Since tomorrow is Show Us Your Books, I decided we’d start the week with everyone’s favorite interview series. I’m thrilled that today’s interview is with Alyssa from Alyssa Goes Bang. If you’re not reading her blog, you are seriously missing out and you need to visit her as soon as you’re done reading her interview. She’s also the co-founder (with me) of the Long Hard Reading Challenge (details coming this summer but it is exactly what you think it is).
Hey Jana Says readers! I’m Alyssa, and I babble over at alyssagoesbang. I don’t really talk about anything in particular, but there’s a good chance you’ll find some posts about the things I muse over, running, yoga, New Jersey, and being an Alyssa. Many thanks to Jana for having me here to babble some more about books!
Jana: Why do you enjoy reading?

Jana: How do you decide what to read?
Jana: Who are some of your favorite authors and/or genres?
Jana: What’s your favorite book or a book you always recommend?
Jana: Do you watch movie adaptations of books? What do you think of them?

Jana: Ebooks, paper books, audiobooks, or a combination? Why?
Jana: Do you use the library or buy books?
Jana: Does it offend you when people call you a bookworm or book nerd? Why or why not?
Jana: How do you find time to read?
Jana: What’s one piece of advice you’d give to people who say they don’t enjoy reading or don’t have time to read?