Sometimes I get:
Frustrated at always being on a budget
Disgusted with my wardrobe
Jealous of people who can travel anywhere, anytime, free from obligations, money worries, or any other constraint
Annoyed that my house is never as clean as I’d like it to be
Angry that I had a miscarriage and even angrier that it’s so damn hard for me to get pregnant
Overwhelmed at all the adulting I need to do every day
Tired of making choices and decisions
Sad about past hurts and angry at how they’ve changed me
Irked with myself for not having enough hustle and discipline
Wistful for all the books I’ll never get around to reading and the places I’ll never get around to visiting no matter how hard I try
Disappointed with myself
Unnecessarily irritated by bad grammar, poor manners, and terrible driving
Caught up in comparing myself to other people
Embarrassed to have people in my home
Homesick for New York even though it’s been almost 20 years since I lived there
Discouraged with blogging and writing
Irrationally enraged at small things like chipped nail polish, zippers that won’t close properly, stains that appear on my clothes after they’ve gone through the wash, and pens with light ink
Distracted from what’s important
I don’t deny myself feeling any of these. I think it’s normal to feel any or all of these at some point and if you say you don’t ever feel any of them, or something not so wonderful that’s not on the list, I don’t know that I believe you. No one feels 100% happy and perfect all the time. If you do, you need to share your secrets. Honestly. You can make 80 billion dollars off of that.
It’s important to me to own my emotions, whatever they might be, and deal with them. And after I deal with them, it makes me realize that my life isn’t really that bad and I get over myself and move on (except being appalled by poor grammar, bad manners, and terrible driving. And laundry stains. Seriously. Why are stains appearing on my clothes after they’ve been washed?)
Because while I’m spending time and energy focusing on all the things that are wrong, it’s time and energy I’m taking away from focusing on what’s right.
It is good to acknowledge feelings. Maybe it’s age, but it has way worked for me to squelch negative thoughts immediately. I actually say to myself “Stop it, Linda!!!”. I believe we write our charts on the other side to perfect our souls. It helps me handle life better. Everything happens for a reason makes the tough things a bit easier for me to process. Glad you and Steph are ladies who lunch!
Love, Steph’s Momma
I need to own the negative thoughts before I can move on. But we all have different coping mechanisms and we all need to do what works for us individually.
i feel ya on this. glad you are putting this out there and allowing yourself to go through these emotions. i am the same way about bad grammar. i come from south georgia and i overcame it–there’s no excuse, people! 😉 i hope the “sometimes” happen even less for you. hugs! or if you’re not a hugger, high 5? hehe recently posted…Sweat-Proof, Swim-Proof, Water-Proof Makeup Tutorial
I’ll take a hug and a high 5 🙂
I’m a very emotional person (not a crier, but emotional) so feeling things isn’t hard for me. Sometimes it’s hard to keep my feelings back!
Yes! Feel it, acknowledge it, move on from it. That’s what I try to do, anyway. Wallowing over the things that have gone wrong and the things I don’t have keep me from appreciating what’s right and plentiful.
I feel my summer blahs coming on and they piss me off. Must remember to move on.
SMD @ Life According to Steph recently posted…Currently – July
Yes! The wallowing makes no sense in the long term. I feel like it’s okay to give yourself a day or two to drown in self-pity or whatever but then you have to move on. Deal with life and remember all the good. And if the bad feelings creep up once in a while, that’s okay. But you can’t dwell on that shit forever.
I tend to get the summer blahs around this time of summer, too. It’s a weird time of year.
I completely identify with so many of these things. I wish I could squash the feelings, but often, I get caught up in them and they seem to haunt me.
I can tell things are at their worst when I yell at the dogs though. They (usually) do nothing to deserve that. At which point I have to step back and reflect to figure out what is actually going with me.
Adulting sucks.
Teh Megan recently posted…The thing about online dating…
I feel bad when I yell at the dogs, too. That’s usually a sign I need to work through some shit, like you said.
I’m haunted by some stuff, too. I think we all are.
yeah I get frustrated by a lot of those things, but mainly when I’ve had just a bad day in general or have had trouble sleeping. I get irritated very easily. Although I can’t get frustrated by staying in budget because I never can stay in budget. 🙂
Tonya@Budget and the Beach recently posted…At the Intersection of Hustle & Simplify
Some of them are definitely circumstantial and amplified if I’m tired or hungry or stressed about something I can’t control. I generally don’t get irritated that easily but when I do, watch out!
Many of these are hard things. They just are, and I understand.
I struggle with the clean house thing…like, WHY is it always messy? Just like why is this so difficult…
The traveling one has really been bugging me lately. I WANT to travel. But I’d also rather take that time and money and work on landscaping so our house looks nice. So I can invite people over. Which means I need to clean. It’s a cycle.
Kristin recently posted…Stuff and Things 7/23
It is a cycle. I’m actually okay, for the most part, with people in my house because I know most people don’t care. It’s a certain group I’m stressing about right now and I just want them not to come over ever.
I’d rather travel than landscape. Flowers are just not that important to me.
“Sad about past hurts and angry at how they’ve changed me”. Amen sister. Amen…
Mackenzie recently posted…Gratitude
I wish they hadn’t changed me but they did and this is how I am now. Take it or leave it, right?
Totally understand, I’ve been feeling really frustrated with some “stuff” lately too. Some are things I can talk about (like being on a budget or not being able to take trips/travel) and others are things I can’t (like relationship issues). It sucks.
Julia @ Grace Makes New recently posted…Fashion Trends I Can’t Rock
Not having an outlet to discuss your feelings can definitely make you grumpy. At least it does me. Hopefully you can find a way to work through the stuff (and I’m here if you need an ear).
Yes. I do relate to so many of these things, and those I can’t relate to, I admire you for navigating with grace and dignity. Have you seen Inside Out? I know it’s a “kids movie” but I think it really profoundly and beautifully drove home the point I think you’re also making: feelings demand to be felt. Feelings *deserve* to be felt. And those less-flattering or less-attractive feelings don’t take away from their opposites. They have to coexist in order for us to find harmony. But the key is finding a separation from wallowing and just giving the negative things the attention they deserve, and moving on. Sounds like you’re approaching that same conclusion. It’s definitely easier said than done. But you got this.
alyssa recently posted…A Work in Progress
Inside Out was a wonderful movie with a great message about not hiding any of your feelings. They all need to be heard and none of them are mutually exclusive from each other. Which is why I have no problem owning when I’m anything other than happy. Every feeling is valid.
Yup, I get it.
And I tend to get hangry on a daily basis. I need to eat on time.
Amber recently posted…5 Ways To Piss Me Off On An Airplane
Haha! Yes, I definitely need to eat at certain times of day or the hangriness starts to set in.
Sometimes what we think is bad can actually be good!
I completely agree with what you said at the end…all the time we focus on things that go wrong takes away from what goes right. So true!!! I have certainly felt many of the things you listed above. No one’s life is perfect and if they are saying that it is, well then they are more insane than any of us! 🙂
Nadine recently posted…Confessions
If they’re saying that it is perfect, they’re big fucking liars. It ebbs and flows, and some stretches of time might be ideal but then life will smack you in the face. It’s more about how you deal with it than anything else.
I love this and feel the same way about almost everything you listed. I have a few friends who only see the world negatively and it’s hard to be around them because their lives are just fine. And I have another friend who’s had everything in the book thrown at her (cancer at 18, parents both died before she turned 30, estranged sister, crappy job) and though she has her bad days and periods, she’s a happy person who looks for the good in every day. I don’t have it that hard at all. Of course life gets to me, but I can’t sweat the small stuff. I also agree that everyone feels this way at times. Some just don’t want to shatter their perfect picture and admit to any of it, which is just as sad.
Christina recently posted…Audiobooks Are My Jam
Image construction infuriates me. In fact, if you act like you’re perfect, it only makes me wonder what you’re hiding.
I think you have to go through life more like your second friend than your first ones. I think some people believe it’s cool or whatever to complain all the time but really, it’s not. It just makes you unbearable to be around and makes you seem petty.
I think everyone has frustrated feelings even those all the time happy people you want to smack the shit out of. I’m not sure how they deal with frustrations but it’s not acting like a bitch which is how I handle it most times. 🙂
I use to hold really tightly to my frustration I’ve learned just in the last few years to recognize it, think about it for a while, and then get the hell over it. No one likes to be around someone who is constantly miserable and I was that annoying person. I can see it in my daily this is your life in Facebook history notification.
Kelli recently posted…Pier Fear
I don’t think I act like a bitch most of the time when I feel like this. I tend to turn it inward and get even more hermitlike. Unless I’m hangry. Then I’m a raging asshole lunatic.
I think it’s good you realized that about yourself and are actively trying to change it. It’s freeing to let the frustration go but it’s also important to own and deal with it. Sweeping it under the rug just makes it worse. It doesn’t make it go away.
I get angry at irresponsible people who carelessly have kids and don’t parent properly, while people who deserve kids more (such as yourself) have difficulty. My husband’s two sisters have a combined total of seven kids – who they cannot afford – from five different relationships/marriages!
Robin recently posted…Words and phrases that I hate
That kind of stuff gets under my skin, too, but I try not to think about it too hard. However, if it were close to me, like it is to you, I’d be extremely frustrated by it.
Pretty much all of these – especially the decisions, budget, wardrobe and hangry-ness … Meh.
I think everyone feels that way at some point.
You’re human and all of this is totally normal. The difference is that you (unlike many other writers/bloggers/artists) share it and don’t try to sugarcoat life like you shoot glitter out of your ass. And for the record I think you’re pretty damn great.
Ali A recently posted…Guys. This is a big deal. Huge.I’ve been searching far and…
I feel the same about you 🙂 I am also picturing what it would look like to shoot glitter out of my ass and while I think it might hurt, it might be pretty cool. My family might actually get excited when I fart…
I think it’s important to not always pretend everything is perfect. You never know who needs to hear that they’re not alone.
YES and Thank You for your honesty. It’s called life and you are not alone. On a side note: thank you for being my friend despite my poor grammar and bad driving!
Jenniemarie @ Another Housewife recently posted…Happy Happy 8th Birthday Kailey
HAHA! At least now I know when I’m in Phoenix next year, NOT to get in a car with you 🙂
everyone feels stuff like this at one point. we change the things we can and accept those we can’t and move on.
like the other day, i got tired of feeling like i do everything and totally blew up at my husband and legit told him i’m sick and tired of it all and that he needs to get his shit done because i will no longer do it for him. this is my example of changing things when we can!
he’s good most of the time but lately, he’s been all about cycling which i have no problem with when he makes sure his shit gets done but because he’s been trying to take advantage of all the nice days (since weather here is so unpredictable), home stuff has taken a back seat and ain’t nobody got time to pick up his slack.
kathy@more coffee, less talky recently posted…kitchen tricks
I’ve had that conversation with my husband before. It’s so frustrating to feel like you’re doing everything and all the things that suck and have to get done and they do whatever the fuck they want. And sometimes yelling is the only way to make them understand that.
i am really bad at owning something and moving on. most of the time i deny to myself that i’m feeling a certain way (which is stupid) or i wallow in it too long, which as you said, takes away from focusing on what’s right.
kristen recently posted…Why I’d be the best bridesmaid ever
I WISH I could sometimes deny myself from feeling a certain way. It would make dealing with some problems way easier. But alas, I cannot. So I own it and take it as it comes.
Very, very well said. So much on here that I can relate to, especially the feeling jealous of people who can travel. Gotta deal and move on right?
Jaina recently posted…Project 365 – 2015: June Recap
I have had a lot of those feelings too, especially about the books and never having a clean enough house. Adulting is so overrated!
Kerry recently posted…Friday Favorites | We Made It
I’m feeling so many of these things right now. Hell, this morning, I’ve noticed that I have a stain on my shirt right between my boobs. I’m a swirl of emotions at the moment, but I’m also feeling like “I don’t have time to deal with this right now”. But, I know that I need to deal or it gets worse. Thanks for sharing, because I needed to be reminded to own my feelings.
Erin of TexErin-in-SydneyLand recently posted…Sunday’s Seven Snapshots vol.31
I hear ya, Jana! Sometimes it sucks to be a responsible adult! Some days, I’m just mad at everyone. You’re definitely right, it’s ok to have these feelings. But it’s also better to deal with them and move on.
I love this post! I feel the majority of the things listed here (and more!) on a very regular basis. I agree that it’s important to deal with your emotions instead of just pretending that everything is perfect and wonderful 100% of the time. If you bottle that shit up, you’ll eventually explode.
I don’t always deal with everything in the best way, but lately I’ve noticed that if I remind myself that everyone is dealing with something, it helps. It’s easy to forget that when I see someone who has a seemingly charmed life, but I have to remember that some people are just a little better than others at hiding any struggles or insecurities they may have.
Kristen recently posted…Tasty Tuesday: Creamy Chicken Penne with Sun-dried Tomatoes and Spinach
Sorry to hear about your miscarriage. I’ve had 5, and in October we’re going to try one last time. After that, I think we have to accept that it’s not meant to be. Then we can decide whether to look into foster care.
Abigail @ipickuppennies recently posted…Ouch
I feel you on so many of these things….I’m so tired of working so hard and yet nothing is how I want it to be…It’s exhausting.
Kimmi recently posted…Friday Favorites: End of July?!