I’m starting to think my weekly recap needs a new name. I don’t like this one anymore. But I’m terrible with naming things (fun fact: I am typing this on my iPhone and autocorrect wants to keep saying “thugs” instead of “things”), especially features so…yeah. This will probably stay. #bloggerproblems
Anywho, let’s recap the week.
- Picked up 4 books from the library. Currently reading Liar and Side Effects May Vary in my attempt to balance a library book with a NetGalley (not Netflix, as I said twice in this week’s podcast).
- A HUGE THANK YOU to the 50+ bloggers who joined me and Steph for Show Us Your Books. I have never been so happily exhausted reading blog posts. Next one is May 10.
- Speaking of Steph, we had lunch on Wednesday and she gifted me her no longer wanted Urban Decay Naked Palette. This is true friendship, y’all.
- Signed up for a 5k benefiting one of our local beach libraries. Giving back AND getting my fat ass moving again? Yes, please. Oh, and make no mistake. I’m walking it. Running sucks.
- Started watching Graceland as my new binge watch. Thanks so much for all your suggestions last week!
- Listened to “Black Cadillac” by Shinedow on repeat.
- No links for you as I have not done much internet reading that’s not stuff I can use for work and my new author coaching services. The site for that is almost done and I’ll share the whole thing when it’s complete. Also, if you are thinking about self-publishing a book and want an alternative to Amazon that also comes with the support of a traditional publishing company, let’s talk. The house I work for does just that!
- Funnies:
I’ll be helping my sister and her family move this weekend. Wish us luck! Hope your weekend is fun and relaxing!
I still haven’t gotten through all the book link up posts.I have added a ridiculous number of books to my list this week. And I got silly and did a binge on adding books to my netgalley shelf too. oops. I do love a 5k for a good cause. Running does suck! Haha! Good luck moving your sister this weekend! That is a total work out in itself!
Nadine recently posted…Friday Favorites
I signed up for a color run in a few weeks for my district…I’m not sure how that’ll work.
I love the sarcasm picture/quote. It’s probably true.
Running does suck but I’m always up for walking, I keep thinking I want to sign up for a run/walk around here then I keep not doing it.
I had lots of internet reads and no book reads this week, if I can’t get a good hour to start a book then I just don’t start them.
Kelli recently posted…Sea La Vie – 4/14
Amen to not cooking! If I ever strike it really rich, that’s the first person I’m hiring!
Tonya@Budget and the Beach recently posted…Did We Forget About the Recession?
I so laughed at the dying because of sarcasm. Yep. Me too.
I would run every 5k there was to support libraries. There needs to be more of those!
Rebecca Jo recently posted…Friday Favorites
A nice and fast walk does not joggle our female organs. We don’t want them to fall out. Love all the e cards. And dinner. I love to cook- sometimes! Lol. Just wicked expensive to eat out! Or just tell me what you want to eat- please!!! Goddess speed on the move this weekend. The weather looks divine.
Love. Steph’s. Momma
good luck and have fun with moving ๐ and yay for the 5k! congrats. walking/running – it’s the same distance. show us your books is my favourite day of the blog-month. that raccoon thing is hilarious and so true.
kristen recently posted…Stuff & Things
Totally love that you’re doing a beach 5K for the library! That’s awesome. I always walk everything.
SMD @ Life According to Steph recently posted…In Our House
My sister swears by the show Graceland, so I’m glad that you’re enjoying it! I hate when your phone autocorrects correct words to words that weren’t even trying to use. Every time I used to type y’all it would autocorrect to hall until I actually added it on my phone. Gifting makeup really is the sign of a true friendship! One of my best friends does the same thing to me. I hope you have a great weekend!
Ashley @ The Wandering Weekenders recently posted…Exploring Los Angeles
I don’t believe in running unless I’m being chased. ๐ But I love that you’re doing a charity walk for libraries! I added a lot of books to my TBR after the linkup and finally joined Netgalley too. And went a little crazy there too. I have to stop because the number of books on my shelf is getting out of control! Love the funnies, especially the raccoon one (small and chubby – that’s me!) and the cooking one. You were in a book slump and I’m in a cooking slump, which isn’t good for someone who is supposed to be eating healthy. I’m pretty sure those pancakes I had yesterday don’t qualify. Good luck with the move!
Tanya @ A Mindful Migration recently posted…The Year of Yes: Owning Your Badassery
your next binge shows should be: banshee, daredevil, BSG, bosch ๐
Have a fantastic weekend! I visited the library on Monday and didn’t even realize it was National Library Week!
In my most recent post, I say I’m going to do a organized run…but I’m walking too. Again #twinsies.
Moving sucks. You are an angel for helping your sister.
Erin recently posted…50 before 50
I am aware “an” is appropriate before organized. I’ve just got a fucking headache that won’t die.
Erin recently posted…50 before 50
Running DOES suck. I hate doing it, but I have to so I can fit into my pants.
Amber recently posted…What Exactly Are Shopkins, And Why Are They All Over The House?
I love that the library does a 5K! I used to be really into the themed 5Ks (and walked them all!), but they are just ridiculous now. I’d sign up for one benefiting a library though.
Christina recently posted…Things I’m Bad At