This weekly recap coming to you straight from fever hell. Literally. I’ve had a fever for the last 3 days and nothing renders me more incapable at life than a fever.
Reading. Finished The Dry and currently reading The Blinds. Had to table We Were Eight Years in Power because it’s simply too heavy for me right now. Picked up a book from NetGalley (I fell victim to one of their enticing emails) and put Still Me on hold at the library. Pre-ordered a book for the child and am contemplating buying a book my library had one copy of and lost. To be fair, there was one copy in the whole state and the book’s home library lost it. Not my actual library.
Watching. What did I watch this week? I think I just caught up on the DVR’d stuff. Nothing new. But I am currently searching for a new binge-worthy show. Send me your recommendations. You all know what I like.
Not watching. The State of the Union. I couldn’t do it. He makes me sick, I can’t look at him or listen to his voice and paltry vocabulary, I hate every fucking lie word that comes out of his mouth, his continuing need to drive a wedge between everyone in this country because he thrives on fear and hatred like some sort of evil, maniacal Tinkerbell, and I refused to help contribute to his ratings (which were so low, despite what he’s trying to brainwash people into believing. He’s unbelievably petty and delusional). So I watched Drunk History instead.
Listening. Death, Sex, and Money did a series on class and wealth so you know I consumed the hell out of that.
Wondering. You might have seen this on IG but I am honestly wondering why the hell the pharmacy put my daughter’s name in quotes on her prescription label? It’s actually her name. We’re not trying to fool anyone, she’s not in witness protection, it’s not a nickname, and I legit don’t get it. I truly wish people would learn proper punctuation.
So, that’s it for this week. If you need me this weekend, I’ll be recovering from the monster headache that’s been the entire month of January and not giving a shit who wins the Super Bowl.
What’d you think of The Dry?
We really liked Manhattan on Hulu. Watched both seasons in one weekend.
Yoga pants.., yep.,especially dark ones that show hair, haha
Hope your fever is gone soon.,ugh
Rebecca Jo recently posted…One Sentence a Day {January 2018}
That is so true about the yoga pants and glitter. I am STILL finding specs of glitter around our house from a Halloween party that Chris dj’d at three years ago. THREE YEARS. I dont even know how it is possible. I haven’t really watched any new shows to recommend to binge on. Did you watch Blue Bloods? We just started it, and I like it so far.
Nadine recently posted…Friday Things
Sorry to hear about your fever. No bueno. I did not watch SOTU either because it would be very bad for my mental health. And it’s not like everyone wasn’t talking about what horrible, racist things came out of his mouth afterwards. I didn’t need to witness it firsthand! And the petty part of me also didn’t want to help his ratings. I laugh/cry over his need to lie constantly and if he’ll lie about really stupid and easily disproved things, like ratings and inauguration audience size, you know he lies about the really big things. Russia! The yoga pants meme is my life. Seriously, I push it on how many wears before washing becomes a necessity. TMI, sorry. 😀 I have no plans to watch the Superbowl but make Superbowl snacks – YES! Maybe I’ll watch the kitten bowl but then I’ll be at the humane society trying to adopt every single cat afterwards. I should probably stick with a book or binge watch something. Feel better, my friend!
Tanya @ A Mindful Migration recently posted…I Choose Gratitude Over Fear and Hate
I haven’t even used glitter in years so when a random speck shows up, I feel like I need to hunt down the source. Search and destroy.
Elizabeth recently posted…Do-over day
This reminds me, I need to make sure my favorite lounge pants are clean for Sunday.
SMD recently posted…The February Seven
I hope you’re feeling better! I feel like I’m barely functioning if I get sick as well (especially if it lasts for a long time), so I feel your pain. 🙁
Eric and I didn’t watch The State of the Union for the same reasons. Ugh.
I don’t understand why they’d put someone’s actual name in quotation marks either. Little things like that annoy me as well.
I enjoyed the funnies, though I’ll admit that I already have the post-kids mentality when it comes to crying children (even though I don’t have any kids yet). Unless the parents are actively ignoring their kid by burying their nose in their phone and appear to not give a fuck that their kid is screaming or crying, then I feel worse for the parents. I’m sure some parents just tune it out because their kid acts out so often, but it does make me more than a little sad to see a child so clearly desperate for attention. I obviously don’t know the behind-the-scenes situation, but sometimes I wonder if some parents just ignore their kids on a regular basis or if I just happened to see them at a bad moment.
what did you think of The Dry?
kathy @ more coffee, less talky recently posted…I’ve lost that lovin’ feelin’….
Oh man… I really hope you’re feeling better 🙁
I watched the SOTU. Wish I hadn’t. I won’t get those hours back and I’m ashamed to have contributed to the ratings. BLEH. I shoulda’ stuck with Drunk History. I love that show!
Quotations make me frustrated and entertained. Lol
Audrey recently posted…Coffee Date on a Cold Rainy Morning
You did the right thing not watching the SOTU. I, on the other hand, couldn’t look away and went on ranting and cursing for the rest of the night. The usual. That man is just … awful.
San recently posted…What I read in January