A few weeks ago I noticed some of my favorite bloggers were participating in a fall film challenge. I figured I wouldn’t be able to do it because 25 movies by November 30 is pretty much impossible but then with some encouraging peer pressure and an acknowledgement that there’s no way in hell I’d get it done and that’s okay, I thought I’d give it a shot. At the very least I could assemble a list and work through some of the movies left on the AFI 100 Best Films since watching all of those is on my 40 by 40 (which, at this point, needs a major overhaul).
Picking movies was hard, y’all. It nearly broke my brain. But I did it and this is what I came up with and also, please don’t judge me too hard on some of them because yes, I like baseball and have never seen Field of Dreams. Also, finding a movie starring someone with the same name as me? HAHAHAHAHA. That was superfun. I did it, though, but I’m not looking forward to watching it.
Some of the rules: had to be a movie you’ve never seen. No duplicates (so I couldn’t use one movie in two categories). Has to have an IMDB page. No made for TV movies.
I told you. HARD.
So here we go. Jana’s Fall Film Challenge List.
- A movie set in NYC–King Kong*. The Kyle Chandler version. Because Kyle Chandler is in it. But I’m counting it towards my AFI list
- A movie featuring hot air balloons–Around the World in 80 Days
- A movie with a child as a main character–American Graffiti*
- A Disney film–Mary Poppins. No, I’ve never seen it. I know.
- Set in Egypt/with an Egyptian character/Egyptian actor–The Mummy. I like Brendan Fraser. #noshame
- A close friend’s or family member’s favorite–Duck Soup* This is one of my dad’s favorites. If I can’t find it, Blazing Saddles. Also for my dad.
- The word “great” in the title–The Great Train Robbery
- Starring Harrison Ford–Raiders of the Lost Ark* No, I’ve never seen this one either. I know.
- An idiot as a main character–Get Hard. I’m pretty sure anything with Will Ferrell qualifies.
- On Levi Strauss’s list–Rear Window* Aiming for the original but the remake will have to do.
- About a knight–First Knight.
- A love story–Love, Actually. I told you there were lots of common movies on the list I’ve never seen.
- Something miraculous–Field of Dreams Judging me is totally appropriate at this point
- Same name as you–Approaching Midnight (actress: Jana Kramer)
- About the Olympics–Munich or Chariots of Fire
- On Time magazine’s list of newspaper movies–Zodiac
- Question in the title–Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf?*
- 90% or more on rotten tomatoes–Serpico or The Last Picture Show*
- Superhero movie–Iron Man. I do love RDJ
- Subtitles–Amelie
- Featuring unicorns–Blade Runner*
- Personal victory–The Martian. Fiction, yes, but the man grew potatoes from his own poop. On Mars. Because he scienced the shit out of it.
- Black or white in the title–Black Swan or Meet Joe Black
- Set in a country you’d like to visit–Green Street Hooligans Charlie Hunnam, pre-Jax Teller. Alrighty.
- Set in a zoo–We Bought a Zoo. Two Matt Damon movies on the list? Don’t mind if I do.
*denotes movie on the AFI list of 100 Greatest American Films of All-Time
For all the rules, visit the original post: The Fall Film Challenge
So what about you guys? Are you doing it? Have you seen any of these? Any I should replace?
I see parts of movies. When my kids would be clicking and then watching a movie, I would get interested and watch. I saw a good bit of Field of Dreams and the end of the Matt Damon Zoo movie. I do not like to commit to sitting and watching a whole movie!
Enjoy !
Love, Steph’s Momma
I love movies! But I know lots of people who don’t.
hahaha “because he scienced the shit out of it” lol Great picks!! I love RDJ as well – hes mah boo.
I’m pretty sure that was a line in the book. I wish I had thought of it!
I’m so not a movie person, I’d fail because I’d never watch any of the movies on my list. The only time I ever watch movies is if Tyson is in control of the remote.
Kelli recently posted…How I Made My Dream Beach Life A Reality
I love movies. I just don’t watch a ton because Scott and I can’t agree on any except every once in a while. I plan to watch most of these during the day, while Erica is at school and Scott’s at work and I’m at home working.
blade runner is supposed to be one of the most amazing films ever made.
amelie and raiders!!!! such great movies!
kathy @ more coffee, less talky recently posted…badass bitches throw axes
Blade Runner is so out of the realm of what I’d normally watch. Should be an interesting experience.
I used to try to watch 100 new-to-me films a year. Though, last year was the first time I “failed” that project, and haven’t really tried since. Tough without a decent source of new films! I’d totally participate in this if I didn’t have that problem though 🙁 Be some motivation for me to just keep watching them movies 🙂
Cool list, looking forward to hearing what you make of all of these!
Jaina recently posted…Happy World Photography Day 2015!
I figured it was a way to force myself to watch movies I’d never seen instead of watching the same ones all the time. I’m hoping Netflix and Amazon can help me out 🙂
i’m totally gonna try that! thanks for the idea.
jenn recently posted…random, but not the quarter kind
Black Swan was weird as F. So was Meet Joe Black but better weird.
SMD @ Life According to Steph recently posted…TWTW – the one with the peace and quiet
I think I’ll wind up watching Meet Joe Black. I don’t know that I have the tolerance for the weird that is Black Swan. I just needed a back up.
I have not seen most of these movies. I am terrible at keeping up with movies for whatever reason. My favorite movie about a knight?? Hands down A Knight’s Tale!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nadine recently posted…Weekend Shenanigans
Mine, too, but you couldn’t put any movies you’ve already seen on the list otherwise that would have made it on there PDQ.
There were plenty of movies I wanted to add but since the rules said no movies you’ve seen “parts” of, I couldn’t add them. It made it a lot harder to pick the list. You’ve got some great choices!
Michael recently posted…Planner Addict For Life
The “parts of” made making some choices even more difficult. Sign. We’ll see how this challenge plays out.
but that’s exactly WHY it says no movies you’ve seen parts of.
jenn recently posted…random, but not the quarter kind
Interesting! If it was just 25 films no biggie, but the categories might throw me off. I do love me some movies but I’d probably just rather watch movies that speak to me in the moment, even if I’ve seen them before. Last night I watched, Seeking a Friend for the End of the World. It was cute and a surprising tear-jerker!
Tonya@Budget and the Beach recently posted…Stuck in Limbo: The Internal Debate Over Living In Los Angeles
I watched that a few months ago. It definitely made me feel so many feels.
I figure I can work these in with the movies I actually want to see but I did put a bunch on the list that I’ve been wanting to so it’s a pretty good compromise.
Awesome list! I love Iron Man. RDJ just plays RDJ in every movie. It’s not even acting, it’s just… him. Hilarious.
Stephanie recently posted…5 Reasons Back to School Season is Better than Christmas
My daughter loves it, too. I’m the only one in my house who hasn’t seen it so I should probably change that. I adore RDJ so at least it’ll be bearable as I generally cannot stand superhero movies.
haha i like brendan fraser too! the mummy is probably my favourite movie of his, i watch it all the time. i have seen a few others on your list, i hope you like them. and yes, growing potatoes out of your poop is definitely a personal victory!
kristen recently posted…Why you should use a travel agent for your Disney Vacation
I think it’s a huge person victory!
My favorite Brendan Fraser movie is School Ties. I love that movie so, so much.
Fun challenge! Some of these “classics” are ones I haven’t seen either, like Field of Dreams! And I should re-watch those Indiana Jones movies. I loved them as a kid. YESSS to The Martian. Though I might not be able to watch it on opening night because that’s the day I come home from a conference.
lisacng @ expandng.com recently posted…His & Her beer reviews: Old Bust Head English Pale Ale
The release date for The Martian has been moved up a month to October and I’m so excited I’m making my husband take the day off so we can go see it while the child is still in school. Not even kidding.
Love Actually is so good, i can’t beleive you haven’t seen it yet. Green Street Hooligans is so good, more violent than I thought it would be though. I think you should switch Without Limits for Munich. So inspirational, I own it on DVD and always watch when I need to feel like I can conquer anything. Billy Crudup and Donald Sutherland, perfection.
Kerry recently posted…Where Did The Weekend Go?
I like the story behind Munich. Sounds intriguing. It’ll really come down to which one I can find.
You know, there are plenty of classics I haven’t seen on that list either. Except Mary Poppins. You might be the odd one out there. I’ve seen it at least 50 times.
And yeah, Black Swan was weird. But not unbearable. I never saw Meet Joe Black.
Kristin recently posted…3-Ingredient Mango Salsa
I’ve never seen The Sound of Music either. Classics and I don’t get along. It’s the same with books. I really don’t know why.
When forced to pick a favorite movie of all time, I choose Love Actually. It’s one of those that makes my heart sing and break and rejoice. Everytime I see it, I pick a different story line that is my fave.
Also…First Knight is not that great of a movie, but I love it anyways. Everyone loves Richard Gere in Pretty Woman. Not me. I’ll take Lancelot.
Green Street Hooligans. Good choice. And, I didn’t even know that Charlie Hunnam was in it.
I’m glad you signed up for this, so we can spectacularly fail at watching all 25 movies together. That being said, please watch Love Actually.
Erin of TexErin-in-SydneyLand recently posted…Books I Quit
I’ve been wanting to watch Love Actually but never really bothered to do it. At least this will force me to.
And, yes, we will fail spectacularly together!
yes, do watch love actually. emma thompson is amazing in it. (and watch about time, too. it’s SO odd, so incredibly odd, but if you can get past the odd bit, it’s beautiful.)
jenn recently posted…random, but not the quarter kind
I’m also doing this film challenge, and I felt like it took a ridiculous amount of time to come up with my list. (Though, thankfully, it wasn’t too difficult to find a movie starring someone with my first name. There are at least a few Kristens out there!)
I’ve seen quite a few movies you mentioned. I really liked Black Swan and I love Amelie (I own it and have seen it more times than I count). I also chose Zodiac and Munich (I know you’re also considering another movie for that category, though).
I considered choosing The Martian for the “Personal Victory” category, but I really want to read the book first. Unfortunately, the library waiting list is pretty long, so I wasn’t sure if I’d get to the book before the movie comes out.
Kristen recently posted…Tasty Tuesday: Caesar Crusted Salmon
i should’ve come by here YESTERDAY. a whole post about ffc, and i’m not the first to say YAY! shame on me.
and yes, YES, damn skippy it’s okay if you don’t get it done. hell, I won’t get it done, and it’s my damned challenge. the ultimate goal isn’t to watch twenty-five films in ninety days or so. it’s to get yourself seeing things you wouldn’t normally see, but more, it’s to interact with others, and i’m so excited you’re playing along. THANK YOU.
jenn recently posted…random, but not the quarter kind
oh, and i vote for meet joe black over black swan. most definitely. black swan pissed me off for a variety of reasons, the greatest of which being that i wasted my time and money on that crap.
having said that, meet joe black’s not that great. but brad pitt’s nice to look at, and the premise (minus the cheese) is kind of interesting.
lastly (because i’ve left more comments on your blog in fifteen minutes than i’ve left on any others all week), if you’ve not seen the great raid with connie nielsen, benjamin bratt, martin csokas, james franco and joseph fiennes, that flick needs. to. be. on. your. list. it is one of the best stories in our country’s history.
jenn recently posted…random, but not the quarter kind
Meet Joe Black!! I lurve this movie. Don’t feel so bad, I haven’t seen a whole bunch of the movies you listed here. I blame it on not having TV growing up and then being in college/stationed overseas.
Teh Megan recently posted…Confessions {8/26}
Yay! I’m glad you’re doing this too! It was so tough making the list. I had to pick a lot of older movies and thankfully my library has at least ten. I think due dates will help me finish the challenge faster.
Christina recently posted…Cheers & Jeers
Great list! Love, Actually is one of my favorite movies. 🙂
Cole recently posted…Tuesdays at the Table – Zucchini and Mushroom Fettucini Alfredo
I LOVE THE MUMMY & FIELD OF DREAMS! You have such a concrete list! Love Actually? Great movie!
Audrey recently posted…SICK (and a new hair cut!)
I’m excited for them based on your enthusiasm!
Great selections!! Love Actually is one of my faves. It will be great right as we get into the holiday season toward the end of the challenge!! Enjoy all the movies!!
Thanks! I feel like it’s about time I see what all the fuss is about with that movie.
You have never seen Love Actually? You’ll love it, I have it on DVD and always watch it. Such a great cast as well! So British ha!
I have never seen it. I typically don’t watch rom-com type movies. They bug me for some reason.