Another depression filled week in the books. Let’s see what happened:
- Finished American Youth and The Girl from Home. Both were less than stellar but not awful. Currently reading The Never-Open Desert Diner. Picked up nothing new from the library and am ghosting NetGalley. #sorrynotsorry
- Preparing my list for Erin and Dani’s reading challenge. It mostly consitutes NetGalley books since I have several of those and a long flight to and from Phoenix. Long flight=eBook reading because eBooks save space and weigh less. Not sure if those kinds of books count but #idowhatiwant
- Continued to spend ridiculous money on refreshing my makeup (bought some blush, liquid eyeliner, and new nail polish) but at least I had coupons and sales and also bought some drugstore brands. I think NOW I’m done. Also spent money almost daily on iced coffee. I could save myself time and energy and gas if I just made a big ass pitcher at home so maybe #weekendgoals
- Listening to Skillet’s newest:
- No internet reads again this week. I just don’t have the energy and if I haven’t commented on your blogs or responded to your comments on mine please know that I want to but when I sit down to do it, I get overwhelmed and just say fuck it.
- Funnies:
Season 2 of Bloodline releases today! If you need me for the next few days, you know where to find me.