Slow news week:
- Finished Hate List and Galveston. Started Gangerland. Picked up Maybe in Another Life and The Financial Lives of the Poets. Next Show Us Your Books is November 10 and I’m hoping to have a few more finished to review for you guys by then.
- Restarted the podcast Welcome To Night Vale. I listened to it for a while last year and then stopped and now it’s a book which is crazy awesome so I figured I’d catch up on the podcast happenings.
- Watched season 2 of Fargo (well, the episodes that have aired). I heart Jesse Plemons which is why I even decided to watch this season even though I’ve heard amazing things about season 1. I figure it’ll make it onto Netflix eventually and I’ll watch it then. Verdict: it’s quite excellent. Even Kirsten Dunst who generally annoys the fuck out of me.
- Baseball. Sigh. My boys better pull it together this weekend.
- Beamed with pride at some of the decisions my child made this week. They were difficult, especially for a kid, but she did good. And her maturity surprised me, especially for an almost 9 year old.
- Read this internet stuff: I like salad but it’s nice to have options: 39 healthy recipes for people who hate salad. I call this list hope for my book when it eventually is finished: 10 bestsellers that were originally rejected. I can’t even begin to imagine what it was like to be there: A restrospective on the 80s Sunset Strip, featuring all the hairbands.
- Got these funnies from the husband:
Have a great Halloween weekend! Maybe it be filled with all the Reese’s!
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH that Thor one!! LOLOLOLOL hilarious.
happy halloween!
kathy @ more coffee, less talky recently posted…friday thangs [10-30]
My husband sent it to me and then said “do you understand why that’s funny?” Sigh.
I’ve heard such great things about Fargo, but we haven’t watched it yet. We had friends that were stationed in North Dakota and they said that some of the things in the show were pretty similar to life up there.
Love the funny about Space Balls! I feel like I need to rewatch it before the new Star Wars movie comes out!
Ashley @ The Wandering Weekenders recently posted…Five Things Friday {Week 50}
I missed season 1, sort of on purpose, sort of not because I love the movie. But Jesse Plemons is awesome so I put this season on my DVR and I’m really glad I did.
My husband and I quote Spaceballs all the time!
YAY for your girl making good choices! 😀
Amanda recently posted…JC’s Rider
I am super proud of her because one of those decisions was HARD, even for us as her parents.
I loved the Sunset Strip retrospective. It’s amazing those people survived that.
Checking out the healthy options now. Sometimes I just don’t feel like making a salad.
You are doing child raising right.
SMD @ Life According to Steph recently posted…Friday Five: Things that Piss Me off about Willy Wonka
Salads definitely get old after awhile.
I like to think I’m doing an okay job. I figure as long as she doesn’t turn out to be a huge brat or asshole, I’ve won.
Growing up is hard, I’m glad the girl is making good choices. She learned her good decision making skills for her parents I’m sure.
Kelli recently posted…An Open Letter To The NFL
We like to think we had some influence but she’s also a pretty good kid.
Sounds like a proud parent moment this week 🙂 I will have to check out that list of healthy food and ignore the Reese talk!
Nadine recently posted…Friday Favorites
i like salads as well, but yeah they seriously get boring if you have them weeks and weeks in a row, so it’s nice to have options! and yay for making good mature decisions! that is definitely a proud parent moment 🙂 that thor funny is hilarious!
kristen recently posted…10 books I can’t stop recommending
Haha, love that Thor photo.
Maybe In Another Life was good!
Amber recently posted…Things I Hope The Teacher Doesn’t Tell Me During The Parent/Teacher Conference
I have all of Fargo season 1 and season 2 so far on TiVo and cannot find the time to watch! Yay for having an awesome daughter! Good job, mom!
Christina recently posted…Irrational Fears
Even though I don’t watch Fargo, I am in complete agreement with you about Kirsten Dunst. The only movie I’ve ever liked her in was “The Virgin Suicides”.
Mackenzie recently posted…When I Was Younger
The Thor photo is funny :). Have a great weekend! Props to your daughter for making a wise decision recently. She’s on the road to being a great grown up/kid.
lisacng @ recently posted…Page Turners: George
Still looking for Fargo season 1….sigh
I have a kid in my class whose mom teaches right down the hall. He’s been hanging out with a not-so-good kid and she walks by him at lunch and reminds/admonishes “MAKEGOODCHOICES”. I lol at that every time and what you mention here reminds me of it because it’s always MAKE-GOOD-CHOICES as a mantra in elementary school. Good for your daughter!
Kristin recently posted…Stuff and Things 10/29
Way to go to your little human. I don’t know what she did, but if you were beaming with pride, then I’m guessing she deserves a congratulatory salutation from the other side of the world! I can’t wait for SUYB (because it’s awesome), but I want to hear what you thought of Galveston. It’s a moody bastard of a book, but I dug it. The Sunset Strip…if I had been born 10 years earlier, I have no doubt that I’d have ended up like the video vixen in Poison’s Fallen Angel. Sad, but true.
Erin of TexErin-in-SydneyLand recently posted…Friday Favorites: Costumes edition
I saw commercial for Fargo it looks good, will have to check it out. Yeah fir mature decisions, good job for raising her right!
Kerry recently posted…Friday Favorites | Home Sweet Home
I’m trying to do some binge watching on Showtime since I signed up for a free trial month which i plan on canceling. I somehow, despite not being a football fan, got sucked into a “A Year with (or is it at?) Notre Dame, which is following their 2015 season. For some reason it’s very compelling to me.
Tonya@Budget and the Beach recently posted…Luck & Sacrifice
Oh man is that Thor one funny! And they are making books out of podcasts now? This is the future!
Femme Frugality recently posted…Around the World in 80 Books: Italy
fargo is on my ever-growing list of shows to check out! i hate salad, so i need to check out that link! recently posted…Stila Kitten VS. L’Oreal Iced Latte: Dupe or Not?