I don’t know if it’s the weather, my depression, the fact that I can’t get enough sleep or something else that’s been causing my crabby mood lately but for the last few weeks, everyone and everything has been getting on my nerves.
Here’s a sample:
The cell phone service in my house. It sucks a fat one. I have to get a landline now because #paranoid. I’m so afraid something is going to happen to me or the child and no one will be able to get in touch with me that I have to add this unnecessary service to my life. So now, when anyone asks you if you know anyone who still has a landline you can say you do because Verizon Wireless can’t get its shit together and work properly where I live.
Doctors. I’ve been going to a doctor to deal with some lady problems and this one ordered a test to check my Vitamin D level. It’s low. Really low. So low I’m on a prescription to bring it up to something even remotely reasonable. I’m livid that, after years of telling my primary doctor about some problems, she never bothered to order this test and if she had, I might not have some of the issues I do. I want to bring the test results into her office, wave them in her face and impolitely scream, “I told you something was wrong, bitch!”
My daughter’s cheer coach. Good grief, this woman causes more drama than an episode of Chicago Fire if the cast of Mean Girls showed up. I cringe whenever I see her and if her emails didn’t contain drips of important information, I’d delete them and pretend I never saw them. She has no business being around little kids like, at all, ever, and I cannot wait until March when this season is over.
The guy from the insurance company who showed up unannounced to take pictures of my house with no authorization from either me or my husband. Dude, you just don’t do that. And telling me the dog is cute does not make up for the fact that you are basically a creeper.
TV. Why are all the good shows ending this year? I don’t have the patience to scope out new shows for the ones that don’t suck and then commit.
People who don’t text or email back but post on social media. There should be a special prison for them.
Writer’s block. Specifically with blog posts. I have dozens of ideas, with many of them outlined, but when I sit down to write, they turn to shit. That’s how this post happened. It started as a rant on the pressure moms (and women, but specifically moms) have to be hot and perfect and then it started to make no sense. Maybe we’ll try again for Friday.
My dog. He needs to stop eating my child’s toys. Also my child needs to do a better job of picking up her toys so said dog does not eat them. It’s a vicious cycle.
The announcement that NKOTB will be on tour with TLC and Nelly. I don’t understand this pairing. My brain doesn’t know which of my past age groups should be excited. The middle schooler? The high schooler? The college student? #waytooconfused Oh, and it’s in the round. Because of course it is.
Anyone who puts me in a FB group that sells a product and doesn’t ask my permission first. Let me be clear: you’re all my enemies now.
What are you guys cranky about?
Linking up with Melissa for Humpday Confessions: