I thought maybe, in light of last week’s rants, I’d highlight some things in January that didn’t totally suck. Despite the political climate we live in, good shit does still happen, both privately and publicly.
Let’s discuss.
- My running pace improved. To be fair to myself, I give zero shits if I run fast or if I ever win a race. Hell, if I always place last, that’s fine. But I did a run the other day that put me at a 13 min/mile pace and that’s a full minute improvement from a few months ago. Yay me!
- I have happy clients. Most of the time I feel like an imposter at this whole editing business. But I’m working on a big project right now that I tell myself I’m totally incompetent to do when really, my client is happy with my work. I still feel like an imposter but I’m apparently really good at hiding it.
- Concert announcements. I’m working on my summer plans and thankfully, summer concert announcements are coming in full force. Since Tom Petty died, I made a vow to myself to stop waiting to see artists I’ve never seen and always wanted to because who knows how much longer they’ll be around. Which is why I’m planning on seeing Journey and Def Leppard as well as Elton John (wish me luck for those tickets) who I’ve only seen with Billy Joel. I’m still waiting on some other announcements before I commit to anything else.
- Lizzy. She is doing so well. From what I understand about puppy mill survivors, they have a hard time socializing and trusting and being dogs. But my Lizzy is not that at all. She acts like she’s always lived here, she has a favorite (me), plays with toys, and housetraining is going surprisingly well. And she loves other dogs. And she’s so lovable, even the cat is coming around.
- Handlettering. I think I mentioned that I was learning how to do the fancy letters that you see all over the place (thanks to Rebecca Jo for her resource recommendation) and you know what? I don’t actually suck at it. I’m not ready to share anything publicly yet but it’s nice to have a creative, crafty hobby. And I promise to share some stuff soon.
- This new rallying cry from Janelle Monae:
So there’s 6 good things that happened this month. How about you? What’s going well for you?
Awesome about Lizzie❣️ Happy we are almost through January. I am now obsessed with Stevie Nicks and Fleetwood Mac after reading her bio Gold Dust Woman and seeing them win Person of the Year for Musiccares. I am listening to Alexa shuffling her songs and their songs while cleaning. If it’s meant to be, I will see them in concert. Trusting in the universe. Carpe diem💖
Love, Steph’s Momma
I’ve been working on handlettering too! Is the only resource you’re using what you posted on IG? What pens are you using? I have awful handwriting so it is very slow going but kind of fun to just play around with.
Good luck with Elton John! I saw him in Vegas a few years ago so Andrew has vetoed seeing him again (at least, together, because $$$) but I would love to and look forward to living vicariously though everyone who does!
Lauren recently posted…showing up for ladies
Yay, congrats on improving your time! Is it weird I don’t know who Janell Monae is?
Tonya@Budget and the Beach recently posted…Frugal Diaries Episode 2: Friday Night
I can’t wait to see your hand lettering. Just remember we are out own worse critic.
That’s awesome shaving time off your running. Progress is fantastic & shows all your hard work is paying off.
Tickets go on sale here Saturday for journey /def leopard…I may splurge. Dying to see it.
Rebecca Jo recently posted…The weekend that I read a lot….
I didn’t know Elton was coming.
SMD recently posted…Recommendations – January 2018
I always feel like a fraud too, which prevents me from being more aggressive with my business and hurts my pocketbook. So I get where you’re coming from and I also know how talented you are. Clients tend to be brutally honest, so I also know you’re doing great work for them! I’m so glad Lizzie is adapting well and is such a sweet, lovable addition to your home. And I love that Boots is even coming around to liking/tolerating Lizzie. A huge win! 😀
Tanya @ A Mindful Migration recently posted…Every Day is a Winding Road When You’re Trying to Get Healthy
I agree re: the concert stuff. I actually really want to see Billy Joel, but he’s coming to Philadelphia the same night as a big night for the XPN Music Fest so I’ll have to miss him again. When I used to live in NY, I remember when he did a month of sold-out shows at MSG. I got lucky seeing Pulp at Radio City when they came back on tour like 3 years ago and I do NOT regret paying money for that.
I was in a straight up panic yesterday with all the twitter political news but then I realize, life will go on. Unless a nuclear missile is en route (which could happen ahhh), then really, life will go on tomorrow and freaking out about it does no good.
Just found out I’m going to LA for work in a few weeks (I’ve never been) and I also booked a trip to Mexico for late March. Those things are what’s keeping me going right now!
Ali recently posted…#MomTexts Part 7
LOVED Janelle’s words.
Yay for Lizzy!! I’m so glad she’s perfecting dog-ging! I’m sure it’s very much because of her loving and comfortable environment!
I can’t wait to see the lettering when you’re ready to show it! I don’t think I have that talent but I’m always impressed seeing what others can do!
Audrey recently posted…The Roaring Swinging Fabulous Groovy Blog Collaboration
I love happy/gratitude posts! I just posted one on Monday because, like you said, the world isn’t a total shitfest all the time.
Good luck getting tickets to all the shows you want to see! The Decemberists are releasing a new album in March and touring, and I’m trying to convince Eric that I actually do need to see them live a third time even if that means driving a few hours for the show. Really, though, I’m kind of hoping they’ll add a date in Omaha in the near future. That’s what happened on the last tour (Omaha and a few other cities were announced after the initial tour dates were posted), so it could still happen. I hope.
Kristen recently posted…What My Book Ratings Actually Mean
handletering/calligraphy/cursive is a lost art..they dont even teach that stuff in schools anymore which is a true shame. Kayla is learning through me because i’ll be damned if she grows up and doens’t know how to read cursive/script!
kathy @ more coffee, less talky recently posted…I’ve lost that lovin’ feelin’….
Way to go on the pace improvement. It feels so good to see progress, doesn’t it?
I also suffer from a bit of imposter syndrome once in a while, so I know how good it feels to get positive feedback! Congrats!
San recently posted…Monthly Favorites | January
Great job with running! I remember doing a 10 minute mile in high school and feeling like such a loser. What I wouldn’t give to run that fast again! Hahah! I totally feel you about concerts. I wanted to see Prince, but passed on the show because it was at a small club and reviews said it was just a jam session, but now I really wish I went. Tom Petty was on my list forever, but I never went because I didn’t like the venue. (Thankfully, he played somewhere different last summer and I got to see him.) I’m so glad to hear about how well Lizzie is doing!
Christina recently posted…I’ve Been…
I like that concert vow! I was on the fence about seeing Bon Jovi in NJ and DMB this summer, but I’d be crushed if they passed before seeing them perform live. Those words from Janelle Monae, the Fats Domino/Chuck Berry tribute, and the performance by Miley and Elton were my favorite part of the Grammys. Happy to hear Lizzy is doing so well! As for me, I’m just happy that this week and month are over. I need a reset.
Dani recently posted…January Reflections