A special thank you to The Killers for today’s post title as I have had this song stuck in my head for days.
When I wrote my 40 by 40, I struggled a bit with coming up with a list because, thus far, I’ve been fortunate and I have done, seen, and been to a good number of places. Don’t be mistaken, there’s still a ton left to do and see and try but I have a pretty good list going and, as part of my Choose Your Own Adventure Challenge, I said I’d write it down. So I did. And, as proof and accountability and all that jazz, I’m sharing it with you guys. 37 things for 37 years I’ve been alive.
Oh, sorry for the lack of pictures but we’ve been living in our house for 18 months and for the life of me, I still cannot find my photo albums. But I assure you, I’m not lying. If I were, this list would be way more interesting.
- Traveled to France and saw all the things including the Louvre, the Notre Dame, L’Arc de Triomphe, Carcassone, Nice, the Palace of Versailles, and I spent a night on one of those overnight train things
- Stood on a glacier (and drank water from said glacier)
- Slept on a Native American reservation
- Been published (in a compilation with other writers, in an eBook about writer’s block. Not a novel)
- Had a stereotypical spring break in Cancun
- Been to both the East and West parts of Canada. Not the middle. (Is there even anything in the middle?)
- Traveled to a number of islands including Aruba, the Bahamas, and Jamaica
- Participated in the Conch Republic Independence Day celebrations, including the mock Navy battle in the harbor
- Speaking of Key West, I’ve also seen the sunset at Mallory Square
- Ridden in a 1954 Bentley
- Visited the Grand Canyon
- And Niagara Falls
- Went white water rafting on the Snake River
- Camped at Yellowstone and Yosemite
- Met a celebrity
- Interviewed a celebrity
- Been an extra on a TV show (Romper Room)
- Seen Broadway shows
- Visited all the major attractions in California including Alcatraz, Lombard Street, the San Diego Zoo, and Hearst Castle
- Attended a MLB playoff game
- Won a beer pong tournament
- Hiked in Bryce Canyon
- Gotten my Master’s degree (I used to be smart)
- Learned another language
- Given a speech in public
- Quit a job I hated
- Made pie from scratch, including the crust
- Performed a Zumba routine on stage
- Cooked Thanksgiving dinner by myself
- Attended TV show tapings
- Seen my favorite band in concert (4 times!)
- Visited Disney World and Disney Land
- Been to Bourbon Street (aka the most disgusting street in all the land)
- Been to a music festival
- Sat in club box seats at an NFL and MLB game
- Played with and fed penguins
- Had a pinup photo shoot (these pictures have never, nor will they ever, see the light of day)
Looking at the list, I’m pretty proud of what I’ve done so far and I’m so excited for what’s still to come. Should be a fun few years until I’m 40 and then beyond.
Now you go. Tell me some of the things you’ve done!
NOLA is one of the places i’d love to visit! maybe not during mardi gras as i heard it’s all kinds of crazy and filth during that time but during their off season when it’s not as busy.
god, i would LOVE to be on one of those beaches right about now — it’s minus 40 with windchill up here. RAGE
kathy@real talk recently posted…friday favorites [2-20]
I would love to be on a warm, sunny beach right now. Winter can suck it.
I have less than zero interest in going to Mardi Gras. I’m too old and grumpy and I have no patience for that shit.
I was on the Bertie the Bunyip show when I was little- about 4 yrs old. I went on the Salvation Army canteen with my grandmom and we would go to the airport and give coffee,donuts, and juice to “the boys” and I met Stan Musial and Miss Hawaii- she gave me a lei. I was probably 6 yrs old.
I was in the Gimbel’s Thanksgiving parade with my baton twirler group.
I twirled a fire baton in high school at half time performances.
Had 3 beautiful,healthy, smart humans and many wonderful experiences with them Went to China for business with my sister.
An experience, not a highlight.
You have done and seen things I will probably never experience.
You go, girl!!
Love, SMD’s Momma
I love that you were in a Thanksgiving Day parade. That’s pretty awesome!
Love it! My did it list is on my posts to share too, I’m trying to fit in in near my 40/40 in March.
MFD is DYING to go to Carcassonne (sp?).
I’m going to New Orleans next year right after Mardis Gras…I have very little interest in Bourbon Street.
SMD @ Life According to Steph recently posted…TWTW – the one about nothing
Everything away from Bourbon Street, at least what I saw, was cool. I definitely didn’t see all of NOLA but I don’t know that I’ll go back so I’m okay with what I did see. Was not my cup of tea.
Such a great list!! I was blessed enough to go to France and see all of those things too, so so cool!
Julia recently posted…Liebster Award! + ebook SALE!!!
I loved my trip to France. I was a junior in high school when I went so I’d love to go back as an adult but my husband has no interest in going so I’m thankful I got to go when I did because I probably won’t make it back.
I was just thinking of re-working some of my old content, I have one of these lists some place.
I love all the travel you’ve done, I’m always jealous of travelers.
Kelli recently posted…Conversations With Myself
I definitely do less now than when I was younger but I love traveling. I’d rather spend money on that than anything else.
One of my friends just turned 50 and she did a reverse bucket list similar to this. I think I will steal this idea!!
Greatest (in-person) sports moment was being at the NFC Championship Game when the Cardinals beat the Eagles, sending them to the Super Bowl. Being a Cardinals fan is rough, YO. I literally jumped into my husbands arms as they played We Are The Champions!
Jenniemarie @ Another Housewife recently posted…Hello There
They beat the Eagles. Good enough for me 🙂
Glad to see you stopping by again! I’ve missed you!
you have done so much!! i have been to disney world and disneyland, and that’s about it. haha just kidding. been to the grand canyon, been an extra on a show, met a celebrity.. i am going to france this june and i am SO EXCITED ALL OF THE EXCITEMENT any suggestions?
i really liked bourbon street, but i was probably one of the people making it the most disgusting street in all of the land.
i have never had a spring break though, stereotypical or not. sigh. we have something called ‘schoolies’ which is an end of year celebration and is mainly for year 12 students. our school year ends in december, which is summer, so i guess its like a summer spring break? it seems very similar, stereotypical wise. i didn’t do that either though hahaha.
Kristen recently posted…The person I’d like to be, but probably never will be.
As for France, I don’t know that I have suggestions. I went as a high school trip so our agenda was pretty carefully planned for us and it’s how I was able to see so much in the 10 days I was there. I do recommend doing all the touristy things because there’s just so much!
Bourbon Street was vile. The smell was an assault on my senses.
i might have contributed to the smell. i apologise lol.
Kristen recently posted…The best me; training for tuesday
Such a great idea for a post!!! You have done some pretty incredible things! The thing I am most jealous of is feeding penguins!!! I want to play with the penguins!!!!!
Nadine recently posted…Weekend Shenanigans
Penguins are actually pretty unfriendly but we got to pet and feed them. One peed on me. That aside, it was really cool!
Get out, you were on Romper Room once? I loved that show as a kid. I’m so jealous of your visits to France. Please let me get there one day!! You have quite the list and you damn well should be proud of all you done. Are we allowed to add, had a kid and survived the first year??
Karen recently posted…That’s What She Said: Let’s Say Yes
I was! I think I was in first grade and my mother dressed me and my sister in matching gray sweatshirt dresses with Care Bears on them. Is it obvious I’m a child of the 80s?
Yes, absolutely add having a kid and surviving the first year!
Wow, I’m impressed! You’ve done a lot.
Amber recently posted…4 Ways My Daughter Has Made Me Go “WTF?”
I’m very lucky.
Visiting NYC and seeing a show on Broadway was on my list, and I’m so happy that I accomplished it! Of course, now I can’t wait to go back 🙂
Amanda @ My Life, I Guess recently posted…How to Blog Better: On Your Mark, Get Set, Blog!
Such a great list. You go girl!
Kay R. recently posted…Happy Birthday TKT!
Awesome list. Ok. Continuation questions: Who was the celebrity you met? Who is your favorite band that you’ve seen in concert four times? Of the places you’ve been, if there was one place you’d go back to visit, which would it be?
Erin recently posted…List #22 – Sparkle and Shine at The Oscars
Adam Sandler was the most famous celebrity I’ve met, Rush, Aruba or France
That is a lot of travel and lots of fun things! I was to travel to NOLA, and Canada!
If I had to make a recommendation, do Canada first, then NOLA.
Seriously, these could be on anyone else’s 40×40 list! Go girl! I also did a boudoir shoot, right before I got married. Yep, under lock and key. I’d be terrified to do Zumba onstage, wow! Which celebrity? Other cool stuff I’ve done – got a PhD, traveled for 2 weeks in Japan alone, lived in Taiwan for 2 years alone. My to-do list is much longer than my done list :).
lisacng @ expandng.com recently posted…A day in the life of a mom who gets the day off without her kids
omg i always wanted that steroptyical spring break! i never had one, ever. not hs, not college…nada!
ellesees recently posted…Quick Tip: Longer Lasting Curled Lashes
I love this idea!!!!!!!!!! I’ve been beating myself up over not doing most of what’s on my “to do” list but the truth is, I’ve still done a lot of cool things and made a lot of awesome memories! 🙂
Major props for doing a photo shoot. I would love to do something like that but I am wayyyyy too body conscious!
Amanda recently posted…Mooooooooooo!