So my spring break turned into a 2 week break. I almost made it a third but you know. I missed it around here.
I have a couple of pretty heavy content posts planned over the next couple of weeks (but don’t forget Show Us Your Books next Tuesday, May 10!) so I figured that for now, we’ll recap what happened over my break (hint: nothing too exciting).
The Good
- Went to the dentist and had no cavities!
- I can do push-ups on my toes now
- I’ve gone down a full pants size
- My little sister got engaged!
- Got a free trial of Hulu for The Handmaid’s Tale and discovered that season 1 of Fargo is on there, too #win
- Celebrated my 13th wedding anniversary
- Won an Amazon dot and an Amazon gift card
The Bad
- The sushi making class the husband and I were supposed to take for our anniversary was canceled
- Finished none of the projects I’d planned to
- My depression is kicking my ass (more about that on Thursday)
The Rest
- Read 5 books, put some on hold but still managing to keep the library list under control
- Watched the newest season of Bosch in its entirety. In one day #beastmode
- Finally bought the child a new bed
- Ate my body weight in M&Ms #vitaminM
- Learned the hard way not to wear my Converse with no socks on a 3 mile walk (why a 3 mile walk? See above about the M&Ms)
- Possibly adopting a third dog. Long story short, my neighbors have a dog they take shitty care of, asked us if we would take him, we said yes but they had to split the cost of neutering, they disappeared, we mourned not getting him and moved on, they reappeared and asked us again, and now we’re not 100% sure what to do. If I had to guess, by June we’ll have a new addition
- T minus 11 days to the child’s cheer competition in Disney World. It’s been all cheer, all the time. Looking forward to a break from that
I think that’s the highlights. I probably missed something but most likely it’s nothing earth shattering. And rereading this list, I realize my life is incredibly boring but I think boring is necessary sometimes.
So tell me. What’s happened with you since I’ve been gone?
Congrats on the smaller pant size and push ups on your toes. Please take your neighbor’s dog. I am sure you will. I do admit 25 plus years of running for soccer
Have made me appreciate not running. We do go to
The grandchickens’ stuff and a few of Sean’s games which is just right. Time with our grandchildren is priceless. Have a lovely day. I love that Bill Withers song.
Love, Steph’s Momma
Wow- the neighbor situation would really piss me off. Hope he finds his way into your happy little home soon!
Yay for a new bed, an anniversary celebration, your sister’s engagement, and the lost pants size!!
(And welcome back!)
Audrey recently posted…Movie Yays and Nays
Vitamin M lololol my life
YAY for getting another dog though, it’s so good of you to rescue you him if they treat him like crap. If they hem and haw about the neutering, start a little funding campaign. I would donate, and I bet a couple other of your readers would too. A little $5-$10 from a few of us and you’d be set 🙂
I can do one push up on my toes… & that’s basically falling down on my face & I count it as one. UGH… applauding you on that & your weight loss.
Sorry to hear about your depression creeping on you. That’s the worst!!!
Take the dog.
You go girl on pushups on toes and dropping a pants size!
Sorry about the ass kicking depression and class cancellation.
I know we’ll take him. It’s just such a frustrating situation
Congrats on being down a pants size! That’s fantastic! I’m in denial about my depression rearing its ugly head. I keep telling myself (and everyone else) that it’s just normal blahs but it’s really not. I keep seeing all those stupid commercials for antidepressants and every time they list the symptoms, I’m like you don’t have to rub it in. I get it. So I’m sorry to hear that your depression has made an unwelcome and unwanted appearance in your life too. It sucks. Big time. Errr … congrats on possibly (likely) getting a new dog? Your good people, Jana. 😀
Tanya @ A Mindful Migration recently posted…Movies. Movies. Movies. A Movie Questionnaire.
It’s been hanging on for a few months now and just keeps getting worse instead of better. I’m ready for it to go away.
And thanks for all the compliments 🙂
Congrats on being down a size and being able to do toe push ups! That is awesome!!!!! What kind of dog are you possibly getting? The emotional roller coaster of getting, not getting and maybe getting again has gotta be tough! Congrats to your sister! Is E totally excited about the cheer competition???
I can’t wait to watch The Handmaid’s Tale, but I want to read the book before I start watching the series. Also way to go on dropping a pant size! That’s so awesome! Also a bummer about your sushi making class getting canceled, hopefully you can go to another one in the future!
Sounds like a busy cheer season this year!! Congrats on the weight loss and push up ability!! That’s awesome! I hope things work out with the dog next door. Congratulations to your sister too!!!
All those things in the good category are pretty darn good! The no-cavities-at-the-dentist alone would have me cheering for days – I’m going in on Monday so fingers crossed!
I’m out of town for work this week & had a serious craving for PB M&Ms but the only size at the store was family so…. Pretty sure I will have finished them all before I head back home tomorrow.
I hope you get the new dog – It is so sad to me when dogs are not taken care of properly & I know you’d give him a happier & healthier home.
Kelly @ Noodle to the Rescue recently posted…2017 Summer Reading List
It’s such a good feeling when you can fit into a smaller size! Congrats!! Yay for your Amazon wins too. That’s awesome.
I’m sorry you’re depression isn’t doing well lately. I know how that can be!
ShootingStarsMag recently posted…May 2017: Currently
Bless you guys for offering to take care of the dog. I don’t understand why people have animals if they A. Don’t want or don’t like pets or B. They point blank neglect/mistreat/whathaveyou. I hope things work out and you’ll be this dogs new home. He won’t know what to do with himself; he’ll think he’s hit the jackpot.
Lindsay recently posted…Monthly Mantras, Goals & Currently {May}
Missed having you around here! As you can probably see I’m behind on blog commenting/reading, but nice to have you back!
That sounds like an awesome spring break to me! Great job with the walk, push ups, pants! I still need to watch The Handmaid’s Tale and Fargo! I’ve been recording season 3, but haven’t watched yet. It seems like ten shows came out at the same time. I hope it works out with the dog. You would change his life!
Thanks for the update (even though I’m behind on reading it). I was about to send an email asking for one.
Father Figure is on right now. I know it’s your favorite George song.
One pants size is AWESOME news.
I’m excited for E and her cheer competition!
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