Short and sweet, from my phone. Saving the rants for next week.
Reading. Force of Nature. Picked up House Arrest and Educated from the library. Nothing from Amazon or NetGalley.
Watching. Seven Seconds and Everything Sucks on Netflix. Very different but both very good.
Waiting. For freaking Shinedown to announce their summer tour. I budgeted for 3 shows and if they’re not going to be nearby I’d like to find something else. I’m also waiting to see which shows are free courtesy of the Ticketmaster settlement.
Planning. Two days in NYC in April! Well, sort of. I have an event to go to in the evening but definitely heading to The Strand beforehand and not sure what I want to do before I get on the train home. I’ll be back in June so I’m not overly concerned with missing something but I am SO EXCITED to get away for something unrelated to cheerleading.
Loving. That I finally, FINALLY found a food Lizzy will eat. Old man Barkley is on a prescription diet so he gets no say in anything but Lizzy was proving to be a very picky eater. After a LOOOOONG conversation with a very knowledgeable woman at my local pet store, I found something Lizzy inhales instead of rejects and doesn’t cause me anxiety or hurt my morals. Everyone wins!
Laughing. Well, fuck me for thinking I could do it but the video I wanted to share isn’t shareable except on fucking Facebook so here’s the link:
And this weekend I am off to Richmond for cheerleading! That makes three weekends in a row and I am very much anticipating next weekend’s cheer-free living. Hope you guys have a great weekend doing whatever it is you do!
Ha – Andrew and I had the Everything Sucks vs. Seven Seconds debate the other night! We ended up going with Everything Sucks, but the nostalgia wasn’t enough for me – I didn’t think the kids were very good actors and it felt SO sitcomy – so we turned it off. Tell me what you think about Seven Seconds – I read it started slow, which is often a dealbreaker for me but I want to hear from a real person!
Lauren recently posted…add it to my list: february 2018
I understand the feeling of wanting to get away without cheerleading… except it’s work/music in our case. Haha. At the end of April I’m making us go on a trip that has NOTHING to do with business. Woo!
I am 100% the Swedish Chef in the kitchen. HAHAHAHA.
Audrey recently posted…What’s Up
I picked up Educated on NetGalley after the last SUYB link-up and now I’m regretting it. Not because I don’t want to read the book, but because it makes me feel guilty. It’s the kind of book that interests me but not one I’d highly prioritize to read. And now I feel pressured and obligated to read it versus eager and excited to read it. Yay for finding food for Lizzy! Max is picky when it comes to his wet food. He likes it saucy and no pate. The look he gave me when I attempted to give him pate-style food made it very clear that under no circumstances was this to ever be offered again. 😀 Have a great weekend!
Tanya @ A Mindful Migration recently posted…Coffee Talk: What’s New with Me, Volume 5
What is Lizzie eating?
Enjoy Richmond and visions of a cheerleading free next weekend.
SMD recently posted…The March Seven
Im waiting for Force of Nature and im so close to being #1. HURRY UP ALREADY, LIBRARY!
kathy @ more coffee less talky recently posted…Skin SOS
So I gotta know – what is the food? The dog food I PAINSTAKINGLY searched for & got Harvey & Zoe hooked on & got the puppy food for Ernie – its a holistic food = they’re no longer making it – ARE YOU KIDDING ME??? So i’m on a desperate hunt for food that isnt going to give them massive diarrhea with a turnover.
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