- Finished The Woman Who Stole My Life and am halfway through Remember Mia. Picked up no new books which is fine because I have 6 more on my nightstand and approximately 8 billion on my Kindle.
- Recorded podcast episode #3 with my Show Us Your Books partner in crime, Steph. Look for that to launch on the same day as the next SUYB, March 9.
- Made a pretty cool dinner. It was seasoned pork chops (which I ordinarily do not like but this way was palatable), roasted potatoes and green beans, both tossed with olive oil, salt, and pepper, and all put on the same pan to cook (at 425). I sort of set the smoke alarm off and proceeded to not only run my daughter out of the house (literally) and frighten all the animals but the end result was a good (and mostly not burned) meal.
- Right now is prime TV season for me. All the shows I like are on or are coming back in the next month or two so I’ve been stacking them all in my DVR for a good TV session over the weekend. And I know I’ve mentioned this show before but it bears repeating. American Crime (not to be confused with the OJ story on FX; this show is on ABC) is unbelievable. This season is tackling issues no one tackles on TV, at least not in a non-tabloid way (yes, SVU, I’m looking at you) and if you’re not watching it, I can’t recommend it enough. It’s HARD to watch. Really fucking hard. But important.
- Worked on the foundation for a Twitter pitch contest for work, where I’ll ask people to pitch me their book projects in 140 characters or less. Winner gets a book deal. Still need to run the logistics and legal stuff through the boss man but I’m excited to do it.
- Internet reads: Her Name was Skeeter: The Mystery of the Missing Muppet, found on Mental Floss. A staple in my life, Rolling Stone, had a great piece about the rise and fall of Warren Jeffs, the imprisoned, crazy, former maybe also still current leader of a polygamist cult. This awesome letter on The Huffington Post to anyone who feels like they’re falling behind in life. And finally, from Fast Company, 10 research proven things working parents can stop feeling guilty about (I am working on 4 and 5. I’m actually doing really well with most of the others).
- Husband quote of the week: Everyone I needed to talk to about procuring a meteorite was on vacation this week. I think it’s a conspiracy.
- Funnies (they have a theme this week. See if you can find it):
Have a great weekend! See you back on Tuesday with a little rant about something that’s been bothering me lately.
Wednesday/February funny brought back memories of my very wealthy boss who spelled Wensday as such. He was not funny, he was “different”. Anyway, enjoy the warm weather we are supposed to have this weekend!
Love. Steph’s. Momma
A+++++ to the grammar nerd inclusions at the end.
I rarely do everything in one pan. I should do that more. I love the pork chop but MFD, not so much.
Your Twitter contest sounds cool!
SMD @ Life According to Steph recently posted…Things that are the Devil in Disguise
This is the first time I did the one pan thing, except for casseroles, and it was so easy to clean up. I think that was my favorite part.
I love podcasts, so I’m definitely looking forward to y’all’s launch! I will read the Warren Jeffs article now. I love all things cult, my favorite flavors being Scientology and fundamentalist/polygamist Mormons.
Heather @ I do what I want. recently posted…Wedding Details: Part 1
Cults, especially the fundamentalist/polygamist ones, fascinate me!
I can’t wait to hear your podcast!!!! And then when I read your blog, I will know how to make yours and Steph’s voice sound in my head!!! Hope you have a great weekend!
Nadine recently posted…Friday Favorites
Haha! I totally listen to podcasts for the same reason!
That Twitter contest sounds amazing! Do you work for a publisher? How do I not know this by now? It kind of sounds like the coolest job ever.
The dinner sounds amazing, too. We just set the fire alarm off the other day, but all’s well that tastes good.
How do I listen to past episodes of the podcast? I’m going to have to link up this round… I’ll mark the ninth on the calendar!
Femme Frugality recently posted…Gender Discrimination: A Story of Career Flexibility
AH! The linkup is the 8th! I screwed up the date.
The podcast is releasing with 3 episodes on the same day as the linkup. We don’t have any live yet.
I do work for a publisher! It’s a pretty sweet gig.
That’s amazing! Dream jobs do come true. 🙂
And I can’t wait until the 8th!
Femme Frugality recently posted…Around the World in 80 Books: Montenegro and Mongolia
Oh grammar – my arch enemy and BFF. Some days it seems like the Grammar Gods are cruel and vile with all their confusing rules, and they must also weep sadly for how we abuse those rules! I can be a terrible offender, while also being an annoying Grammar cop. 🙂 I’ve heard amazing things about American Crime but haven’t watched it. Like you said, the topic needs to be discussed (and it’s really impressive that one of the big 4 networks airs it) but I’m in the mood for lighter stuff right now. I wouldn’t mind binge watching it later, although maybe it’s the kind of show that needs a little space between episodes too. Generally, I’m not much of a podcast listener, but I am looking forward to your new podcast with Steph. I suspect I’ll be laughing with the two of you throughout it! Have a great weekend!
Tanya @ A Mindful Migration recently posted…Honoring My Focus Word and Listening
CANNOT WAIT for this podcast to launch. You ladies rock, this sounds like so much fun.
That Twitter pitch campaign sounds amazing! Very cool.
Going to start using #grammared every time I have to correct someone now. Also for when I have a good book hangover. Perfect.
Have a great weekend!
alyssa recently posted…Journey to the Center
I’m excited for the Twitter pitch campaign! I just hope I get some pitches (fingers crossed).
I cannot wait for you all to hear the curse word laden podcast we’ve put together.
The twitter pitch campaign sounds awesome! And a serious LOL about the grammar funnies at the end! Have a great weekend Jana 🙂
Mackenzie recently posted…Choose Today
I’m looking forward to doing it. I just hope people enter!
I’m looking forward to the podcast & hope you get some good twitter pitches. It’s tough, but you can still squeeze a lot in 140 characters!
lisacng @ expandng.com recently posted…Five on Friday
Short and sweet and impactful. That’s what I’ll be looking for, along with which ones leave me wanting to know more.
I keep hearing such great things about American Crime. I’m going to have to binge it this summer and start watching it live next season. Your twitter idea sounds awesome! I want to read all the entries.
Christina recently posted…Let’s Go To The Mall, Everybody!
There will be a hashtag so you can follow along!
I don’t know that American Crime is a watch all 10 episodes in one weekend kind of show. You need to breathe in between each one.
I’m really excited for your Podcast with Steph. I’ve never listened to a Podcast (I don’t know why), but I think this will be really awesome!
I love the idea of the Twitter pitch contest. I don’t even use Twitter, and I think it’s a cool idea. I hope you get some great pitches!
I laughed about the smoke alarm because that happens to us sometimes as well. We’re not even burning anything and there’s no smoke, and yet it seems if we’re baking something at 400 degrees, opening the oven will occasionally set off the smoke alarm. It makes no sense and it’s completely annoying.
I also laughed over the grammar funnies at the end of the post. I love those! 🙂
The smoke detector thing was SO annoying. No reason for it at all.
I hope you guys like the podcast. We’re having fun doing it and I think that shows, too, which is good.
For the longest time as a kid, I would over-pronounce “Wednesday” as “Wed-nes-day” at people who would misspell it. Obnoxious! But I don’t regret it.
“Wodens-Day” blew my mind, though.
I’m trying to imagine what length and sort of books you’d get from the twitter pitch contest. Sounds potentially awesome….
Revanche recently posted…Just a little (link) love: bouncing penguins edition
My company publishes has specific kinds of books that they prefer so that will help narrow it down somewhat. I’m excited to see what (and if) I get.
The Twitter contest sounds fun and hard, 140 characters to pitch a book and hook you would be super hard. Great idea!
Kelli recently posted…Why I’ll Just Say No to NaNoWriMo
It definitely hard but it’ll certainly make people think about how they describe their book!
I’m trying to work on an e-book — which I swore I’d never bother with — but if you have the pitch contest, maybe I’ll throw my tweet in the ring. Assuming I think there’s enough material for a full book.
That dinner sounds really good.
I keep hearing about American Crime. I might have to check it out. I am watching that OJ show, ha.
Amber recently posted…Similarities And Differences On A Teenager With Autism