This week in reading…if we’re friends on Goodreads, disregard what it says as “currently reading” because I cannot keep my currently reading books straight. I started Some Luck and while I’m enjoying it, others are popping up. Like Hidden Bodies, Caroline Kepnes’s follow-up to You (thank you, NetGalley). You all know how much I loved that book and it’s nothing short of a small miracle that I don’t have to wait until September to read the new one. I also started The Husband’s Secret and other books like The Long Home are back in waiting which means that current reads are being mixed and matched like Punky Brewster’s socks.
This week in shit I don’t care about…The Stanley Cup. The NBA finals. The release of the new 50 Shades book (this one actually has me asking why? Why another book? Do we really need his perspective? No. No we don’t. E.L. James, we need to have a long chat). Firefly. Well, I care a little about Firefly only in that it affects traffic near my house. GO AWAY, concert revelers. Find another route.
This week in TV…Anyone else excited for True Detective? I know the casting was controversial but I love me some Vince Vaughn and I’m looking forward to seeing what he does in this kind of role.
This week in podcasts you should listen to…If you’re not already listening to Criminal, do that. Also, Book Riot has another podcast, All the Books!, and it’s a weekly one devoted to new book releases. Crime and books. My two favorite subjects.
This week in things that are awesome…the kid in Washington who started an Instagram account that praised and complimented his classmates. This story about Laverne Cox and her reaction a 7 year old trans girl. The volunteers organizing all the books in a Philly high school’s basement.
This week in Internet reads…This article and accompanying video on how much sleep you actually need and the cumulative effect of sleep debt. If you’re into the Myers-Briggs personality tests, you might like this post on classic novels for each personality type (I’m an INFJ and the recommended book is Ulysses by James Joyce, which is extra funny and coincidental because it’s one of the books in my and Alyssa’s upcoming reading challenge). This post is originally from February but it’s important because it gives you all the reasons why you should stop using your smartphone in bed (this is a good accompaniment to the article about hours of sleep). And, finally, for all my fellow 80s kids, here’s a list of things we could do in school that kids today most definitely cannot.
This week in funnies…
Have a great weekend! Happy Father’s Day to those celebrating! See you back on Monday with a recap of my favorite books of the year (so far).