Slowest, most unproductive week ever. I’ve spent the greater portion of the week on work stuff. It’s been worth it but didn’t leave much time for anything else.
I’m pretty sure I’m giving up on A Prayer for Owen Meany (sorry, Steph and Kathy). I hate Owen, the story drags and drags, and there’s way too much about religion for my taste. I read a lot of faith based stuff for work and it’s not providing that separation of work and fun that I need. It’s not a bad book, Irving is a great writer, but right now, it’s not for me. So I put that away and have been reading Cranked. Pretty Girls is on deck. Show Us Your Books is on February 9th. Steph and I have a special accompaniment we’re unleashing that day, too.
Didn’t watch anything new but guys, if you’re not watching American Crime, I implore you to do it. This season is phenomenal, probably better than the first season which I didn’t think was possible. Also finally watched the movie Boyhood. I get why it received all the accolades last year.
Made some chicken seasoned with cumin, oregano, salt, pepper, paprika, and olive oil. Whole30 friends, it was super easy and compliant. Here’s the full recipe (I used boneless chicken breast, not the bone-in. Still delicious).
I’m giving a talk on blogging on February 8 at my local library. I’m not sure what I’m going to say and I hate public speaking but it should be an experience.
I feel like I read some internet stuff (and yes, more stuff about Making a Murderer because that story gets weirder every week). The highlights are probably this strange but pretty awesome video of Amy Poehler being creative with a random bunch of shit, I always, ALWAYS relate to these lists about having a weird name, this really cool story about a guy whose wife left him with literally nothing but the dog, and this interesting perspective on growing up book rich.
Have a great weekend! See you guys on Tuesday!
I will check out that chicken recipe and use boneless breasts. I can always use a new chicken recipe. Love the dog / homework ecard. I can’t watch American Crime. The commercials, either. Rape is worse than murder in my book and happening to your child Ugh. Goddess speed with your library talk.
Happy for a non-stormy forecast. The snow/winter is not a good time for me!
Love. Steph’s. Momma
It’s a hard season to watch, definitely. But it’s amazing.
I guess the best thing is that it raises awareness just like all of the other horrid things written in books and portrayed on TV and movies.
May all this bad stuff go away.
Love. Pollyanna lol
Hahahaha first of all is never a good sign!!! That chicken recipe sounds yummy, I might try it out next week! My last week!!!! I totally relate the the name article. I always had people say well I know your name is Nadine but what do you go by? Ummmm…Nadine. WTF would you think I go by??? It isn’t hard!!!! I need to give American Crime a try. Have a good weekend!
Nadine recently posted…Friday Favorites
It was SO simple and easy to make. We did it with sweet potatoes but you could basically throw anything in there as a side.
Really? People have a hard time with your name?! People are stupid.
I am freaked out about Making a Murderer, too. I can’t figure out if that guy is guilty as sin or just a really good liar. Some of the details just cannot be explained!
I think Brendan is completely not guilty. If he’s guilty of anything, it’s some small misdemeanor but I can’t talk about they way he was treated without experiencing all the rage. Steve, however, I believe was involved. I just don’t think he was the actual murderer. I feel that way about Adnan (from season 1 of Serial). With Steve, there’s just too much the police did wrong and too many suspicious facts for me to think the police didn’t have a hand in setting him up.
You go girl with your library talk! That’s awesome. And of course I love that it’s at the library.
I was considering American Crime. I will check that out when I get a chance!
SMD @ Life According to Steph recently posted…Thoughts from an 18 hour plane ride
This is what happens when you talk to the librarians like they’re your friends.
American Crime is HARD to watch this season. But I’m glad to see a show tackling the issues they’re taking on.
I hate when you start reading a book, and you just can’t get into it! Especially when other people have loved it so much! It sounds like the other books you have on deck are ones that you’re looking forward to, so that’s a plus! Hope you have a great weekend!
Ashley @ The Wandering Weekenders recently posted…Five Things Friday
A speaking event a the library, I’m jealous! I feel like that’s the most awesome thing you’ve done yet for your blog. The library is the best!
Kelli recently posted…Sea La Vie – 1/28
I love my library and librarians so when they asked, I had to say yes even though I LOATHE public speaking.
oh man. i can parallel park like a boss…. as long as there are no witnesses hahaha. good luck with your library blogging talk, that is awesome!
kristen recently posted…January Shopping
When I worked in a city, I could. Now I can’t again. Fortunately I have almost no need to do it so I’m okay without this particular skill set.
same! there is no need where i live, but back home there was hardly a time when you didn’t have to.
kristen recently posted…January Shopping
my library probably hates me. they have a shit ton of books on hold for me and are probably all “where is this bitch? her books are here!” that dog meme is hilarious 😀
kathy @ more coffee, less talky recently posted…friday thangs [1-29]
Productivity comes in various ways. Sounds like you sprinkled work into your relax time.
That’s awesome you’re speaking at your local library about blogging. Be sure to bust out the business cards!
Your last meme is hilarious. Pup won’t eat the homework because of bad spelling haha.
– Harlynn
I sprinkled relax into work. It was just one of those weeks.
I have seen you speak in public, so even though you hate it, I know you are awesome at it.
erin shanendoah recently posted…This is Why We Need to Talk About Money
You’re always way too nice to me. But thank you.
Your chicken dish sounds tasty. I might have to try that!
Ooo Pretty Girls. Intriguing. But as I said before…creepy. You’ll hug your kids close.
Amber recently posted…I Can’t Deal With Puke
It was soooo easy to make. And fast. My favorite combo.
THANK YOU for saying that about A Prayer for Owen Meany. I had to put it down too and kind of didn’t understand why my friend said it was her favorite book of all time. I might try it again at a different time.
I really want to see Boyhood. Is it streaming anywhere?
Also, agreed on parallel parking. Ugh.
THANK YOU for making me feel less alone in disliking it!
I have a free Showtime trial right now so I watched it using that. I don’t know if it’s streaming.
I cannot parallel park for the life of me. I grew up in a small town, so beyond needing to do it poorly to get my license, it didn’t matter that I sucked at it. Now I live in LA and I will drive around and around to avoid it. My friends tease me about it until they see me try, then I just think they feel embarrassed for me (and maybe to be seen with me while trying). Good luck on your presentation! They are going to love you!
Tanya @ A Mindful Migration recently posted…January Round-Up: What I’m Reading, Watching and Eating
About Boyhood, I also agreed that Patricia Arquette deserved her accolades. It was quite a genius project.
I feel that your library talk will be brilliant.
What’s up with your name? Is it pronunciation? Spelling? Why do people have such a difficult time? I actually enjoy all the different ways telemarketers mispronounce my name. Ernie. Er-win. Err-ween. It makes it so much easier to say “no, she’s not here now. bye.”
Erin @ TexErin-in-SydneyLand recently posted…Badass Songs by Badass Women: A Jana and Erin Playlist
About me name–yes to all. It’s like people can’t wrap their heads around the fact that a) it’s my name and b) it does not have an “e” or “y” or rhyme with “Dana”. People are rude and don’t listen or care. Most of the time I can let it go but other times it irks the shit out of me.
So, it should sound like “Jan” (as in Jan Brady) – “uh”. Am I correct? Because that’s what I call you. I’d hate to be mispronouncing it in my head.
Erin @ TexErin-in-SydneyLand recently posted…Badass Songs by Badass Women: A Jana and Erin Playlist
Need to start American Crime – gonna get on that. Possibly now. Congrats on the talk you’re giving at the library!
great post! loving all those memes! lol
American Crime intrigues me, but I haven’t committed to watching it. I’ll probably wait until it’s on Netflix, though. (Or is the first season already available? I guess I haven’t searched for it recently.)
I saw Erin’s comments on your name, and I’ve also been pronouncing your name “Jan” – “uh.” I’m glad to know that’s the correct way to say it! Most people had trouble with my last name before I got married, and now people have trouble with my married last name. I didn’t think either name was particularly difficult to pronounce, but I’ve heard some interesting variations. Haha.
And, most importantly, good luck with your library talk! You’re going to kick ass!
Kristen recently posted…Tasty Tuesday: One Pot Spanish Chickpeas and Rice