- A huge thank you to all our Show Us Your Books participants!! Next one is March 8 which, incidentally, is also the day my and Steph’s podcast, The Armchair Librarians, launches. Get prepared for lots of book talk. And swearing.
- I am straight up shitting the bed on Erin’s book challenge. I cannot get it together despite having many of the books already in my house. My personal reading challenge is going well, though, as I’m currently reading the second book for that (I have it spread out for one book a month on that), The Woman Who Stole My Life by Marian Keyes. It’s total and complete chick lit but it’s a necessary break from the heaviness of what I read last month and what’s on tap for the rest of this one.
- Picked up The Flood Girls, Glass, Fallout, and Beasts and Children to read after my current two, The Woman Who Stole My Life and Skippy Dies.
- Not enough book talk yet? Too bad and we’re going to get a bit ranty up in here. So, as you guys might or might not remember, I volunteer twice a month in my daughter’s school library. I was there this week and learned that once the kids move into fourth grade, they no longer have book checkout during their weekly library time. Rather, they get 40 minutes of supplemental English and Language Arts instruction. Now, let me be clear. I am not opposed to the extra instruction. But what the fuck with not giving them time to browse and check out books? Sure, the fourth and fifth graders can go during open library time but “only if their schedule allows”. HUH? What if their schedule doesn’t allow? They get no book that week? How is that helpful, especially when they’ve been given reading homework each and every night. THEY NEED ACCESS TO BOOKS IN ORDER TO BE ABLE TO DO THAT. Not every parent has the resources or time or desire or whatever to take their kids to the public library or buy books from Amazon. You can’t require kids to read and not afford them the opportunity to pick out books to read. Not only that, now there’s a situation where kids are reading books in class, for classwork or homework, and now they’re thinking reading is a chore. Which it is not. I can’t handle the thought of raising a generation of kids who hate reading. However well-intentioned the decision to remove book checkout from these kids was, it’s a fucking stupid decision and really needs to be rethought. /rant
- You know what I didn’t want to do this week? Spend an exorbitant amount of money having a clogged drain unclogged by a professional plumber because what we had in the house to do it just wasn’t working and my kitchen was flooding. But I got to do that anyway. Which kind of sucked.
- I don’t celebrate Valentine’s Day but it’s recently come to my attention that it’s on Sunday. I should probably do something for the child. Any suggestions?
- Started watching The Affair. Ordinarily I don’t watch anything that has infidelity as a premise but McNulty from The Wire is in this one and I thought I’d give it a try. Glad I did. I still hate the premise but I can look past it because it’s a really well done show.
- Girl Scout cookie order came in. Tagalongs and Thin Mints, I’ve missed your sweet, sweet goodness. Samaos, you’re basically poison but your purple box is pretty.
- Internet reads. This really cool gif about the evolution of the modern desk. This fascinating tale of a dispute between a publisher and an independent artist. I will confess that I am not on the Beyonce bandwagon and I’m tired of the whole world kissing her ass and thinking she’s infallible; Rolling Stone has some thoughts on that, too (for the record, I watched her Formation video. It’s a shit song but I do respect the point she was making with it). And the whole site Introvert Doodles.
- Funnies
This weekend is supposed to be cold as fuck and we have no cheerleading so I’ll be inside, on the couch, reading, watching TV, and working on some podcasting and book stuff. Maybe clean if I get bored.
Hope you guys have a great weekend!
I’m interested in seeing how the teachers at your daughter’s school are dealing with the book thing. Do they use AR? We took books seriously in Alaska…not so much here. I have a classroom library and I’m *guessing* most of the 4th and 5th grade teachers at your daughter’s school have the same. I also send home many book orders each month and parents generally buy some.
I think that I need to give The Affair another chance. My husband and I tried to watch it but we couldn’t get into it. And the Marian Keyes book sounds like the perfect book to read because you did read some heavy books last month. They sounded really good but dealt with some tough subjects. And I can’t believe that your daughters school doesn’t that’s that time for the kids to check out books at the library! I feel that our society already has an issue encouraging people to read, and it seems like the school is furthering that problem.
Ashley @ The Wandering Weekenders recently posted…Five Things Friday- {Week 54}
Love all of the funnies, especially the fart funny ! Can it just never go under 30 degrees in the dead of winter. That’s all I ask. The smart phone has taken over reading for many people.
Dangerous cold all of you polar plunge people. Just reschedule.
Grateful for my warm and happy home.
Love. Steph’s. Momma !
You go to the library but can’t get a book, K would have a fit and so would I. That’s just nuts, even in the 4th grade I’d have been upset.
These Girl Scouts in our area don’t start selling until March, they suck big time. I want my cookies!
I’m failing miserably at Erin’s book challenge too. It’s just me, I can’t plan ahead what books I’ll want and need to read at a particular time and I’m just bowing out.
Also agree on Beyonce… she’s incredibly talented and a massive success for good reason, but I never thought I’d be the weird one for not being completely and utterly obsessed with her and every move she makes. At least it’s not just me.
Happy Friday, have a good weekend!
alyssa recently posted…Long Time, No See: Three Months of Books
Yay, somebody else who is not on the Beyoncé bandwagon! I get that she has talent and is a great performer, but people act as if she walks on water on something…I just don’t get it.
OMG, I love Thin Mints! I can’t have them in the house or they’ll be gone in a day 🙂
Mackenzie recently posted…The Smallest Step
I absolutely hate Noah on The Affair (sometimes I wonder if some of my annoyance with McNulty carried over, LOL) but I adore things that are about perspective so I truly love it.
I don’t worship at the Beyonce altar either.
I HATE plumbing issues. That totally blows.
SMD @ Life According to Steph recently posted…Shit MFD Said: Vol 27
we don’t really do valentines day at home at all for kids, but my friend with a 12 year old gives him candy and pajamas, i think. maybe like a mother daughter date? i don’t know haha.
ugh that sucks about the library. what the heck? i hate how so many people hate reading because it became a chore in school. even i hated reading for a long time. i wish schools would encourage reading rather than force it which makes kids / teenagers / adults hate it.
i don’t listen to podcasts but i will sure as shit listen to yours and stephs! woo! you might have to send me a ‘dummy how to access it’ haha
KC and I watched one episode of the affair because he loves the wire too but we didn’t get any further because eh.
kristen recently posted…29 possibly interesting and/or random things about me
ps i don’t give two shits about beyonce.
kristen recently posted…29 possibly interesting and/or random things about me
Girl Scout cookies have been around everywhere lately. Is there a certain time of year that they are promoted more? Love them but they are dangerous.
Ha! Farts are ghosts of our food and I did not call you stupid! Thanks for the good laughs
Tricia Coniglio recently posted…Friday Faves Single Style
I try to judge almost all musical artists by asking myself the question, “do I put my money where my mouth is?” I’ve spent A LOT of money throughout the years on music, cds, cassette tapes, downloads, albums, 45s, concerts, merchandise at concerts, etc. If someone asks if I like Beyoncé, my response would be “love her.” But, honestly, I only own a few random songs. I’ve seen her in concert once. I have not contributed much dollas to the Beyoncé success. Do I think she’s above criticism? No. But, do I think out of the massively popular artists out right now, is she one of the more deserving one of attention? Yes. Do I think she is a marketing, well-planned, well-oiled, entity? Yes. Does that lessen her artistry for me a little? Yes.
Am I sorry that my entire comment is about one sentence from your entire post? Yes.
Am I looking forward to listening to my first podcast ever – the Armchair Librarians? YES!
Erin @ TexErin-in-SydneyLand recently posted…Solitude
I’m so excited for the podcast! I’ve actually never listened to a podcast (I know, I know), but I’m going to give this one a try. 🙂
We don’t do Valentine’s Day stuff, but when I was a kid, my mom liked to do simple things like give me a box of chocolates and a cute card or we’d have a mom/daughter date and go out for dinner (or even just ice cream). It was fun, and I think I would do that if/when I have a kid.
I feel like way too many people say they don’t like to read, and I honestly think it’s because they make it feel like such a chore in school. And, really, it’s not that surprising in some cases: if you’re forced to read countless books you don’t even want to read and are never given an opportunity to explore your own personal interests, what do you expect?
I always loved reading, but I think that was because my mom and I used to read together when I was really young. As I got a little older, she’d take me to the library at least once a week and I was allowed to pick out any books I wanted to read. I never felt pressured to read specific books, and I think having the opportunity to try out a bunch of different types of books helped shape my interests and tastes over the years.
That being said, I read for pleasure much less in college (with the exception of my senior year) because I had so much “boring” reading to do for classes. Everything wasn’t awful (I discovered how much I loved Madame Bovary while reading it for an English class, for example), but I hated more than I loved.
Kristen recently posted…Songs for the Brokenhearted Playlist: Vol. 2
Grr, I tried the Affair and couldn’t get into it. Everyone thinks I’m nuts because they LOVE it. What am I missing? I was bored.
I’m hibernating tomorrow after I get a hair cut in the morning. It’s supposed to be minus-feels-like-fucking-thirty! Yes, – 30 Celsius!!! Have a good weekend, hun.
Lindsay recently posted…10 Things That Made Me Happy This Week
as of this moment – saturday morning, 738am – it’s -22C. fucking canada. my husband left 30mins ago to go cycling. he’s crazy. i’m here with hot coffee which i think is a smarter and way better plan.
i have been shitting the bed with reading because of work but the book i am reading is getting so good! i just wish i didn’t have to read it in blocks; i’m a total binge reader when it comes to good books.
kathy @ more coffee, less talky recently posted…4 years and counting.
The library situation is insane. At my son’s school they get to check out as many books per week as the grade they’re in. So 5th graders get five books. Nolan said he can’t wait to get older (even though we have a basket with at least 40 books from the city library right now). I didn’t think I’d like The Affair at all, but really, really do. I think it makes a nice point about not being unfaithful. Your life will go to shit! Haha! I like Beyonce. I think she’s crazy talented and a super smart business woman, but I don’t looooove her. I am going to her concert though, because she’s an amazing performer and I love concerts.
Christina recently posted…Currently
I’ve heard great things about The Affair… I keep meaning to watch!
MMMMM… Girl Scout coooookiiiieeessss…!
Amanda recently posted…“My Daddy never told me how to live my life… he just lived his and I
learned from watching.”
I don’t think I’ve read that Marian Keyes book. (Yes, I hate that I love some chick lit. Though I think some of her more recent books are less fluffy than the first few.)
Good luck with that challenge. I couldn’t handle it. Too many other things going on. So instead I keep guilty-pleasure rereading Terry Pratchett. I need to skip to some books and authors I haven’t read yet, but… Discworld!
I’ve been wanting to check out The Affair.
I agree, kids should be able to pick out books. I hate that so many of them don’t like to read.
I need to get some Girl Scout cookies.
Amber recently posted…Happy Half Price Chocolate Day!
So sad that the 4th and 5th graders don’t get library time! I still had library time in middle school and high school, I think. At least during Language Arts class. Maybe you can change that and then be featured as the Hero of the Week on the Book Riot Podcast :).
lisacng @ expandng.com recently posted…Is this thing on??