You might have noticed some layout changes. That’s totally on purpose. And there’s more coming. I know you’re excited.
I spent this past Saturday at The SITS Girls Bloggy Boot Camp. It was, hands down, some of the best money I’ve spent on this site (and my wanna be writing career). I was able to hear presentations from some incredible bloggers outside the personal finance niche (which is great to get a different perspective) and got some wonderful tips for streamlining not only my site but my whole approach to blogging. So look for those changes. Because of being totally and completely consumed by that, I totally forgot to write a post for today. So I offer a post previously written for my other site, The Jealousy Files (currently in hibernation until I get the rest of my shit together):

I recently had this conversation with my husband:
Him: Hello?
Me: You called? (after 8 years of marriage, pleasantries no longer exist. Plus, I don’t have time.)
Him: (silence)
Me: Again, you called?
Him: Yes.
Me: What do you want?
Him: I wanted to let you know I scored free rocks.
Me: What the fuck are you talking about?
Him: I scored free rocks.
Me: I understand what you said. I’m just wondering how the conversation transpired that led you to getting us free rocks.
Him: Well, rock house (note: that’s what we call the house that has their front lawn covered entirely in rocks) was getting rid of some. I was walking the dogs by their house and I saw him loading the rocks into the back of his truck. I asked him what he was doing with them and he said taking them to the landfill. I said that I’d take some off of his hands.
Me: Okay…
Him: So he put some in a wheelbarrow and wheeled the rocks to our backyard. Now we have all kinds of rocks.
Me: Okay…
Him: I saved us like $10 or $15!!!
At that point, I didn’t know what else to say. He was so proud of himself for scoring shit we could have found on the ground (also for free) that I didn’t want to burst his bubble. But at the same time, I was astonished that my husband actually convinced someone not only to give us free rocks but to wheel them to our house.
I’m a little jealous of his mad negotiating skillz.
P.S. For those who read this post originally on The Jealousy Files and inquired about what we were using the rocks for, I can tell you that my husband artfully spread the rocks around our sad little garden and what was left, he lined against our house because…well, I’m not quite sure because I didn’t care to listen to his rambling explanation. But they are no longer in a random pile. Which is good. Mainly because the cat was getting tired of them.
I’m with your husband. That’s a pretty awesome find. We have small rocks in the area under the deck and I have to replenish them from time to time. A couple of bags is like $5. In addition, we have a couple of other areas where rocks and pebbles come in handy so I’d always take a bunch of free rocks if ever given the chance!
Money Beagle recently posted…Slow Economic Growth Doesn’t Surprise Me, Nor Does It Concern Me
I will pass this along to him. He will be pleased that there are people who do not think that he is insane for being so happy over free rocks.
Him: I wanted to let you know I scored free rocks.
Me: What the fuck are you talking about?
LOL! This made me laugh. I’m sure it’s very pretty!
Budget & the Beach recently posted…Weekly Money Check-Up: 5/21
I replied on this post the first time you posted it and told you about my mom and her love of rocks. We were in her garden last weekend talking about her plans and she said “can you believe I need to get more rocks?” I laughed and told her about your and your husband. She was bummed that she didn’t live near you and said your husband was very lucky! lol Her eyes got big at the whole idea of free rocks!
Jessica, The Debt Princess recently posted…Being a Graceful Receiver: It’s More Than a “Thank You”
Rock envy…that’s new.
We are considering using rocks in some flower beds and I would kill for some free rocks right now. It would cost us a ton if we end up going that route.
Lance@MoneyLife&More recently posted…Business Mileage Reimbursement – Do You Really Make Money?
LOL You guys have great conversations.
I don’t understand anything about rocks, so I assume that you can find them anywhere. However, I do know that some people buy special rocks for some landscaping purposes. I’d rather go and find free rocks. 🙂
Aloysa @ My Broken Coin recently posted…My First Podcast: Consumerism Commentary and Mail-Order Brides
I’ll have to share some more conversations between us. They’re pretty interesting.
True story: My husband’s fraternity once spent about $500 on ONE giant rock for their house’s front yard. I didn’t understand it then and I don’t understand it now. But $500 for a rock? Ridiculousness.
Good post title and well written conversation. Funny stuff. Don’t be too hard on your hubby, you know us men have fragile egos.
Brent Pittman recently posted…National Small Business Week: Small Business is America
Believe me, my husband’s ego is anything but fragile 🙂
Haha! Nice. Looking forward to whatever changes you got coming. And secondly, I love that about marriage. Pleasantries? Gone. Sanity? Gone. I come home with free stuff I found all the time and my wife just looks at me and shakes her head. 🙂
TB at BlueCollarWorkman recently posted…The Second Blue Collar Roundup