Reading. Finished A Head Full of Ghosts, The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo and Nearly Gone. DNF Imagine Me Gone. Started Nearly Found. Requested a book from NetGalley and picked up nothing from the library.
Watching. Nothing, really. Got all up to date on Schitt’s Creek (I *might* have done a celebratory jig when I found that channel airing the current season) and other than that, haven’t turned the TV on. Except to watch 45’s address to Congress. I’ve always wanted to see how a tyrannical, misogynistic, xenophobic garbage human with terrible ideas would talk to legislators so I’m glad I can cross that off my list.
Worrying. About Barkley. He’s almost 13 and is definitely starting to show his age. He inexplicably hurt yet another one of his legs and if this keeps up, we’re going to need to carry him around everywhere. Which sucks because he loves his walks and his independence and gets cranky when he can’t do what he wants. And I won’t be around this weekend to spend every second watching him. I can 100% assure you I’ll be checking in 47 times a day.
Ranting. I’m not even sure this qualifies under a rant but I don’t know what other word to use. I could spend time talking about Jeff Sessions and Betsy DeVos’s inappropriate comments but I’d rather focus on something that’s hitting way too close to home for me. The rise of anti-Semitic incidents around the country. First of all, I cannot, with every fiber of my being, understand the level of deep-seated hatred that would cause people to shoot at a Jewish preschool or call in bomb threats to a Jewish community center or destroy a Jewish cemetery or vandalize a park with antiSemitic graffiti. Second of all, WHERE IS IT COMING FROM? I truly don’t get it. I mean, I get that anti-Semitism has been on the rise since November, and it’s been around forever and will mostly likely never cease, at least not in my lifetime, and that the president has made hate cool, but what the actual fuck is going on? WHY NOW? Did something happen and I missed it? If anyone knows, please clue me in because this is wholly and on every level unacceptable. And for those who don’t know, I am Jewish. My mom works in a temple, in their preschool. I should not have to panic every day my mother goes to work, or my sister, who works at a JCC. Just like the parents who send their kids there shouldn’t have to panic. This is bullshit fucking nonsense and it needs to fucking stop. (At least there’s some people in government willing to do the right thing. And please do not say anything to me that the president or representatives don’t have an obligation or responsibility to condemn these acts or put measures in place to stop them or that he did make a half-hearted comment on Tuesday night. I’m not having that discussion). See also: all the other hate that increasing in this country.
Wondering. Or maybe we can call this rant #2. So the child has another cheer competition this weekend. Fine. It’s a competition to earn a bid to Disney World. Also fine. But you know what’s not fine by me? The fact that it’s only been in the last week we’ve been told the cost for the competition and, should they get a bid, we have roughly 6 weeks to pay for the entire trip including our flights (I’m not driving to Orlando from Delaware. Not ever. I drove from Delaware to Florida one time only, in college, and that was enough). Now, for some people, coming up with roughly $2500 in six weeks or less isn’t an issue. For us, it’s a huge a bit of a challenge. Now, I knew this comp was the goal so I’m not complaining about going or even having to pay. But seriously, a couple of extra month’s notice would have been nice. Just sayin’…
Have a great weekend! I’ll be coming to you live from Richmond, VA where I’ll be suffering through supporting my daughter at a cheer competition. See you back on Tuesday with a topic I haven’t decided on!
When President Obama was elected and re/elected , I believe it exposed such hatred we had hoped had gone away. DT added to it. We are all from the same creator.
All God’s children. All equal. Wtf. And we all could have been born into a different life. God help and heal all!
Rich and I did spend tons of our time and money on our kids for their soccer activities. 3nights a week I drive Sean to north Jersey for Red Bull practices. 1.5 hrs each way. Games on the weekends. Now we are almost giddy that we are going on our first real get way in May at almost 61 and 64. I’d do it all over again in a heartbeat. But that’s me. Safe and happy travels.
Love, Steph’s Momma.
Awe poor Barkely. You know I know how tough that is. As for cheerleading, do they have a fundraiser or anything that can help with travel costs? And I can’t watch Cheeto talk straight through. I do the Cliff’s notes with late night talk shows so at least it’s infused with some humor.
I do not understand hating people because of their religion, skin color, nationality, sexual preference, etc. It’s obviously a taught behavior because it makes NO sense- like, there’s no “hate” gene that we’re born with. I don’t get it. And from a Christian perspective, it blows my mind. (And, sadly, the majority of people that I know who are some form of racist, homophobic, xenophobic are Christians.) Like…. I don’t believe that you CAN be a follower of Jesus of you harbor this kind of hate in your heart/mind and then spread it to future generations. Honestly- who the fuck taught you to behave?
That’s my Christian perspective. From a human perspective I just simple wonder if people are seriously THAT stupid to hate and kill and abuse their own kind. We never have to worry about an alien attack because if they’re paying any attention at all they’ll notice that we’re just killing one another without any prompting. (I don’t necessarily believe in aliens. I’m just saying…)
And also, this president is such a fuck it makes me head spin. His email-leaking VP, too.
Good luck in Richmond!
Audrey recently posted…Currently
$2500 in six weeks sucks. There’s no getting around it.
I am fucking furious over the rise in anti-semitic hate crimes. FURIOUS. So I can’t imagine how you feel. Or how your mom or sister feels going to work daily. RAGEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.
Oh snap… I never noticed the spelling really in Arkansas & Kansas… now that will stick with me.
Oh man, that bites about the need to raise that much money so fast. Do they have a fun that can help out? I’d never be able to send my child with fees like that. YIKES!!!!
My dog is 16 & I’m starting to worry about him every day now. That’s the hardest thing when the age creeps up to these fur babies.
Kansas & Arkansas – one of the joys of the English language. That’s too bad about the huge cost for the Orlando trip!
Hope you have a good weekend!! I hope Barkley is okay 🙁
I sincerely don’t understand such hate either. It’s irrational, stupid and sickening. Why? For the love of God, why? If you don’t like someone – that’s cool. No one likes everyone, although I’d argue disliking someone solely based on religion, skin color, gender or sexual orientation is pathetic. But to tip over graves, call in bomb threats, shoot at a PRESCHOOL. WTF??? It doesn’t help that Emperor Baby Fists has surrounded himself (and is himself) a white nationalist. Sure, he FINALLY said something on Tuesday, almost 1 week later after that engineer was shot. But gee, he and his people are sure quick to make-up terrorist attacks. I could go on forever but I feel my blood pressure rising and I’m trying to stay happy cuz it’s Friday. 😀
2 weeks is not enough time for people to set aside $2500. That’s a lot of money. I’d be cranky too. Fingers crossed, though, that your daughter’s team kicks some butt!
Sorry to hear about Barkely. Dealing with aging pets is so tough. Hope his leg feels better soon!
Tanya @ A Mindful Migration recently posted…February Recap: The Big Short Month
Oh man, all the things I have laughed at over my life???? I should be ashamed!!! Cheerleading gets super expensive!!!! My nieces are doing fundraisers right now to pay for their camps this summer, which I feel is pretty decent amount of time to know about an expense. Six weeks is bullshit!
People who live in other areas of the world have told me that they pronounce Kansas and Arkansas the same way, and their minds are blown when I tell them it’s different. And I can never explain why we do it, just that we do. Merica.
Dogs getting old is so hard 🙁 They should just live forever and humans should die sooner, we’re the assholes anyway.
I’m originally from Arkansas and my family still lives there. My husband insists on pronounce it Ar-Kansas. I remember learning in Arkansas history that the reason for the weird pronunciation was something about the indian tribe that lived there… I clearly didn’t listen close enough.