I really like the three things posts. I’ve done them before, I like reading them, and they’re fun to write. I think I’m going to make it a regular feature.
Unlike other ones, I’ve made these prompts up all on my own so please feel free to steal away and use them for yourself. And I apologize if some of these are repeat questions.
Three foods I hate and refuse to eat
Oranges and anything related to oranges, raw celery, scrapple
Three foods I love and eat more of than I should
Cashews, tortilla chips, pickles
Three things chores I avoid until absolutely necessary
Washing my car, sorting mail, dusting
Three chores I always do
Laundry (always laundry), clean the kitchen, carpool
Three wardrobe staples
Yoga pants, baseball shirts, jeans
Three things I don’t spend money on
Cat toys (my cat doesn’t play with them), manicures, coffee mugs
Three things I do spend money on
Books, pedicures, snarky home decor
Three TV shows I frequently watch in reruns
Roseanne, The Goldbergs, That 70s Show
Three movies I love (that might surprise you)
Miss Congeniality, Renaissance Man, Hairspray (2007 version)
Three genres I generally don’t read
Romance, fantasy, horror
Three things I’m looking forward to this year
Seeing Journey live (even without Steve Perry. It’s okay), watching every piece of shit who’s slowed or reversed progress in this country voted out office, Caroline Kepnes’s new book (and Julie Murphy’s. And Laura Vanderkam’s)
Now taking suggestions for next month’s three things. What do you want to know?
What are you three favorite vacation spots? My cat doesn’t play with toys either. He is satisfied with the string from a hoodie. Frugal cat. Go figure! I like Miss. Congeniality. Gotta love Sandy!
I don’t think I’ve ever known anyone who hated oranges… and as you probably know, scrapple isn’t a thing nationwide. I learned about it visiting DE and was like “People eat that?” And as much as we have in common in regards to books, podcasts, and TV dramas, we don’t have things in common for your TV shows – I don’t watch any of those!
Lauren recently posted…ten on thursday
I always have a three things in draft and add prompts as I think of them because if I sit down to do it all at once I never think of anything. LOL
I love Miss Congeniality a lot.
SMD recently posted…Be you. The world will adjust.
First up, huge thanks because now I have Thursday’s post. YAY! Also, seeing your answers makes it so clear why we are buddies. I just discovered The Goldbergs so I am starting to watch reruns of those. It’s painfully hilarious. Like sometimes I don’t whether to cringe or laugh or do both. What is scrapple? I’m just going to assume it’s yucky. The only one where we are very different on is reading. I rarely read romance (although it was once my go-to genre) but I do enjoy horror and fantasy. The reader in me wants to know what books did everyone else “love” and you hated or vice versa?
Tanya @ A Mindful Migration recently posted…Coffee Talk: What’s New with Me, Winter Version
I pretty much live in jeans. I also love doing laundry. I don’t know if you enjoy it or if you just end up doing it all the time, but I actually enjoy it. I freaking hate cleaning bathrooms. UGH. Esp the shower/tub.
Audrey recently posted…What It All Means to Me
I don’t even know what scrapple is!
I’ve had one manicure, ever… for my sister’s wedding. It did seem like kind of a waste of money.
I love three things posts so keep ’em coming.
Confuzzled Bev recently posted…A Photo an Hour: 20 January 2018
I love these posts and am totally stealing this! You are going to see Journey??? I am so jealous!!! I wont spend money on manicures either. Ever. And why is cleaning the car so daunting??? Mine has needed it for a few months now. Oops.
Nadine recently posted…Shower Empties
I love oranges but do not eat any artificially flavored orange things (Starburst, Skittles, etc). Same for strawberries. And yay Kepnes!!!!
I seriously cannot recall if I commented this morning and was just too damn tired to remember…. So here I am, again. I love reading these kinds of posts. And they’re perfect if you’re stumped for ideas or lacking creativity. I tend to always steal yours and Stephanie’s, so thank you for that. 🙂
I legit had to look up what the hell scrapple was…. That looks disgusting. Jeez.
Lindsay recently posted…What’s up, Weekend? {01/19}
I may have to steal/borrow this idea at some point. I loved MySpace surveys (man, that feels like an eternity ago!), and this kind of reminds me of taking those.
Haha scrapple! I won’t eat that either. I haven’t heard anyone mention scrapple in a LONG time. I guess I’ve been living in the Midwest for too long.
I also live in jeans and yoga pants. And concert t-shirts. Lots and lots of concert t-shirts.
I don’t really do romance or fantasy either, but I do like horror (even if I find it disappointing a lot of the time).
For next month, I’d be interested to know your three current favorite songs and three books you thought you’d love but didn’t.