- Still reading Glass by Ellen Hopkins (it’s a long book). Finished Sweetgirl. Picked up nothing new. Full reviews on everything coming your way on Tuesday, March 8 for Show Us Your Books with me and Steph. Hopefully iTunes will approve The Armchair Librarians by then. If not, we’ll have the audio for you available somewhere as a sneak preview.
- Speaking of podcasts, the creator of Welcome to Night Vale has a new podcast releasing on Tuesday. It’s called Alice Isn’t Dead. I am so excited for it!!
- Had the Mondayist of Mondays. I sent my kid to school with a half-wet shirt, got her to school late because Monday, threw a chair at my fence to startle my dog away from a dismembered rabbit carcass after I had to yell at the other dog to spit out what he was consuming, and my cat ran away from home. This was all before noon.
- Found out that next Friday, Bosch season 2 will be on Amazon. Kathy turned me on to the show and I’ve been eagerly awaiting this release.
- My friend’s daughter followed me on Instagram. I corrected the grammar in her profile. I couldn’t stop myself.
- I go to this conference every year, FinCon, and run a live mentoring session. This year, I decided that, in addition to the mentoring, I would submit a proposal for a panel. Found out earlier this week that the panel was accepted! I am terrified at the thought of all the public speaking but I’m trying to push myself outside my comfort zone. This should do it.
- Saw Deadpool. You guys. This movie was fucking awesome. And that is coming directly from someone who, as a general rule and preference, hates comic book movies. When the movie’s opening credits have Juice Newton’s “Angel of the Morning” playing over them, you know you’re in for something pretty damn special. However, please do not take small children (like anyone under 10) to see it. It’s really, REALLY inappropriate. There were times I thought I shouldn’t be watching it. And I’m knocking on 40’s door.
- Internet reads are absent this week because a) I didn’t really read much of interest (fell down a Gawker rabbit hole, though) and b) forgot to save the links to share.
- Funnies:
Have a great weekend! See you back on Tuesday for Show Us Your Books!!
P.S. Would guys mind helping promote my pitch contest? It’d be much appreciated! Here’s the link: https://janalynchbooks.wordpress.com/2016/02/23/pitch-me-with-your-best-shot/
Great on the FinCon panel. Love the grocery list e card.
Hopefully the last snow of this half of the year.
Happy Friday!
Love. Steph’s. Momma
iTunes needs to move it, I want to listen to your podcast!
Hopefully this weekend makes up for a horrible Monday.
Kelli recently posted…Sea La Vie – 3/4
It’s not iTunes’s fault. It’s mine. I need to get it submitted and I’m struggling with that part of it.
At least Fincon is with a panel so not all the pressure is on you! It’s a great way to break into things!
Tonya@Budget and the Beach recently posted…What Your Dreams Are Telling Your About Your Life
I have no interest in professional speaking but I think I can handle moderating a panel. We’ll see how it goes (and I’m expecting you to be honest with me, too #nopressure).
Wow, your own panel! Definitely getting outside your comfort zone. Be proud!!! And LOL on that shopping list. You’re the second one who said Deadpool was awesome. I had my doubts but guess I want to see it now.
lisacng @ expandng.com recently posted…Spring cravings
I have amazing panelists so I probably won’t have to do too much 🙂
did your cat come back???
i agree about deadpool. i enjoyed it. my friend asked me if it was appropriate for her 12 year old and i said that’s her call but i know my mum wouldn’t have let me see it at 15, let alone 12.
She did. The next night. So I had about 36 hours of straight panic.
Congrats on the FinCon stuff! You’ll be awesome.
That is a suck of a Monday, for real.
I want to see Deadpool but don’t want to go to the movie theater.
I love Bosch! Can’t wait.
SMD @ Life According to Steph recently posted…Time to pay the piper: February Wallet Watch Report
We saw it at 7:15 on a Wednesday. It actually wasn’t too bad and people behaved themselves.
I’m so incredibly excited for the Show Us Your Books Linkup on Tuesday! It’s the most wonderful time of the month where I add a ton of things to my TBR list! Your Monday sounded absolutely terrible, and I hope that the rest of your week has only gone uphill from there! I’ve heard great things about Bosch, but I haven’t watched it yet. I’ve enjoyed the books that I have read though.
Ashley @ The Wandering Weekenders recently posted…Five Things Friday {Week 56}
Monday was straight up terrible. If the rest of the week had gone that way, I’d be in a hole right now.
I love Show Us Your Books day, too! It’s the best blogging day of the month!
i was wondering when Bosch was coming back and now i know! i’ve been eagerly anticipating Daredevil and now i have 2 shows to look forward to.
kathy @ more coffee, less talky recently posted…doing life right
I saw an ad somewhere that told me. Otherwise I wouldn’t have known.
Feeling a little bit like an idiot, or experiencing a tech blight, that I can’t copy your link to share your pitch contest. Darnit, it’s Friday, not Monday! I should be able to handle copy & paste! 🙂
Revanche recently posted…Just a little (link) love: babies and twins edition
You probably can’t copy it. I have a plugin that prevents people from copying stuff. Will add a hyperlink in a bit. I’m Mondaying on a Friday, too.
Awesome news about the FinCon panel—congrats and good luck!
alyssa recently posted…What’s Happening!
Cant wait for your podcast!!!! I have got to see Deadpool. Congrats on the FinCon panel!!! That is awesome!!!!
Awhile back, there was a wounded bird on the ground that Mac went after. I had called the dogs up to come inside and usually Mac is immediately up the stairs so I knew something was wrong when he didn’t come running. Chris went down to the yard to make sure he was ok and there was blood allllllll over his white fur. We both freaked out and brought him inside but I couldn’t find where it was coming from. Chris went back out and realized it was a freaking bird. Ugh. Dogs. lol
Nadine recently posted…Friday Favorites
Both of those funnies are truly funny.
I love Bosch. Thanks for the info…I know what I’ll be doing next weekend…
Very cool about the panel at FinCon – you’ll do great! Looking forward to hearing your new podcast and I love the name of it too. 🙂 I was anxious when I read about your cat (because – crazy cat lady) but I saw that he came back. Whew!
Tanya @ A Mindful Migration recently posted…February Bookshelf: The Books I Loved, Liked and Loathed this Month
YOUR!! Argh, that is the one grammar thing that bothers me the most! I’m hoping this Monday is better than that–dang!!
ellesees.net recently posted…Effortless Top Knot Tutorial: Spring Hairstyle
Congrats on FinCon!! I’ve heard good things about Bosch and keep meaning to check it out. I think Jacob will love it. I had a feeling Deadpool was going to be awesome when the credits were hilarious. I loved it.
Christina recently posted…Latest NetGalley Reads