And so the curtain closes on yet another summer. This one was infinitely better than last, given the fact that we didn’t move and almost have a foray into homelessness. Which was great for family morale.
Summer saw the blossoming of our garden but the demise of my pioneer project (we’ll talk about that another day), the rebirth of this blog, and the end of my sanity. It also saw me work through my summer reading list which I established way back in June but, like every plan I put into action, it got derailed and took on a life of its own.
You can read the full summer reading list if you want but the Cliff’s Notes version is this: I picked 6 fiction and 7 nonfiction books to read, for a total of 13 books. I wound up reading 14; 2 nonfiction (Confessions of a Prairie Bitch and The Last Lecture) and 12 fiction books. Here’s my brief reviews of the ones I could fit into a PicMonkey collage.
- Very disappointing book. Mostly boring, occasionally interesting. YA book that is not appreciated by this actual adult.
- I love Joshua Ferris’s books and I loved this one. It’s a dense read at times but worth working through.
- The first 200 pages were slow, slow, slow but the pay off of the last third of the book is worth it. Glad I read it before I see the movie.
- Not what I expected but in a good way. Chick lit at its finest and definitely worth reading.
- My most favorite book of the summer (it’s Eleanor and Park, in case you can’t read the title). YA book that is highly appreciated by this actual adult and if I had to pick one book to recommend out of all I read this summer, it’s this one. I read it in a day.
- Terrible book. It was awkward and bothersome and weird and don’t waste your time unless you have nothing else to read.
- Adequate. Great at times, boring at others. Mostly unlikable characters but a few likable ones that you keep reading the book for.
- Loved this one, too. The ending was a bit meh and the plot was mostly predictable but it was well written and a compelling read.
- Another YA book (not sure what was going on with me and YA books this summer). Intriguing storyline and I read Dare Me because I liked this one so much (by the same author). Great for a vacation read.
- Not pictured: Things We Set on Fire (even my non-reader sister liked it), See You at Harry’s (quick read, good for a long flight. Slightly sad), Real Happy Family (another good long flight read. Reminded me of the kind of book I’d like to write).
Now that you saw what I read over the summer, I should tell you that I’m currently in the middle of Where’d You Go, Bernadette (if you follow me on Instagram, you already knew that. So you should totally follow me and stay up to date on that breaking news) and when that’s done, here’s the pile I’ll be working on in September (and yes, that is a book by Kailyn of Teen Mom 2 fame. #noshame):

In addition to reading, working on my novel (post coming on that shortly), and a quick 5 day jaunt to New Orleans in 2 weeks, I’m also participating in the Choose Your Own Adventure goal challenge and linkup because I loved those books as a kid and I love the concept as an adult. This month, the focus is on fitness which works out (no pun intended) really well. Exercise isn’t something I have a problem with as it’s integral in keeping my depression and anxiety at bay but I need to kick it up to ramp up the weight loss (another post you have to look forward to. Aren’t you stoked from all the previews?).
good luck for your september goals!! and have fun in NOLA- so jealous!
thanks for your honest reviews about the books, i wanted to read the one and only one but heard bad things so i think i’ll skip it. adding eleanor and park to my list!
Kristen recently posted…Create your own adventure
If you’ve run out of books to read, add it to the list. There were a few pages that redeemed it but overall, a terrible read. And you will not be sorry with Eleanor and Park! Let me know what you think after you’ve read it.
It’s September and now I’ve got to get back on the goals bandwagon. I think it’s good though, goals are easier to accomplish when tourists aren’t in the way.
Kelli recently posted…Things They Don’t Teach You in High School
I would imagine that tourists are good for hindering productivity. But it’s also good to take some time off so you’ve got a nice balance going on.
I liked your book over views, you didn’t tell any of the stories just what you honestly though and if it was worth it. I can dig that! Eleanor and Park is on my to read list! I am trucking through all 21 of the Stephanie Plum books right now, I am on 11.
I am linking up for the fitness goals too. I liked T25 because Shaun T is a great trainer and the 25 minute thing was appealing. Also, I like that it has a clock on the right to tell you how much time you have left!
Good luck with your goals!
Nadine recently posted…Weekend Shenanigans – The One With the Extra Day!
25 minutes is definitely a big selling point for me!
I don’t want to waste anyone’s time with plot summaries. Amazon and Goodreads are great for that. I just want to get to the point, and I don’t want anyone accidentally reading a crappy book.
Eleanor and Park, The Vacationers and All Fall Down are on my list to be read. I heard a lot of mixed reviews on the Emily Griffin book. Seems she strayed really far from her regular books. I haven’t been to NOLA but hope you have a blast, only 2 weeks to go!
Kerry recently posted…Labor Day, More Like Lazy Day
Her other books were good. I enjoyed them. I don’t know what happened with this one. You will love those 3, though. At least like them a lot. I promise!
Have on your trip! I have a work trip coming up next week and I’m so stoked — it’s the only time I *ever* truly get to myself, and I will be making the most of it! Lots of nice dinners, shopping, cocktails, and dancing. Fun fun fun.
Sarah @ Beauty School Dropout recently posted…September Goals
It’s a blogging conference and I am stoked to see my friends and have drinks and sightsee all over NOLA. And sleep in a bed by myself. And only feed myself.
Are you liking Where’d You Go Bernadette? I thought it was good. Loved Eleanor & Park too!
Kate recently posted…How I spent my summer vacation
I am loving it! It’s so different and interesting.
I also love Eleanor and Park! And I loved Fangirl.
Amber recently posted…Hey, It’s Okay Tuesday!
I can’t wait to read Fangirl! And all her other books!
sounds like I need to read elenaor and park!!! and thanks for the recs on what NOT to read. i hate when I start a book that stinks but at least you found some good ones!
Eleanor and Park was so good, you will not be disappointed. When I start a book and it’s bad, I usually stop because life it too short to read bad books. I don’t know why I finished those 2.
I’ve never been to New Orleans… so jealous! My sister went a few years ago and said it’s a complete blast!
I am so excited. It’s for a blogging conference so you know good times will be had.
I’m so jealous about NOLA! I’m hoping I can head there for my birthday next month. 🙂 Good luck with your goals!
I’ll make sure to do a recap. I’ve never been and I am so stoked to go!
The Vacationers, what a dud after all the hype.
Great fitness goal!
I’m not typically a Weiner fan at all – worth reading even given that?
SMD @ Life According to Steph recently posted…Worth Every Cent
It really was a dud. So disappointing. If you don’t like her, you might not like this one. But you might because it’s not as superficial as some of the others. It’s about pill addiction, which is an interesting topic to choose for chick lit.
I think every teenager should have to read Eleanor and Park. In fact, perhaps we should knock all the TheFaultInOurStars off the shelves and replace them with E and P.
I’ve heard things about Serena. Fangirl and Bernadette are both on my list for September.