Happy panniversary, guys. What a fucking year. Really looking forward to…I don’t even know anymore. I’m trying not to look forward to anything because I’m so tired of being disappointed when it’s inevitably canceled. You know, like concerts, vacations, seeing family, my sanity. Stuff like that.
But at least there’s still books. I have books to look forward to. Like You Love Me, which NetGalley forked over yesterday and I can’t wait to read because I’m obsessed with Joe Goldberg. And the new Andy Weir book which NetGalley ALSO gave me. I don’t know why they trust me so much now. But I like it.
Maybe it’s a reward for reading two last month. Who knows. I’m not questioning anything. I’m just going to sit back and read because quite frankly, there’s not a whole hell of a lot else to do (and let’s be honest, even if there was, that’s what I’d do anyway).
Last month was a good reading month, save for one book which was so terrible I didn’t make it past page 50 and even that was a struggle. Unfortunately, almost all of them were written by white women so the diversity was pretty lacking and that’s a failing on my part so I’ll need to work on that.

Malibu Rising by Taylor Jenkins Reid. NetGalley book #1. I love her, and I swear, each book she writes gets better than the previous one. This is far and away my most favorite one she’s written. It’s just SO GOOD. If you’re looking for something deep or moving or that’s going to change your life, this is not that book. But if you want a fantastic story told in a pretty creative way, this is that book.
The Four Winds by Kristin Hannah. I know there are some complaints that it’s a little slow, but I didn’t find it slow. I found it massively depressing and heartbreaking, and not because of when it takes place (the Depression). It’s just sad for like the whole book, and the end was not what I wanted it to be at all. I wanted something better for Elsa. She deserved it.
The Survivors by Jane Harper. Not the strongest showing from her, but still a good book. Solid plot, interesting characters, good writing. Oh, and The Dry is a movie now so if you liked that one, be on the lookout in May-ish for the U.S. release.
Finlay Donovan Is Killing It by Elle Cosimano. I adore her YA books (seriously, read Holding Smoke and The Suffering Tree) so I was super excited for her first adult novel (that sounds weird. It was not “adult” like porn. It was just for grown-ups, I guess). It was a fun, light, easy read (I finished it in a day) and while I wouldn’t call it a thriller, it was a mystery. And definitely an interesting, twisty one. This is a perfect vacation book, if we ever get those or if you want to pretend you’re on one and need a book to read.
Deacon King Kong by James McBride. This book is weird and wonderful and definitely niche/genre-bending since it’s a mystery AND general fiction with a side of social commentary and historical fiction (it takes place in the 60s) and it’s probably not for everyone but I loved it.
Dark Roads by Chevy Stevens. NetGalley #2. There’s a reason she and Paul Cleave are my favorite thriller writers (he has a new book coming out this year, too!). Her books never disappoint, although this one was a little stranger than her others in the way it was written (there were two characters who were prominent in one part and then just disappeared in the rest), and it was a similar formula to her others but I did like that you knew who one of the villains was up front. This is also sadly based on true events.
Ready Player Two by Ernest Cline. Some books are not meant for a sequel, and this one proves exactly why. It was garbage and that’s where it belongs. Do not waste your time on one page of this book (I wasted my time on 50 of them so you don’t have to).
TL; DR: Every book I read this month was excellent and worth the spot on your TBR except for Ready Player Two which is good only for kindling and toilet paper (unless you get it on your Kindle, in which case, delete it and save the space).
Currently reading: The Removed by Brandon Hobson
Now it’s your turn! Link up and show us your books! Don’t forget to visit my co-host Steph who is also celebrating her birthday month this month and some of the other bloggers joining us. And mark down April 13 for the next one.
I feel like I’m forgetting something. Oh well. Happy reading!