. The free shit meme is fantastic and grammar hell. LOL! Seriously, it exists! Have a great weekend!
Tanya @ A Mindful Migration recently posted…I Feel Silly, Oh, So Silly
The new Roseanne addresses a lot that is going on and showing both sides and is realistic for aging blue collar workers. Like Roseanne taking Dan’s meds because they probably don’t have good healthcare. I was never a big fan of the original show, but this one is very relevant as to what’s going happening in our country. It was funny, too , about things that are really not easy to laugh about. Laurie Metcalf makes up for
Happy Easter and Passover weekend.
Love, Steph’s Momma
I think because she’s vile, its what makes Roseanne funny 🙂 I loved the reboot – but just hope they dont drag it out – I loved the original Roseanne for years but quit watching at the end. All these reboots are fun – but to me, they dont need to hang around forever again
Rebecca Jo recently posted…Friday Favorites
“What Should I Read Next?” is a good book podcast. While I don’t always enjoy what she recommends (ugh, I cannot with Louise Penny), I love hearing the interviews and people explaining their reading habits.
Well not like I am much help with the podcast recommendations because I googled “this is where you come in” thinking it was a podcast.
However I do LOVE. “Stuff you should know “and “Pod Save America”
Jpm recently posted…Thoughts from the week
i just downloaded Stitcher radio for podcasts and am loving the Stuff You Should Know podcasts
kathy @ more coffee less talky recently posted…TGITh since it’s Easter long weekend
Hey there. Remember me?? Yep, I’m commenting on your blog post. Crazy, huh? Maybe, one day, I’ll actually write a blog post again. Baby steps.
I just saw a meme on fb with a split screen of Roseanne and her national anthem antics and Colin K. on his knee. A quote from Trump under each praising Roseanne, of course, and admonishing Colin. Then, it said “it was never about the national anthem.” Sometimes those memes are good stuff.
texerinsydney recently posted…New year, new post
I never watched the original Roseanne so I don’t have the dilemma of whether or not to watch the reboot. I’m grateful for that. Lol
I definitely understand the feeling of wanting all the tickets to go all the places. Sigh.
Audrey recently posted…2018 Spring & Summer Bucket List
I was going to watch Roseanne, then she tweeted that anti-David Hogg tweet and no. I can’t.
SMD recently posted…TWTW – the one with the Easter
This Roseanne thing is conflicting as hell because it was funny and is truly one of my favorite sitcoms, but she is a POS garbage person & I don’t want to support her 🙁
Ali recently posted…End of An Era: An Ode to 2G