Written after the shitshow of a presidential debate. I apologize for the brevity but my brain is fried from it.
- Finished Eileen and currently reading Adnan’s Story and Burn Baby Burn. Picked up Between the World and Me. Had to pause Brat Pack America to finish up some library books.
- Binged on Longmire. I love that Netflix picked up this show after A&E dumped it because Lou Diamond Phillips is freaking everything. The show is worth watching solely for him.
- My daughter lost another tooth this week. I find loose teeth DISGUSTING and I was thrilled when the thing fell out. However, she still believes, or my husband still wants her to believe in the tooth fairy and I am so over that shit. When she was 5 it was cute. At almost 10, it’s simply annoying. I don’t have it in my to make a big deal out of a tooth anymore. Why? Because it’s a fucking tooth. They fall out. That’s what they’re supposed to do.
- The debate: there’s not much left for me to say except that Trump is exactly the reason we still need feminism. He started the debate insulting a woman, he ended the debate insulting a woman, and throughout the debate he did nothing but bully, yell, demean, patronize, and yes, insult, a woman. He evaded a question that attempted to hold him accountable for his behavior towards women. He used fear mongering language about a women’s issue rather than fact and actual information. He is mansplaining personified. He is clearly threatened by intelligent, competent, successful women and when women rise up and defeat this motherfucker in a few weeks, I hope he becomes nothing but a footnote and distant orange memory.
- Help, please. I need new recipes, preferably meat free or can be easily adapted to meat free. Can you guys point me in the direction of some of your favorites?
- Song of the week: “If You Don’t Don’t” by Jimmy Eat World. I was torn between this one and one from Breaking Benjamin but I’ll pick one of theirs for next week. Jimmy Eat World has a new album (do you love how I show my age with that word?) that releases today and it makes me happy when a band that’s been around forever but isn’t maybe crazy popular still puts out new music. This song is from Bleed American, which is my favorite of their albums, and this is my favorite of all the songs.
Hope you guys enjoy your weekend!
Kaylab is at the age where she’s already questioning the tooth fairy, santa etc. She started questioning the existence of Santa a couple of years ago so i give her another year before she finds out we’ve been lying to her all this time.
Well crap I just recently made something meat-free, let me try to figure out what it was.
Ugh teeth falling out so gross. Time for the Tooth Fairy to go bye byeeeeeee.
Right on on Trump.
What do you call an artist’s collection of new songs now, though? I think I said “new CD” to my niece and she was like “umm no one buys CDs anymore…”
Mansplaining personified is perfection.
I’m not a huge pinterest-er, but I have been using it for meal prep. I’m working on cooking dinner more and I hate cooking with meat because I fear salmonella so here are some recents:
http://iowagirleats.com/2016/08/26/mediterranean-chicken-chickpea-bowls-yellow-rice/ – huge hit! You could double the chickpeas but I’m not sure how you feel about chicken stock…
http://www.inmyredkitchen.com/zucchini-noodles-crispy-chickpeas/ – why yes, I really like chickpeas, but the dressing on this raised it up a notch and it was good for lunches
http://juliasalbum.com/2016/05/creamy-mozzarella-sun-dried-tomato-basil-spinach-tortellini/?crlt.pid=camp.d2Avr0EGFmeQ – so so easy and no meat!
I laughed at your Kayla story because I did the same thing to my parents, although it was around Santa Claus and not the tooth fairy. Yes to everything on Trump. I always knew he was jerk, but I never realized the depth of doucheness until now. And while it has been the most surreal and painful election, I am glad to know the #truth about Trump and his family. A couple years ago I stopped reading most food blogs and find recipes via Pinterest. Here is a link to my vegetarian board, if interested: https://www.pinterest.com/eatlaughpurr/vegetarian/
I really enjoy vegetarian meals and realized that I haven’t posted very many on my food blog, which is something I need to fix. A few favorites: Cauliflower Alfredo Sauce http://www.eatlaughpurr.com/2016/05/05/spicy-garlic-cauliflower-alfredo-sauce/ and Pumpkin Chickpea Curry: http://www.eatlaughpurr.com/2015/10/23/pumpkin-chickpea-curry/
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I’m attaching my Pinterest board for vegetarian dishes. I have been meat free for over 5 years now… so I have lots of options & ideas 🙂
Trump truly cannot control himself. I watched the debate with my parents (that alone made it more entertaining) and was thinking he was doing a decent job of staying civil and relatively calm (for him) and then BAM: he catapults right back to the Donald we all know. Rude, crass, disrespectful, immature, and just downright offensive. When he said “such a nasty woman” I was DONE. D-o-n-e. I need it to be November 8…now.
I love Longmire! I am also glad Netflix picked it up. I got nothin’ for you on the recipe front. I’m lucky to manage to feed myself most days. I’m in a reading slump. I’m in an everything slump, I guess. It freaks me out when kids play with their loose teeth, even though I know I’d do the same thing! And finally, yes yes yes to everything you said about Trump. Of course.
We tried watching the debate for a little bit but we had to turn it off. Why has American politics become such a shit show? Try looking up skinnytaste recipes. She generally has some good meatless meal options and her new cookbook has a whole section devoted to it. I hope you have a great weekend!
After watching the second one I couldn’t bring myself to sit through the third. Too much damage to my soul haha.
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