Today I’m linking up with the lovely Elle for her Story Behind the Picture linkup. And since my family doesn’t make visual appearances on my blog and I’m anti-selfie (except in certain circumstances and also when someone forces me to. cough-Steph-cough), we’re going to examine a picture of my cat.
Specifically, these pictures (which you might have seen on Instagram)
So, yeah. That’s my cat climbing up our screen door, desperately trying to get back into the backyard. And you can tell by the look on her face in the bottom picture that she is none too pleased with me. That’s her “fuck off, Mom” face.
She uses it a lot.
Here’s the story–when we rescued Boots five years ago, she was feral. Took 3 months of feeding her and providing her with a place to sleep before she would even come near us (and by “us”, I mean “me” because I’m the crazy one that needs her love). We didn’t try to force her inside because the one time we did, before she was ready, didn’t end well. I was adamant about not scaring her off as I needed to make sure she remained fed and safe. And for the next three years, she slept and ate in our little backyard, using the common area kids’ playground as a litter box (which actually really funny)
When we moved in 2013, there was no way I was leaving her behind. She’s not the type of cat that will let you pet her, never mind pick her up and put her in a carrier for transport. So we had to trap her. Fortunately, we still had the trap the TNR (trap, neuter, release) left behind when the brought her back (after they catnapped her for three weeks. That’s another story) and we left the trap on our neighbor’s back deck until she was ready to move to her new home.
At this point, she’s very content as an outdoor cat and our (much larger) backyard is her queendom. She roams freely about the new neighborhood and the neighbors are happy because Boots is a serial killer and no one has a mouse problem anymore.
Things are good for everyone.
Enter winter 2014. Polar vortex. Motherfucking cold. I couldn’t bear the thought of her remaining outside in that weather (even though she has a very well insulated, well protected house, it was just too cold) so I did what any sane person would do. I tricked an outdoor cat who, incidentally, hates any sort of affection including but not limited to touching, petting, playing, and trying to feed by hand, into coming inside. Then I kept her there, letting her out only to go to the bathroom (after an unfortunate incident involving my daughter’s backpack) and roam for a few minutes (so she doesn’t murder me in my sleep) until the polar vortex broke. After awhile, she realized it’s better inside anyway and we didn’t have any problems for the rest of the winter, maintaining a delicate balance of letting her have her outside time and me not feeling like she’ll freeze to death.
2015. Present day. My conditioning worked!! She now sleeps inside just about every night, and spends a couple of hours most days inside as well (since that’s where the food is. We had to move it inside due to a squatter issue). But she likes to play games. She acts like she wants to come inside so I let her in and then she meows to go back out. It goes on for awhile.
It’s not a fun game.
On the day in question (and by that, I mean, the day I took the pictures), she wanted to come inside, probably to eat (smart girl, right?). So I let her in and left her to her food and went back to whatever activity it was I was doing on the couch (probably reading or playing a game. Maybe working) and I hear the blinds clattering against each other. I ignore it, figuring she’s just playing a game. But then it gets louder and more fierce. And after a few minutes, I finally get up to see what the problem is and found what you saw above. SpiderKitty.
It was not the first time she’d done it, either. It was just the first time I was able to get a picture.
I’m sure it’ll happen again, too.
How about you guys? Any fun cat stories?
Linda Sheridan says
Awesome that you took the time to nurture her and keep her safe.
I have never had a cat as a pet. My grandmom had a beautiful persian named Tommy. She called my mom one day crying and said,”He’s laying in the driveway!” My mom thought she was talking about my grandpop!!!
It was Tommy’s time. My brothers and I were a bit allergic and eyes would swell up and water and sneezing, so cats are not for me.
Goddess speed to Boots!
Love, Steph’s Momma
Ashley @ The Wandering Weekenders says
That is too funny, but I love the fact that you were able to bring her with you and her her conditioned enough to come inside for food and to get out of the cold. My parents have done the same thing with a cat at their house. My dad is a big softie and started leaving him food and water outside and then when we had our first big winter storm about to blow through he made him his own cat house complete with an electric blanket. He really doesn’t use it and I have no idea what they’re going to do with him when they move, but he’s definitely found a place in our hearts!
Ashley @ The Wandering Weekenders recently posted…An Unexpected Visit To The Fontanel Mansion
SMD @ Life According to Steph says
The photos are hilarious. Animals are amazing and they can make me laugh more than people.
I’m so glad you rescued boots!
And selfies will happen forever. SORRY NOT REALLY SORRY.
SMD @ Life According to Steph recently posted…To brine or not to brine? Let’s talk turkey.
Tonya@Budget and the Beach says
ha ha, I love that FU mom face. I’ve seen that one myself. Cats are so weird!
Tonya@Budget and the Beach recently posted…Moto G Smartphone Giveaway + 3 Months of Service
lisacng @ says
She’s got some climbing skills!! Very cute! My mom just got a cat and we met her last weekend. So very cute. The cat hasn’t done anything crazy but my mom says that whenever she comes home from work, the cat greets her at the door and immediately lies on her side so my mom will pet her. Adorable.
lisacng @ recently posted…My parenting mottos as articulated by Nike & others
Mackenzie says
Funny story My cat is like a dog, if you don’t keep an eye on your plate, he will snatch the food right off your plate!
Mackenzie recently posted…The Funny That Is Scooby Doo, Where Are You
Nadine says
Spiderkitty!!!!!!!!!LOL!!!!! Cats are so crazy. That is awesome that you were patient and spent time making her as domestic as she is going to get.
Nadine recently posted…A Story Behind the Picture – Our First Christmas
Femme Frugality says
This is freaking hilarious. That’s awesome that you went through all of that for her, too. I have a couple cat stories, but probably the funniest one is when my friend and I rescued a stray. He was staying at his house initially, but then it pooped in his parents’ bed room. So he moved to my house. I hid him in the back half of our basement. I figured by the time my parents discovered him, they wouldn’t be able to argue with the fact that I could take care of him on top of the one we already had, because I would’ve been doing it for a while already.
Teenage logic.
The cat meowed at night. Loudly. My parents couldn’t figure out why our cat suddenly took to night meowing for a week, until one night they heard it while our cat was curled up on their bed.
My mom opened up with back basement door and I was busted. Arguments aside, he was at the shelter the next day. It was a no-kill one, thankfully.
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Stephanie says
hahaha I laughed through this whole story. Boots the serial killer. Look at that little face though! I’d have kept her too. Trapped her, locked her inside, it’s for her own good! I’m glad she’s learned to love you. In small doses
Stephanie recently posted…101 in 1001 (Round 2)
Ali A says
you’re probably fully aware of my hatred for cats, but stories like this always make me laugh. they’re just such strange creatures. my friend had a cat in college who was legitimately INSANE & once jumped up on a screen window and all four legs/claws got stuck so it was just kind of hanging there while we were partying at the house. strange, strange animals.
Ali A recently posted…5 Things to Do Before You Share on Social Media
Lindsay says
She looks happy as a clam hiking up your screen.
Ugh last winter was awful and any outdoor cats around our area my heart broke for. Their virgin pink little paws just can’t handle those extreme temps. Good for you for trapping her so she wouldn’t perish. My kinda gal.
Lindsay recently posted…Weekend Recap
Amber says
Haha. I just love cats, even though they can be butt holes sometimes.
Amber recently posted…Hey, It’s Okay Tuesday!
Amanda says
LMAO Those pictures made me laugh out loud on Instagram. I love it! What a freak she is! lmao
Amanda recently posted…JC’s Rider
Kerry says
I am shocked you were even able to get a feral cat to even come inside. That picture is pretty hilarious though, she totally knows she’s caught and could care less.
Kerry recently posted…Butterscotch Toffee Pie
Erin of TexErin-in-SydneyLand says
I have found something that we are opposites – selfies. You know, I love me a selfie. So, we’re fraternal twins and not identical. Duh.
I know it will come as no surprise that out of my 3 kitties, Ricky is our SpiderKitty. None of mine go outside, although we are certain Ricky would be the hunter since he’s the insect killer of the house.
Erin of TexErin-in-SydneyLand recently posted…Wednesday link ups featuring The Martian
Tanya @ A Mindful Migration says
I love this story! Boots is hilarious. I had a cat that looked like her growing up, but his name was Socks. The FU face is priceless. Nobody gives an FU face or side eye like a feline does. One of my favorite cat stories deals with my cat, Emeril (RIP!), he hated it when I made him wear a scarf. One night I had put it on him and then went to make dinner. The next time I saw him, he wasn’t wearing it anymore. Eventually I found it, floating in the toilet. I guess he let me know how he felt about the situation. Love that you rescued Boots and gave her a great home.
Tanya @ A Mindful Migration recently posted…A Mindless Spender’s New Beginning
Abigail @ipickuppennies says
Tim brought home a tortoiseshell calico one day. Huge thing, and she’d been following him around a bit. But when I was brushing her out, she saw our other cat and hissed. We scolded her, but a few minutes later she did it again. (At that point, we didn’t know it was normal.)
Since she was also huge, and our cat was small, we decided new cat had to go. Tim opened the sliding glass door and took her out. She scurried back inside before he could shut the door. Same thing the second time he tried it.
The third time, he put her outside the little retaining wall our first-story apartment’s “balcony” had. So he was able to shut the door before she came back.
Meaning that she then put her paws on the window and moved her head back and forth trying to see inside. In a movement/look that I described as “Guys? Hey guys! You accidentally shut the door. Guys?”
I was laughing so hard at that point that I told Tim to let her back in. We clearly didn’t have a say in the matter. She had adopted us.
Even so, she’d been a stray long enough that she seemed utterly perplexed when you pet her. She’d allow it, but she’d give you this funny look like she didn’t know what, exactly, was going on.
She’s grown reasonably lovey-dovey over the last few years. More so after our other cat passed away. But I foresee some problems when we bring home a dog next year.
Abigail @ipickuppennies recently posted…Parenthood isn’t the same as adulthood (or womanhood)
Revanche says
Best cat stories!!
My rescue dog-like cat tried to adopt the dog as her mama, and would nurse on the dog’s ear. The dog would put up with this for a few minutes and sigh louder and louder until some human happened along and saved her.
I miss that cat. Except for the times we sat on HER couch cushion and she’d stand next to you glaring reproachfully, and then just lay across you to reiterate the point that you were IN HER WAY.
Revanche recently posted…In Memoriam: Life after Mom says
thanks for linking up!! wow–that a story! i figured there was NO way you’d get her inside ever, but WHOA! lol at spidercat–an accurate description, lol. recently posted…MAC Rebel VS. Wet N Wild Sugar Plum Fairy: Dupe or Not?
Christina says
Hahaha! So funny! Our cats are strictly indoor, but they hang out by the screen door all the time, longing for freedom, I’m sure. I love that you really took care of her all this time. Not a lot of people would do that!
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