I am decidedly not a trendy person. I don’t wear trendy clothes or use trendy language (and often have to use Urban Dictionary or rely on the kindness of others to explain such things to me) or have trendy home furnishings or anything else. I like what I like and I stick with it. That works for me.
That said, I might occasionally partake in something trendy. Like, I watched Stranger Things on Netflix this summer. I know who Chrissy Teigen is. I am waiting for The Girls by Emma Cline to come in at the library. So, I’m not totally living in my only little Jana sized bubble. However, there are a number of trendy (or maybe they’re not even trendy anymore. I don’t know) things I have not nor will I actually do.
For instance:
- Bulletproof coffee. This is essentially coffee with butter in it. I feel like Paula Deen had something to do with this trend because I’m confident she’s in cahoots with the butter industry (is that a thing? I feel like it’s a thing) but seriously. Butter. In coffee. No, thank you. If I’m going to put butter in something, it’s going to be a cookie.
- Contouring/nontouring. So, more work for makeup. Not going to do it. I have my 10 minute routine and unless I’m being photographed for some professional reason, I’m not adding anymore time to it. Maybe not even then. Hard pass.
- Tiny houses. FUCK THAT SHIT RIGHT NOW. I get that it’s environmentally friendly and economical (unless you have one of those pretentious Tiny Houses like on that show Tiny House Nation which I watched for approximately 4 minutes before I went all ragey) and a wonderful, practical solution to homelessness but unless you want me trading my tiny house for a jail cell, I’m not living in one. I need my space, y’all.
- Ombre hair. Not even sure if this is still a thing but I have basically the equivalent of a long haired animal living on my head. My hair is dark and thick and long and curly (well, unruly, but let’s just say curly for now) and I can’t even imagine how much money and time it would take to ombre my hair. I don’t want to sit still that long for anything that’s not a book.
- Oil pulling. It sounds gross, it seems like it hurts, and I’m fine with a toothbrush and mouthwash. Sometimes I even floss! I know. I live on the edge.
- Those long, pointy, oval shaped nails that look like talons. OMG, how do you function with those? Like basic functions like buttons things or wiping or typing a text? Doesn’t all kinds of shit get stuck in them? INQUIRING MINDS WANT TO KNOW (fellow old ladies, please tell me you get that). So I’ll stick with my short, square nails that enable me to go to the bathroom and not fear impaling my uterus.
- CrossFit. So this is all the rage right now. And I’m intrigued by it but I’m wholly uncoordinated and I’ve heard there’s the box that you have to jump on for one of the exercises and I’d most likely miss the box and fall and break something so skipping this one is more for my personal safety considering I was taken down by a rogue grape a few weeks ago. I can’t imagine CrossFit ending well for me.
- Bullet journals. Like CrossFit, I’m intrigued by this one. If I had ambition and remembered to actually keep track of shit, I’d be all over it. I’ve seen examples of ones for mental health and for books, not just for your daily life, and those seem like they’re more up my alley but they also seem like a shit ton of work and let’s face it, I’m pretty fucking lazy. So Goodreads and a daily planner and ye old blog it is.
How about you guys? Do you participate in trends or abstain? Or some combination?ย
Very interesting topic! I know someone who is a husband and father and is so into crossfit that it is consuming his life. It seems cultish. He and his wife went away on their young son’s birthday for a crossfit thing. I am intrigued by bullet journals.
Enjoyable read.
Love, Steph’s Momma
I’ve neer heard of a couple of those things! I’m jealous of your thicker hair though so I should look into that animal on my head thing. ๐ Trends? Hmmm, yeah, I think sometimes I do. I’m trying “one thing” right now, which is just trying to change one habit that might have some kind of big impact on my life. For me that’s no work snacks. I was just tired of feeling puffy. I think I’m three weeks in and so far so good. I’m sure I can think of a couple other things. I’d say I only do them if I’m really, really interested.
I will say, I am totally into bullet journaling – have been for years.
But all the others, totally on board.
I cant STAND those nails. Khloe Kardashian – when I see her pointed claws, I cringe.
& I totally get wrapped up in those Tiny House shows on HGTV because I cant even imagine. I feel claustrophobic just looking at them
I agree with every last one of your things you are not interested in. Me neither!!! The tiny house thing?? Ummmm hell to the no. Sure its all cute for YOU but not for me at all. Not even a little bit. In fact in another year or two, Chris and I plan on getting a much bigger house than we currently have. Chris had me make him bullet proof coffee a few weeks ago and it smelled good but I just…I cant. And the oil pulling, gross!!! And speaking of gross, the long nails like that freak me out too.
Other trendy things that aren’t for me? Cropped tops and rompers. My body in those? NOPE! No or very low carb diets. Sorry, but carbs are my friend. I might cut back but I wont cut out. If a diet says no fruit or veggies because of their carbs? Yeah, no.
I don’t get Bullet Journals – they are fucking to do lists. Why are we calling them something different?
The oval talons make me CRINGE. Just, no.
I use face makeup maybe once every month or two months…contouring is so out of my wheelhouse.
LOLOL on the tiny houses – I need space too. I do think it would be an awesome answer to homelessness.
I can’t stop watching tiny house shows! I don’t want to live that way but I find the people who do fascinating, like watching circus freaks. I watched one last night where they bought a school bus for a family of six (!!!) to live in. I have to agree on Crossfit as that’s some weird cult stuff and I too would fall. A friend told me I should bullet journal and I have zero interest in something that takes that much time.
Why oh why are overalls coming back in style? And I hate “shooties.” I feel ridiculous for even typing that.
Ewwww, my husband tried bulletproof coffee a couple of times and I almost threw up watching him drink it. Long pointed nails, I mean, I think I would accidently puncture an artery or something.
Haha, YES – Bullet journals! I am so intrigued but seriously I don’t not have the time and definitely lack the artistic creativeness to make it anything nearly as pretty as the ones I follow on IG.
I am so un-trendy. Sometimes I’ll flip through a fashion magazine at the dentist and make that snorting/scoffing noise under my breath at their suggestions for even casual outfits.
Kelly @ Noodle to the Rescue recently posted…The Week Ahead [August 21, 2016]
I love the look of bullet journals, but I’m way too lazy for sure. Tiny houses are my jam though, I freaking love them. John would never live in one (also he’s 6’3″ so there’s that), hence we bought a regular size house. But I still watch tiny house shows religiously.
I love butter like I love breathing, but I’m not putting it in my coffee. Blech! I had to look up bullet journals. Laziness wins out there. I like the idea of the tiny house but not for me. And I couldn’t finish The Girls. I got it on Audible and ended up returning it.
I have semi jumped on the bullet journal train but mine looks a lot more just like a regular planner. I don’t write in it every day, it is not 100% functional but it does have a monthly/weekly calendar and I do keep some lists in it. So it’s really more like a notebook. I *wish* I had the time and energy to journal in a more beautiful way, but I don’t, so I spend time on other things I love. I 100% agree with all of the rest of these things. I tried oil pulling once and I only lasted for a couple minutes. It was gross. Coffee + butter are not things that are meant to go together IMO. Maybe coffee, and then toast with butter on the side. haha. Is that trendy? ๐
Heather recently posted…A wonderful weekend
Obviously, I’m not super trendy because I didn’t know what a few of those trends even were until you explained them. ๐ When I was younger, I was very much into trends. Now I follow those that appeal/work for me versus following them all. Or assuming they are worthy because they are a trend. I read a long article about the butter in coffee thing and it just sounded gross. Butter belongs in mashed potatoes and cookies. ๐ My apartment is small and I dream of more space, so a tiny home has zero appeal to me. At all. I would probably contour for special occasions (which I never have) if I knew how, but I’m too lazy to learn. I’m probably guilty of following book trends, i.e. what everyone is reading. The Girls is on every list but it was a mixed bag for me. It started so strongly but petered out in the end. Sometimes that annoys me even more because it had such potential that was wasted.
Tanya @ A Mindful Migration recently posted…July Bookshelf: A Month of Killers
Bahahaha! I actually like to try as many things as possible, because it’s fun for me, but I’ll agree with you on the talon nails, ombre hair, and tiny houses. I had a friend with super long nails (square, but still) and she had to use her knuckle to do stuff on her phone. That’s great and all, but what about opening a can of soda? Holding a pencil? Typing on a keyboard???
I would totally try the coffee, just to see for myself, and, after googling what it was, bullet journaling sounds interesting. I tried contouring for a while but I was really bad at it and then after a while I decided I didn’t need to pretend my face was thinner. It’s fine the way it is.
The only one I actually do on here is oil pulling! If you’re weird about textures, I could definitely see it being an unpleasant experience, but after it melts, swishing with coconut oil is really not that much different from mouthwash and I certainly don’t find it to be painful. I mostly use it because it does as good a job as mouthwash without turning my tongue green.
Jenn @ Optimization, Actually recently posted…Stupid Reasons I’ve Unfollowed
Bahahaha! Taken down by a rogue grape!!
Lindsay recently posted…Weekend Adventures in Pet Sitting & Dog Walking
ALL of these – plus that ABSURD eyebrow trend where they’re drawn on, super thick and dark and just look FOOLISH. I cannot.
I’m familiar with three of the things on your list so I’m definitely not trendy. I have to admit, CrossFit sounds intriguing. I’m a runner so any opportunity for cross-training is good in my book. The only reason I haven’t signed up is the $150 monthly fee. They have other payment options but any way you look at it, it’s expensive, and with my running schedule, I doubt I’d get my money’s worth. I haven’t completely ruled it out though.
Is THAT what bulletproof coffee is?!? I’m not a coffee drinker, so I haven’t paid attention, but I’ve seen chatter about it.
I love make-up! I don’t contour, nor do I care to learn.
Don’t even get me fucking started on Crossfit. Okay, I’m started. I have friends back home that actual pulled money together and opened a Crossfit gym. It’s like a cult. I swear. My brother is VERY fit for his age (46). He swims, plays basketball, runs, lifts. He told me that he is convinced that no 40+ year old knees or other joints need Crossfit. He tried it. But, who am I to talk? I’m just an overweight, non-exercising fool. According to these Crossfit “friends” of mine, I’m just lazy and jealous.
I don’t even know what oil pulling or bullet journaling are. (or is?…are?)
texerinsydney recently posted…Thursday Thoughts on Tuesday vol.5
I think part of the BP coffee thing is that people use it as a meal replacement. That to me is weird. Have a shake or something.
Scott wants to build a tiny house to ” go to” but still wants his 2500 sq ft house and 3 sheds for all of his “stuff”. NOT the point. I think it’s a holier than thou trend, even if they’re cute to look at.
Crossfit is awful. Unless you’re looking to bulk up, there’s no reason for it.
Also, bullet journals. My cousin is a therapist and recommends them for mental health reasons but just the idea of keeping track of all that stuff and setting it up and following through and whatnot…it stresses me out.
I started a bullet journal, because I’m a weirdo and making it was super relaxing and fun for me. But a lot of people are more artistic than me, so I sort of make up my own layouts (which is kind of the point, so whatevs). But now…I’ve lost the journal. It would be handy though.
Every time I see a new blog post or something about bullet journals, I stop and go “hmm, I should read this and do this…” but it never interests me long enough to figure out “how” to do it. Which feels weird, like I need to learn how to journal? I’ve decided to just stick to my calendar scheduling, daily and long-term listing, and mind-vomit journaling.
I confess though, I love tiny houses. NOT the extremely small ones I’ve seen on TV, but I live in less than 500 square feet right now and can’t even think about what I would do with more space. The only thing I’d want is, believe it or not, another wall in here.
Pretty much with you on all the things here. The bulletproof coffee thingโseriously, who thought that was a good idea. Because drinking butter is a fantastic thing to do.
As for oval, long nailsโnope! I can’t type when my nails are even a little bit long. But then I’m betting a lot of people who have those nails have people to type for them.
BUTTER? in coffee? i don’t drink coffee but if i did… why would i put butter in it? no. i like butter when cooking but i don’t want to drink it.
i don’t understand long nails in general.
Kind of out of left field, but the bulletproof journal re: mental health reminded me of a couple books I heard about the other day. Check out hardcoreselfhelp.com He seems really relatable and honest with no bull shit. AND there’s a podcast too! Have a great weekend!! ๐
So much yes! This is a great post. I agreed with you on so many points. Especially butter in coffee. No. Hard no.
Haha I agree with most of these things. I don’t think I’m a very trendy person either. I like some trends, but if I’m wearing, reading, doing, etc. something trendy, it’s because I actually like it. And the trendy language thing? I don’t know what a lot of things mean (or I rely on discussions with other people, the internet, and/or my silly guilty pleasure teenager shows that I still watch at age 32).
Like you, I’m intrigued with bullet journaling, but I don’t know if I have the patience for it. I can barely get my blogging shit together, so I probably don’t need yet another time consuming hobby. Crossfit, on the other hand? I’m too lazy. I absolutely know that. I enjoy working out (to some degree), but yoga will always be my favorite type of workout. I doubt I’ll ever jump on the Crossfit train.
Bulletproof coffee sounds disgusting. In fact, I was just having a conversation about it with some friends a couple of weeks ago and I was saying that I just didn’t think I could even bring myself to try it. The closest thing I’ve tried was yak butter tea while I was in Tibet. It was one of those things I did for the experience … I mean, when would I ever have an opportunity to try such a thing again? Well … It was gross. Okay, it was the most disgusting thing I’ve ever put in my mouth EVER. That was in 2007, and I can still remember how absolutely vile it was. No thanks.
Oh, and the nails really just creep me out. I think about all the bacteria that must be lurking under them and … Ugh. No. No no no.