Anyone else feel like they can finally, I don’t know, relax. I mean, it’s not like our work is done. We have a long way to go but it’s been a long, tedious four years and as I told Steph, I’m looking forward to the president running in the background instead of dominating our lives every single fucking day.
And fun fact: Jill Biden’s first husband founded the Stone Balloon, which was my favorite bar in college. A little personal trivia on this, our next-to-last SUYB for the year. Speaking of SUYB, thanks to everyone who participated last month and I’m so sorry for all the glitches you might have experienced on this here blog and my lack of participation. I don’t know what’s going on, and I’m so swamped at my new job that I didn’t ask Tanya to fix it until yesterday so we’ll see what happens.
In the meantime, if she can’t work her magic, feel free to send me a tweet (@saysjana) with your comment about anything I read. I’m also going to try really hard to read everyone’s posts this month.
This past month was my slowest in years but it did put me over the finish line for my arbitrary Goodreads goal (and if you’re not sick of voting, don’t forget to vote for your favorites in Goodreads’s yearly awards) so I’m into bonus books now. So I’ve got that going for me. Which is nice.
Sidebar: You know what else was nice? My Halloween costume. I was an audiobook.

In addition to Sweet Pickles, here’s what I read:
Love by Roddy Doyle. This book is a SLOG. It’s essentially the story of two old friends meeting in a bar and the entire book is their conversation about relationships and feelings and, yup, love, and all the different forms it takes. As the night goes on, they get drunker and drunker and it gets more and more difficult to follow, but it was interesting and different. But I don’t necessarily recommend.
Men We Reaped by Jesmyn Ward. She is a magnificent writer. For real. There’s a reason she won the National Book Award twice. This book isn’t fiction, though. It’s a memoir that tells both her story and the story of five men in her life who have passed away, including her brother. It’s a heartbreaking read but definitely worth it. And now that I’ve read this book, some of the circumstances and settings in her fiction make a lot more sense.
The End of the Day by Bill Clegg. NetGalley didn’t let me have an ARC but I read it anyway. It was fine. Slow, but interesting enough that I wanted to know what happened. It’s told from a bunch of points of view and how all the stories connect, similar to Did You Ever Have a Family, so if you read that and didn’t like it, you might not like this one either.
The Midnight Library by Matt Haig. I didn’t love the supernatural element of this book, but I did love the messaging and the storytelling. He’s probably the best writer I’ve seen when it comes to addressing mental health, and this book is definitely in his wheelhouse. It will make you think, it will make you sad and optimistic, and it will make you feel HARD.
Navigate Your Stars by Jesmyn Ward. This was the book version of her 2018 Tulane commencement speech. It took me literally 15 minutes to read and it’s a fairly standard commencement speech BUT reading it on the heels of Men We Reaped made it slightly different. Going to try to find the recording of it.
Everything Sad is Untrue by Daniel Nayeri. DNF. Not because it’s bad, it’s not, it’s interesting and he’s a good writer, but it’s too slow and I can’t do another slow book right now.
Currently reading: Make Them Cry by Smith Henderson. Another NetGalley ARC I was denied. TAKE THAT, NetGalley. I’m reading it anyway.
TL; DR: The election has made this month challenging, I only read 5 books and I recommend two of them: The Midnight Library and Men We Reaped.

Now it’s your turn. Link up and show us your books! Don’t forget to visit some other bloggers and my co-host Steph, and don’t forget to mark your calendars for December 8 for our regular linkup and December 29 for our yearly favorites linkup. I’m sure there will be prizes if you need some incentive to join us twice.
I need to check out the books by Jesmyn Ward and Matt Haig – they sound beautifully written.
I’ve been seeing posts on Insta about the Midnight Library and the reviews online sound good.
Your audiobook costume is very cool!
I got The Midnight Library for my birthday. The other two Matt Haig books I’ve read I found just average so we’ll see how it goes with this one. The synopsis does sound good though.
I Love your Halloween costume 😉 And I absolutely loved The Midnight Library!!!
Totally agree that it will be nice not to have to wonder what your president is up to every single second of the day.
Looks like it’s working! Congrats on your new job, and yes a weight I had forgot I was carrying is gone. I just put a library hold on Navigate your stars. I need a good stack of those 15 minute reads.
I hav The Midnight Library on my kindle, perhaps it’s time to read it. Thanks for hosting!
I have The Midnight Library on my TBR, it sounded like a really interesting book. I only read four this month, but like you, they are bonus books to my goodreads goal. I thought your costume was genius!
Next to last…of the year? Or ever??
That Halloween costume is everything lets be honest.
OMG – I remember Sweet Pickles!! I needed that warm and fuzzy flashback today. Great costume – thanks for sharing and have a great month 🙂
I feel like it’s not over till it’s over, when you’ve got a deranged person involved, so I am counting down to Inauguration Day – but yes, it really is nice to have some of that anxiety lifted!
Thanks for making me aware of Jesmyn Ward’s nonfiction – I wasn’t aware of this one, but it sounds excellent and is very interesting to hear how it informs reading of her fiction. Will be adding to my list!
i definitely feel the same – relaxed and relieved even though we still have lots to do, i at least feel like we are heading in the right direction. 2021 is already looking better than 2020.
hmm Bill Clegg’s other book really stayed with me, so I might check out the new one.
lol you’re much more mature than me.. when netgalley declines me, i want to not read it just to spite them. that’ll teach ’em! (teach them what, i don’t know).
midnight library is on my list but i’m waiting for when i’m ready for feelings.
I’d really like to be able to go back to reading in any semblance of the way I used to. I have high hopes since this election is over.
Loved your Halloween costume!
I’ve been seeing The Midnight Library everywhere! I really want to read it with your review.
I’m glad it wasn’t only me who couldn’t comment last month. I haven’t read anything by Jesmyn Ward yet, but I need to add some to my tbr- would you recommend starting with her fiction?
Adding Midnight Library to my TBR – sounds interesting.
I haven’t read anything by Jesmyn Ward but now you’ve inspired me to!
Isn’t it nice to like, exhale and be able to curl up with a book without constantly worrying about the psychopath who has nuclear codes? (I mean, he’s still infecting the WH for a couple more months but still…. RELIEF!)
I’ve only read one book by Jesmyn Ward and I have no idea why. Men We Reap is one I want to read for sure. I have Midnight Library on my list because I’m intrigued by the premise, but I’m also not sure about the supernatural element–I’m not usually super into that.
Thanks for hosting!
I always feel like HA!!! when Netgalley denies me too but I end up getting it somewhere else
Awww I remember the Sweet Pickles books! The one I remember most was Goose Goofs Off when Goose left the freezer open and let the ice cream melt.
I haven’t heard of any of these books, but just added The Midnight library to my to read list!
Not a book but have you seen Jesmyn Ward’s essay on losing her husband to a suspiciously COVID-like illness in January? Pasting the link here, not sure if WordPress will strip it.
She has lost so much and it’s just an awful curse where the more she loses the better her writing gets.
I haven’t read anything by Jesmyn Ward, but I’ve put a couple of her titles on my Goodreads TBR list. I was pleasantly surprised to see that I had The Midnight Library on my TBR list already, which means it’s been recommended by more than one person. Putting it on hold now!
And, thank baby yoda we are about to have a competent, adult president. I feel so relieved!
Love your costume- such a great idea! I didn’t dress up this year, for the first time in 10 years. There just wasn’t any point, especially since I was in quarantine. I’m not especially drawn to any of the books you reviewed this month, but I looked up Did You Ever Have A Family and that one intrigued me so I added it to my TBR. Hope you and the fam are doing well!
I completely agree with your thoughts on the election!
I haven’t been reading a ton lately, but I do hope that will change. I’m ready to dive into more books!!! I really want to read The Midnight Library – glad you enjoyed that one.