Short recap. Let’s do it.
Show Us Your Books is this Tuesday, 2/9/16. Title of my post? What the fuck did I just read? Because literally every book I read last month had me asking that question.
After I quit Owen Meany, I finished Crank, Pretty Girls, and Tampa. Currently reading Violent Ends. Requested an ARC of Taylor Jenkins Reid’s new book and I’m waiting on that. Have 7 books on hold at the library. We’ll see what comes of that.
Thanks to a free trial of Showtime, I watched Billions (get on that show if you can) and Brotherhood (an older show that’s also on Amazon Prime). I have not yet gotten around to watching the OJ Simpson miniseries on FX. Has anyone watched it? Is it any good?
Made not one new recipe this week unless you count chicken thighs marinated in balsamic fig salad dressing in the crockpot. I do not because it’s not much different than the normal way I make that particular dish.
Had a book proposal accepted. Sure, it’s with the company I work for but I’m publishing a book. It’s not the one I’ve been working on, it’s a different one, nonfiction, but yay for me!
Decided to give up Paleo coffee creamer in favor of the natural ones from Coffeemate. I just can’t do the coconut milk in my coffee anymore. I don’t like it no matter how much I try.
Broke up with my daughter’s pediatrician for a number of reasons. Specifically, they changed doctors in the practice without letting us know and the doctor they wanted us to have sucks and then tried to cancel our appointment last minute thinking it was okay and all of that is a big fat no. So we decided to change doctors. Best choice ever.
Found out The Duggars are supposedly coming back to TV. So many angry faces. WHY, TLC, WHY? I feel betrayed by you except I’m not entirely unsurprised. Money makes people do strange things.
No nonwork related internet reads this week. Sorry. I’ve been reading about the Flint water crisis, though, and I’m pretty sure that’s too much of downer for a Friday (but seriously, read up on it if you haven’t. It’s some scary shit).
Wish us luck as we have our first competition with the new gym on Sunday! And the child’s BFF is coming with us. We’ve never had to manage another child at one of these things. #onlychildparentproblems
Have a great weekend! See you Tuesday for all of your book posts!
LOL so much to comment on this post.
1) doctors. about 99.5% of them suck ass. i love my doctor and kalya’s pedi but all the rest (and i’ve been through a lot) are horrible. do you know that my sister’s doctor won’t even talk about more than 1 issue? as in you try and tell him something else and he will stop you and tell you to book another appointment?! WTF is up with that.
2) OWEN MEANY – NO YOU DIDN’T. then again, when i first picked it up and tried to read it, i quit too. it wasn’t until i was at my friend’s cottage and i had nothing else on my mind that i picked it up again and that’s when i fell in love. owen meany is a book where you need no distractions and you can’t be rushed. the story is incredible.
3) the parking spot one. LOLOLOLOL. that happened to me which pissed me right off because it wasn’t like i was taking my time, he was just being a dick and no way in hell i was having any of that. so i rolled down my window, made sure that asshole saw me, put the back of my seat down, sat back with my arms behind my head and cranked up my music.
Congrats on the book! Hooray on changing doctors! Good luck at the competition. We always had at least one friend on our excursions. Being the oldest of 6 kids, I was used to having a brood. Have a fun and happy weekend!
Love. Steph’s. Momma.
I can’t believe most of America is not talking about Flint. I tried to get a post together on it this week and with the way work went and jet lag, I could not.
HURRAH FOR PUBLISHING! That’s awesome. I’m proud of you!!!
WTF with the doctor shenanigans?
SMD @ Life According to Steph recently posted…South Africa – Peninsula Tour
We had to change pediatricians when we moved and I’m still sad, good pediatricians are super important!
Yayy for getting published, who care if it’s non-fiction your name will be on a real live book!
Kelli recently posted…Sea La Vie – 2/4
Show? Mini series? Whatever it is, I thought episode one was fan-fucking-tastic. Watch! It won’t disappoint.
Billions is on my list to start – I keep hearing good things.
Congrats on the book, lady! That’s amazing.
Ali A recently posted…Life lately, as told in photographs // IN LIVING COLORWhile…
That “I want to be nice…” someecard…well, I’m feeling that. I’ve tweeted twice in 2 days about how much I hate people right now. Maybe I should say it like this: I hate stupid, inconsiderate, rude, selfish, idiotic people.
You are publishing a book! You are publishing a book!
Erin @ TexErin-in-SydneyLand recently posted…Aussie Author Challenge: Book Two
Congrats on the book! Can’t wait to hear more about it!
alyssa recently posted…How to Have a Sick Day
Ughhh. Can’t we just be DONE with the damn Duggars already????? Why does anyone still give a shit about them??
Amanda recently posted…A Virtual Goody Bag From Me To You
Show us your books is seriously my favorite linkup of the month because I can’t wait to see what everybody has read! And Billions looked really good! We just haven’t gotten around to watching it yet. My husband didn’t know that they were making the OJ mini series, but when he found out he kept on telling me how much he wanted to watch it. I guess we’ll be trying to record it soon!
Ashley @ The Wandering Weekenders recently posted…Five Things I’ll Miss About Football Season
Congrats girl, that’s so awesome getting a nonfiction published!!! 🙂 So proud of you!
Have a great Sunday girl xo
Lindsay recently posted…10 Things That Made Me Happy This Week
haha love the funnies! Congrats on the booook!!!!!
Kay R. recently posted…Around the Web: Vol #1
Say WHAATT??? CONGRATS!!! That is soooo very exciting about your book!! That’s definitely a goal of mine as well. And seriously, TLC just needs to stop. No one wants to see The Duggars….ew. And really the Flint water crisis is so beyond frightening and just awful. Politics in that state…I just don’t understand. You should look up what their school system is like too. I can’t even…
Em recently posted…Birthday Weekend
ugh the duggars. i don’t even know what is going on but their name annoys me.
congrats on your book! that is amazing, regardless of non fiction or whatever. you are publishing a book!!!! that is seriously amazing and all the high fives.
Saw the cheer hair picture this weekend. Loved it! I read the most books this last month than I ever have before so I am excited and ready for tomorrows link up!!! Congrats on the book!
And I am with you on coffee creamer. I am sorry but Natural Bliss Sweet Cream brings happiness to my mornings like nothing else. Why should I deny myself it a day longer??
So much great stuff in this post, but I just had to comment on the fact that you’re publishing a book. You’re publishing a book! That’s so exciting! I’m so proud of you! I can’t wait to hear more about it! Congratulations!
I realize that’s a ridiculous amount of exclamation points, but you know what? You’re publishing a book. You deserve ALL the exclamation points for that because that’s amazing! 🙂
I can’t wait for the link-up tomorrow. Yay books!
Kristen recently posted…Currently I’m …
Congrats on the book! So cool!
The Duggars are coming back? I missed that. Must Google.
Amber recently posted…7 Things That Happen When You Live On A Military Base