Thanks to Steph for this post idea. And the prompts.
Three things I’d never give up
My self-respect, my dogs, my love of hair bands
Three favorite vegetables
Tomatoes, peppers, carrots
Three shows I watched faithfully from beginning to end
Friday Night Lights, Prison Break, LOST (this was all pre-Netflix. I watched that shit live, week by week). Bonus: Freaks and Geeks. 18 episodes will never be enough.
Three places I want to visit inside the US
The Badlands, Myrtle Beach, Alaska
Three places I want to visit outside the US
Australia (see, Erin! It’s there!), Ireland, Greece
Three things I always have with me
My phone, lip balm, water
Three things that are always in my car
Plastic bags, hand sanitizer, empty drink bottles (yes, my car is a garbage pit)
Three most recent phone calls were to/from
My mother, my friend Athena, and my friend Brynne (messages from the school district are not counted)
Three books I read and loved in college
I Know This Much is True by Wally Lamb, The Pact by Jodi Picoult (this might have been in grad school, though), Sleepers by Lorenzo Carcaterra
Three most often used makeup products
Too Faced Neutral palette, Too Faced Better Than Sex mascara, Urban Decay eyeliner in either purple or navy blue but I can’t remember the names of them
Three things that make me laugh
My daughter, farts, terrible puns
Three things that make me cry
Death, onions, any story involving animals (especially those dramatic rescue stories)
How about you guys? What are three things I should know about you?
Sad animal stories will certainly have me going 🙁 I really want to watch Friday Night Lights but I dont think Chris is that into wanting to try it out. Maybe when I am on maternity leave I will watch it without him. Too Faced is one of my favorite make up brands!
Love this. I don’t cry much but seeing Lola looking so much like Steph as a baby is awesome. Those are happy and grateful tears since I worked when I had Steph. Animal cruelty makes me angry and sad. Abuse of any kind to anyone or anything-same. My husband and kids make me laugh and I always make them laugh. I love sweets – way too much. I have a wonder-full life!
Happy Tuesday!
Love, Steph’s Momma
I have Steph’s post like this copied into my drafts with the answers deleted so I can write my own. I think that the three shows list SHOULD be restricted to those you watched in real time… that showed real dedication. Anyone can bingewatch but it takes a devoted fan to keep up with a show for years! (Also, my husband is obsessed with Lost. It ended a few weeks before our wedding and his groom’s cake was Lost characters in NY Giants jerseys on the island with a crashed plane and Dharma beer cans. it was amazing and gum paste Ben Linus still lives in my fridge six years later…)
I did not read much for fun in college (read a lot before and after though), I am directionally challenged yet insist on always being the driver, I cannot make a decent Chicken Parmesan but make awesome mashed potatoes. I’m going to have to borrow this idea! And I will avoid some animal stories because they always hit the hardest. If it’s going to be happy tears, it’s fine. But if I’m going to be devastated over an animal death, then no. And hell no, if there is animal cruelty because too much rage.
Tanya @ A Mindful Migration recently posted…You Don’t Own Me
oh any kind of animal rescue story makes me cry. and terrible puns make me laugh. i used to love Lost, i watched it when it first came out because i wanted to support dominic whatshisface because he was in LOTR… it honestly scared the crap out of me for a couple of seasons and then i gave up. i’m easily scared, apparently.
YES! Sleepers. We all read that too.
I don’t think that I’ll ever be able to handle dramatic animal stories! They just gut me! I still need to watch Friday Night Lights! Everybody always talks about how amazing of a show it is, and I feel so guilty for not watching it yet. Especially since I’m from Texas!
Anddd I may be stealing this from you ladies. I LOVE your answer about “self respect.”
Onions. Yes. I’m not sure I’ve ever cut an onion without crying.
I think I’ve only watched 2 shows start to finish in real time (week to week) – Oz and Dexter. Both brutal, violent, fucked up shows. Not sure what that says about me.
Never giving up your love of hair bands is one of the reasons why we are friends.
Yes! to Australia. And, if you make it, I promise we’ll have a pest control scheduled the week before you get here.
I’ve been to the Badlands. They are pretty amazing.
texerinsydney recently posted…Songs for Life
Australia, Greece, and Ireland are all VERY high on my list. Aiming for Greece for next year…
Prison Break is my jam! I’m not going to share how many times I’ve watched the whole series since it’s been on Netflix, lol!
You should visit Alaska, so that DF and I could grill you some salmon.
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