I figured that in light of Monday’s rant, I’d lighten the mood up a bit around here by once again stealing borrowing from Steph’s 3 things prompt.
Here we go.
Three things I frequently forget
Where I put my phone
Where I park my car
Three errands I love to run
Library day
Concord Pet (local pet store)
CVS or any sort of drugstore
Three errands I hate to run
Grocery shopping (because god forbid I actually get everything at once)
The hell that is Walmart
Goodwill drop off (this can also be found in “things I frequently forget.” Please note that my gym is ACROSS THE STREET from our Goodwill and yet I still don’t do it.)
Three restaurants I want to try
I legit have no answer for this. Oh, wait! The Drunk’n Baker. It’s a bakery which I’m assuming counts. Other than that, I haven’t really given much thought to restaurants.
Three famous people I’d like to meet
Billy Joel
Kate McKinnon
Jennifer Weiner
Three famous people I’d like to avoid
Juliette Lewis
Penn Jilette
Ann Coulter
Three things I recommend
Piña Coladas
Getting caught in the rain
A Spotify subscription.
Three books I loved in the elementary/junior high days
The Babysitters Club. All of them. I’m not picking just one.
Sweet Valley High. See justification above.
Remember Me–Christopher Pike
Three things I always look forward to
Starting a new book
Three things I always dread
Running into people I don’t like
Early report times at cheer competitions
How about you guys? What are some of your responses?
one errand that i refuse to do is go to costco. that place is a freaking ZOO and only the aholes of society congregate there. they are rude and leave their carts everywhere and push people around.
I dread grocery shopping too…and laundry because I have to go to the laundromat. I devoured the SVH books when I was younger.
YES to Spotify.
I would also like to avoid Penn and Ann.
I loved Remember Me…most of Christopher Pike’s catalog as it goes. Especially Weekend.
-HATE grocery shopping and laundry- HATE.
-HATE Ann Coulter; what a good person to add to that list.
-I’m seeing Billy Joel on 12/17 – cannot waitttttttt.
-I had literally every single Babysitters Club book – my mom recently was like “CAN I PLEASE GET RID OF THESE?” and I had a hard time saying yes. (she donated)
Ugh Walmart. I hate hate hate going there no matter which location or what time of day it is. I try to avoid it if at all possible. I would rather do two loads of laundry that wash the dishes. Stupid dishes. I loved Sweet Valley High and The Babysitters Club!
With you on wanting to avoid Ann Coulter. Ewww.
Sweet Valley High! I loved those books so much. I did remember thinking at the time that a lot of people got kidnapped over the course of the books I read but still … they were great! Yes to avoiding Ann Coulter because I’m quite confident I might punch her. I weirdly love grocery shopping. Years ago it was my stress reliever after work (I worked in TV so it was after the 10 PM news and late and quiet in the store) and I still have great fondness for them today, except during peak hours! I can never find my keys or my phone and always accuse Max of eating them.
Tanya @ A Mindful Migration recently posted…Happy Thanksgiving
I feel like I always end up forgetting where I park too! When we’re at the airport I’ve gotten to the point that I just take a picture of where we’re parked so I don’t have to remember it when I get off the plane. And yes to Sweet Valley High! I was so obsessed with the twins and read so many of them!
I always think I love grocery shopping until I get to the store and it’s beyond crowded and out of essential things I need to buy. I’m also really bad about remembering where I parked my car!
I do not like this early darkness.
I do not like cold or snowy or icy weather.
I do not like worms.
I love all my loved ones being happy and safe
And sound.
I love really good caramels.
I love spandex in pants.
Agree on Ann Coulter.
This is a fun blog topic! Love ❤️ it!
Love, Steph’s Momma
Yep, I’m right there with you on that grocery and the laundry? Ugh…if I were rich, I would have grocery delivery and someone to do my household chores. That would really be the only thing I’d need, lol.
I’m pretty sure I need to steal/borrow both of these posts…because I haven’t yet, and I like Q&A prompts.
Ann Coulter made me laugh.
texerinsydney recently posted…Book Challenge by Erin 6.0
When I was about 12, new Sweet Valley books came out (called Senior Year and Junior High). I spent every last cent I had buying them up as they were released. It was like a crazy addiction. Prior to that, I’d read all the middle school books and all the “twins” books from when I was in 1st or 2nd grade.
I liked the BSC too, but I loved Jessica and Elizabeth.