Today’s my birthday! I’m 41 which I’m actually fine with. Being in my 40s doesn’t intimidate me or make me feel old. That’s not sarcasm, either. I know a lot of ladies in their thirties who are TERRIFIED of turning 40 and honestly, it’s nothing to be scared of. At all. It’s pretty cool, in fact.
Like, you can say you’re tired at 7PM and no one questions it. You give less fucks about the insignificant things and more fucks about the important ones. You can be forgetful on purpose and people just think it’s not and it’s because you’re old and they forgive you. You embrace all the things about you that maybe you hated in your 20s and 30s. And you realize that the shit you grew up on is really the best stuff ever.
And because it’s my birthday and I’m trying to get back into this regular blogging thing, and I do three things once a month, this month’s is birthday themed. Someone (sorry, I forgot who. Not on purpose) suggested that I do a “last things” edition and I’ll do that one next month because I keep my promises.
Three memorable birthday celebrations
- 13 because it was my bat mitzvah
- 16 because of the whole sweet 16 thing
- 30 because I went to a Mets game at Shea Stadium before they demolished it the next year
Three celebrities who also have birthdays today
- Mark Wahlberg
- Kenny G
- Ron Livingston (this guy:)
Three reasons I love my birthday
- Cake
- Free stuff
- Five is a nice incremental number
Three facts about my birthday specific to me
- I was 18 days late
- I was born 4 days after my parents’ 3rd wedding anniversary
- I was born in 1977 and since I lived in Queens, I was alive and lived through the Son of Sam rampage which might or might not explain my true crime thing (book recommendation related to this fact: Burn Baby Burn by Meg Medina)
Three birthday traditions I have
- I go shopping with gift cards I’ve saved since Christmas
- It’s one of only two days a year I talk to a particular friend (the other day is his birthday)
- I take the day off from working
Bonus tradition: my dad calls me every year at the exact minute I was born. This is 7:36AM. It is very early for phone calls.
Three wishes for my birthday this year
- A shopping spree in a bookstore
- A giant cannoli filled with carrot cake. Not just the frosting. Actual carrot cake.
- The impeachment of 45
Happy birthday to me and anyone else celebrating a June birthday!
Happiest of Birthdays to you! Hope you have a wonderful day celebrating!
Laura recently posted…TBB Asks ~ Summer Lovin’
Happiest birthday 🎁❣️My Stephen’s birthday was yesterday and mine is 6-19. I love that my birthday is in June ❣️ Balanced out Christmas for gifts. Lol. I love being almost 62. My life continues to get more and more wonderful. Gratitude attitude since 2005. It works! Goddess speed always ❣️💃🎂😇✨🦄🍀🕊
Love, Steph’s Momma
Oooh, I’m crossing my fingers for an impeachment, too! I hope you get all your birthday wishes!
My husband always gets a text from his ex on his bday and he typically send her one on hers. It makes me roll my eyes, but I know it’s tradition so whatevs. Lol
Eminem shares a birthday with me. Ha.
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Audrey recently posted…The Roaring Swinging Fabulous Groovy Blog Collaboration | The 1950s
Happy Birthday!!! A giant cannoli filled with carrot cake sounds amazing!!! Since I have been in my 30’s for awhile, I realize how much better this decade has been than my last, so I am not as afraid to be 40 as I once was. I hope that you get all your birthday wishes!
Nadine recently posted…Recent Amazon Purchases You Need
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!! 18 days late? Wow. Your poor Mom! And I love that your Dad calls you at precisely the moment you were born. 7:36 AM is early but just be thankful you weren’t born at 5:36 AM. 😀 I … errrrr … have never eaten a cannoli, which seems weird but I grew up in rural Minnesota surrounded by Norwegians and Swedes. It feels like I should eat one in honor of your b-day. Also, I love your birthday wishes. I’d love a shopping spree in a bookstore too, but the impeachment of 45 today would make your b-day a national holiday, which would be amazing and special – just like you! Have a fabulous day and doing whatever the hell you please!
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Are you a fellow true crime junkie?! I LOVE true crime.
Happy Birthday! I hope your birthday wishes all come true! I used to take the day off for my birthday … and then my work made birthdays a floating holiday so it’s a guaranteed day off each year.
Happy Birthday!
I hope you get ALL of your birthday wishes.
Happy happy!
I never work on my birthday either.
SMD recently posted…The June Seven
Happy birthday! I am glad to hear you’re not scared of your 40’s… I wasn’t either. Here’s to our 40’s.
San recently posted…What I read in May
Happy Birthday! I think MOST of the nation’s birthday wish is to get rid of 45! This has been a massively bumpy ride! 🙁
Sorry I missed your birthday – hope it was wonderful!
happy belated birthday! i hope you get all your birthday wishes. maybe if every person wishes for wish #3 it will happen? lol. i love that your dad calls you the same time every year. my mum doesn’t even remember what time i was born – she gets me and my little brother confused and she says ‘it was some time in the evening, who cares?’ – alrighty then. haha.
Hope you had a great bday! I’m a fan of you birthday wish; particularly the one about #45. Also, impressive that you can hold on to gift cards that long! If I get one, I immediately spend it. Hope you have a great year, friend!
Hope you had a wonderful birthday!
Akaleistar recently posted…Life Lately: In Summer
Happy belated! i was away from the blog work/social media for a while. 40s is the new 20s; you dont give a shit about opinions yet you still look like you’re 20. can’t get mad about that.