- Not much in the way of reading this week. Two books for work (for my Whole30/Paleo/healthy living/grain free friends, you might want to check out one of them, The Perfect Human Diet by CJ Hunt. There’s also a documentary with the same name and I think you can still rent it for $.99 on iTunes), still reading A Prayer for Owen Meany and Fortune Smiles, and I picked up Crank, Skippy Dies, and The Woman Whole Stole My Life. Thanks to everyone who joined us for Show Us Your Books and the next one is February 9.
- Didn’t really watch anything except The State of the Union and The Golden Globes. I still need to finish Narcos and Master of None and catch up on some DVR’d stuff.
- Speaking of The Golden Globes, what a strange week for entertainment news. First David Bowie, then Alan Rickman, and then the Oscar nominations were announced. With respect to Bowie, I was never a huge fan of his music but man, did I respect what he created. I loved his unapologetic individuality, being weird before people like Madonna and Lady Gaga made it trendy. And the fact that The Breakfast Club quotes one of his songs (“Changes”) in the beginning is pretty freaking cool. When I think of a music pioneer, I think of Bowie on that list. With respect to Rickman, he was just such a fabulous actor that it’s a shame we won’t get more of his movies. And with respect to the Oscars, MATT DAMON GOT A NOMINATION (you all know how I feel about him and also, can we talk about how funny it was, him trying to choke back laughter at Ricky Gervais’s joke at the expense of his BFF? This is only a small reason why I’ve been obsessed with him for 20+ years), and Room, The Martian, and The Big Short all got a bunch. Props to the authors that wrote those books because the authors never quite get the kudos they deserve. I think it’s also a testament to the fact that movie adaptations are getting better BUT the book is still (almost) always better than the movie.
- Cooked some more delicious dishes. My favorite one (and my husband’s favorite, too, to which he said “we never need to bring in Chinese food ever again”) was this recipe for chicken with cashew nuts. I didn’t have some of the Paleo friendly ingredients so it was kind of a hybrid and I left out the tomato paste because I didn’t feel like opening the can but it was still amazing.
- Can I brag about my sweet ass deal on K-Cups? I got a Keurig for Christmas from the in-laws and, as a result of registering the product, I got a coupon for buy two boxes, get two boxes free. Pretty good deal just on that, right? Well, I also had a coupon for $2 off each box so that was an additional $4 off. Which means on what should have been a $65-ish order, I spent $26. And I got free shipping. #frugalwin
- Some sweet internet reads not about Making a Murderer (the list was small): Buzzfeed’s list of 25 things every adult should have (kudos to me for having most of them. I’M A REAL ADULT NOW BECAUSE BUZZFEED SAYS SO). My Dean Strang groupies might enjoy this Publishers Weekly interview with him (he writes books, too!). This insightful piece from Rolling Stone on the relevance of Westerns in today’s world. And, for my fellow parents of daughters, this one from Mashable on 7 skills to teach your daughter before she turns 13.
- Funnies pulled from various internet and IG places and my texts because my friend Angie sends me all kinds of hilarious shit:
Three day weekend approaching. We’ll be on Long Island on Saturday for an early celebration of my dad and my nephew’s birthdays (and visiting my grandmother!) and then no plans for the remainder. I think I’ll enjoy that the most. Happy weekend! See you on Tuesday!
My first full week of watching Lola. Beyond awesome! Amen on the nail drying ! I only use pale on my nails now ,which is kind of easier, but I still manage to move too early.
Safe and happy travels this weekend. Oh- The Blacklist first two episodes this year – best shows ever in my life. And I am almost 60! Happy Friday !
Love. Steph’s. Momma
I’m cracking up over you inspire my inner serial killer.
Thanks for the Dean Strang link! He is my imaginary lawyer husband.
I feel the same about David Bowie – I like some of his songs, not a huge fan but I recognize his enormous talent and contribution to music and society in general. A pioneer of let your freak flag fly. I always love people who give people who may feel out of place a place to feel at home within themselves.
SMD @ Life According to Steph recently posted…Shit MFD Said Vol 26
I want to read his books now!
Matt Damon’s smirk at Gervais’ joke about him at the Golden Globes was WONDERFUL. Definitely a highlight of my night watching that. He’s got a sense of humor and that’s something that has always drawn me to him. I’ve always loved his faux battle with Jimmy Kimmel.
I love Matt Damon! He does seem like a really cool guy. I was so sad to hear about Bowie and Rickman. I remember when I first saw Die Hard at the theater, I was like, “man that dude is gooooood!” BTW, did you know Coach Taylor is in Carol? Now I have to see it!
Tonya@Budget and the Beach recently posted…Addicted to Side Hustling
I agree about David Bowie—he was just never much a part of my life, but I’d be a fool to say he didn’t have a profound affect on the culture I consume. A true revolutionary, anyone can see that. And Alan Rickman—oh, how sad it is that we won’t get to witness his talent anymore.
I’m a huge Matt Damon fan too, and am so glad great books are becoming great movies and great actors are being recognized for bringing these great characters to life!
Off to go figure out if I’m an adult according to Buzzfeed. Have a good weekend!
alyssa recently posted…Don’t Call Them Resolutions
That’s how I feel about Alan Rickman as well.
I think it’s a testament to the quality of characters the authors are writing, too. And when it’s perfect casting like with Matt at Mark Watney, you know it’s bound to fabulous.
I always end up adding so many books to my TBR list after the Show Us Your Books linkup, and it always makes me so happy and gives me something to look forward to! It was so sad to hear of the passing of David Bowie and Alan Rickman. Both of them were just such wonderful performers, and we’ll definitely miss them. I’ve always heard that celebrity deaths come in threes, and I had just finished telling my friend that and then the news broke that Celine Dion’s husband had died. It was really creepy and morbid…
Ashley @ The Wandering Weekenders recently posted…Five Things Friday
Celebrity deaths are coming fast and furious lately (if you use a loose interpretation of “celebrity”). It’s crazy how they do come in threes, though.
My TBR list frequently asks me to calm the hell down.
I’m gonna need you to finish up Master of None, please and thank you. Also I had like, 2 of the things on that Buzzfeed list. I’m bad at adulting 🙁
Ali A recently posted…23 Things Emma & I Have Learned From Dating
I’M TRYING!!! I’ve got like 3 episodes left. Hopefully Sunday.
Hahahahaahahahahahahaha the Mississippi!!!!! I will have to check out that Whole 30 read you suggested, or at least the documentary!
Well shit, I am missing a few things on the grown ass adult list. The matching velvet hangers, a sponge holder (mainly because I dont use one), a fireproof box and extra toothbrushes.
That cashew chicken looks amazing. Have you used Arrowroot Powder before? I have seen it as a thickener in several whole 30 recipes and I had no clue what it was lol. I love making my own chinese recipe at home!
Nadine recently posted…Friday Favorites
It’s not so much a Whole30 documentary as just an interesting take on food in general.
I’m missing some of them (seriously, who has VELVET hangers?) but enough that I feel like I win at adulting right now.
I was never a big music fan of David Bowie’s either but deeply admired his creative influence and he was certainly an icon. My heart was crushed when I learned Alan Rickman had died. I loved him. He was so good as Hans Gruber and Snape. I don’t anyone else who could have played him with so well. Both were taken way too soon. Stupid cancer.
I loved Matt Damon’s smirk at the Ben Affleck joke. Even worse, it’s kinda true! LOL! The recipe looks delicious and chicken cashew is one of my favorite Chineses dishes. I attempted to make it once and it was an epic fail. 🙂 Mississippi, still laughing! Have a great weekend!
Tanya @ A Mindful Migration recently posted…DIY Pore Strips: A Cost Effective and Easy Way to Remove Blackheads
Chicken and cashews is my most favorite Chinese dish so I was so excited to find this version of it. It’s delicious and you have to let me know if you try it.
I think it’s hard not to be sad over the passing of someone so groundbreaking and creative.
i am so sad about alan rickman 🙁 i was never a fan of bowie, but like you, totally respected him as a person and how he just owned everything.
womp, i’m not a proper adult. off to buy all the things i’m missing!
kristen recently posted…Pinspired Outfits Lately
I didn’t think I was a proper adult but since Buzzfeed says I am, I’m going with it.
Bowie…I’d never been a huge fan either, but I’ve always liked A LOT of his songs. Didn’t even realize that over time, I had purchased so many individual songs on iTunes (until I paid attention this week). But, I can think of no other like him. To see the vast number of people claiming him as an inspiration from so many types of music and walks of life was really eye-opening. You know, when Lemmy from Motorhead died, the rock ‘n roll crowd came out strong. But, Bowie’s influence crosses genres and generations. I saw a tweet that said something to the effect that Bowie made us think/talk about androgyny and sexuality FORTY years ago. Not now, when it is trendy and cool. That’s powerful stuff.
Erin @ TexErin-in-SydneyLand recently posted…A Golden Globes Humpday
I don’t know how to respond to all of that except YES.
so sad about alan rickman; hans gruber will be missed and now, christmas will never be the same.
kathy @ more coffee, less talky recently posted…confessions on actual humpday [1-13]
Confession: I’ve never seen Die Hard (that is the movie you’re talking about, right?).
I might have to try that recipe. My husband loves cashews.
I still need to watch The Martian. I think I have it on my Netflix queue but it won’t come out until next month :/
Amber recently posted…Why Making A Murderer Pissed Me Off
It was so good!!!
The Martian is going to be on Netflix?! Streaming or the DVD rental? We only have the streaming service.
I think just DVD only. Probably eventually streaming, but it takes a bit for new releases sometimes.
Amber recently posted…Lego Friends: Girlz 4 Life Blu-Ray DVD Giveaway!
I need to read The Perfect Human Diet. I’m constantly looking for the perfect balance in my life since finding WW, but being pregnant has been hard. I’d like to adapt a more Whole30 approach with my boys and the baby on the way 🙂
RIP, Mr. Bowie. You’ll always be Jareth to me. Congrats on the K-cups deal!
BAHAHA dying over the “you inspire my inner serial killer” post. I should relay that one to my sister-in-law. Also I couldn’t agree with your more about how strange celeb news has been lately. I too have never really obsessed over David Bowie’s music, but respect!
That list is pretty great, though I just bought my first expanding file folder yesterday. Also, I remember the exact moment I fell in love with Matt Damon, watching Good Will Hunting at the dollar theater. I’ll always have a soft spot for him, too.
Lauren recently posted…december books
I fell in love with him when I went to see School Ties at the movie theater when it opened. In 1992. #oldlady
i need to get started on narcos–i’ve heard such good things about it.
ellesees.net recently posted…Best Dry Shampoos For Brown Hair