HOLY FUCKING SHIT. GUYS. How is it the FIFTH anniversary of Show Us Your Books? Seriously. It’s bananas we’ve come this far.
And it wouldn’t have lasted this long without all of you. THANK YOU for sharing, participating, and most of all, reading every single month. Thank you for entertaining all of our other ideas, from our giveaways to our short-lived podcast to our readathon (I think maybe we should do that one again), and for always supporting books and other readers.
Because whatever else we have going on, from the good to the really truly awful, books are the one constant. Our touchstone. They make us feel better, deal with our emotions, escape, and always provide something to talk about. Readers are the best, and I (and Steph, I’m sure) am glad to have all of you each and every month.
As a thank you for five years, we’re holding a thank you giveaway.
That’s right, we’re giving up to $15 in books of your choosing–something you’ve read and would like to own, something you’ve been dying to read, something that’s coming out in the next few months you’d like to reserve a copy of so it’s delivered as soon as it hits the shelves, a book to give as a holiday gift, whatever you want–to FIVE lucky winners.
Since I missed last month, I have extra books to cover. I mean, I should. But what I also should tell you is that since Barkley passed away, reading has been difficult. I spent the first two weeks after hating absolutely everything I picked up, and I tabled about 4 books since I do want to read or reread them. It took me about 3 weeks to finish one that was mediocre, and I legit had to force myself through it. It was a fucking Flowers book, too, so that was sad and disappointing.
So let me apologize in advance for whatever is about to happen with these reviews. I also read 3 Paul Cleave books if that gives you any indication of what was making me happy. I realize that’s a little disturbing to say.
The Killing Hour, Collecting Cooper, and Cemetery Lake by Paul Cleave. I’m grouping all of these together because it’s basically the same feedback for all. They’re all exactly what you’d expect from a Cleave book–graphic, disturbing, interesting plot–but they’re also all early books and the writing isn’t quite as good as it is now. It was a good way to get perspective on how much he’s improved and why I can’t stop reading him, and it was a fun introduction to Theodore Tate, but not his strongest showing. But, since they’re his first books, they get a little bit of a pass.
Evvie Drake Starts Over by Linda Holmes. I loved this book, and it’s not usually the kind of book I like. Or even try to read. It was exactly what I needed and it didn’t hurt that baseball featured prominently in the storyline.
Shockwave by John Sandford. That fucking Flowers DID NOT do it again. This book was horribly boring. Do not read. There are other ones in the series that are way better.
Lady in the Lake by Laura Lippman. Loved this one as well. It was well-written and creative and again, exactly what I needed. This is the second book of hers I’ve read (Sunburn was the first), and I am crazy excited for how many titles she has. Now that I’m almost done with Paul Cleave’s entire catalog, I need a new author. I think she’s it.
The Bookish Life of Nina Hill by Abbi Waxman. Speaking of authors’ entire catalogs, I think I’ve now read all of Abbi Waxman’s books, too (to be fair, there’s only 3). And she writes those quirky rom-com books I generally can’t stand, if that’s any indication of anything. I kind of liken her to Katherine Center but better.
Little Faith by Nickolas Butler. I think Butler’s writing is spectacular. I still have one of his books sitting on my shelf, and I didn’t even know he had this one (it’s his most recent), but I’m glad I found it. It’s based on a true event, which is always an interesting and sometimes dangerous choice, and if questioning religion and faith and more fundamentalist sects that eschew medicine and doctors is not for you, I do not recommend this book. If you can handle it, then put it on your list.
The Nickel Boys by Colson Whitehead. Another one based on true events and it is heartwrenching to read. Do not read and watch When They See Us in the same time frame. Wait at least a month between. TRUST. Also, I did not see the ending coming at all which is always a nice surprise.
Mrs. Everything by Jennifer Weiner. This book was…not what I expected but in a good way. It was inclusive and feminist and modern and relevant and all the things you want it to be, plus Jennifer Weiner is a great writer.
DNF: The Perfect Wife by J.P. Delaney. What a horrible fucking book. Reminded me of a less-good version of Foe by Iain Reid which, admittedly, wasn’t even that great. I gave no fucks about anyone or anything and it was a gigantic waste of my time to even attempt to read it. Pretty sure that’s not the *honest* review Netgalley is looking for by I don’t know how else to say it (I was nicer in my official review, though).
TL;DR: With the exception of The Perfect Wife and Shockwave, you really can’t go wrong with anything on this list. Paul Cleave is always a use your judgment kind of guy, but if you’re into that (clearly I am), then go for it.

Currently reading Recursion by Blake Crouch. FINALLY.
Okay. Now it’s your turn! Link up and show us your books! Don’t forget to visit Steph and some of the other bloggers on the list, and don’t forget to join us on November 12 for the next one.
I’m so sorry about your loss – that picture at the end is so sweet.
Congratulations on 5 years of this lovely link up – I always look forward to the 2nd Tuesday of every month and getting to see what everyone is reading.
The Bookish life of Nina Hill sounds like something I’d enjoy – I sometimes need a rom-com book after a very heavy or serious read.
Congratulations on 5 years! Such an awesome achievement.
I’m so sorry about Barkley. He was the cutest.
I really want to read the Nina Hill book.
Congratulations on SUYB’s 5 Year Anniversary! This is my absolute favorite link-up and one I look forward to participating in every month!!!!
I love, love, love that picture of Barkley. And I am so sorry for your loss. I know how special Barkley was and how big that hole in your heart is right now. BIg virtual hug to you!
I really enjoyed the one Cleave book I read but I’ve put him on my backburner list because he’s a bit too dark for me at the moment, which is by no means a slam on him. He’s just too good and his stories get under my skin! I had Evvie but sent it back to the library unread. Just wasn’t in the mood (I didn’t even start it, so no reflection on the book, just me!) Nina Hill is also on my list too.
Tanya @ A Mindful Migration recently posted…September Bookshelf: A Book Miracle
I have Mrs Everything and The Bookish Life of Nina Hill on my TBR, glad to hear you liked them. I don’t think I have read any of Waxman’s books yet, so I am sure I will go on a binge. I hated The Perfect Wife too! I felt bad about giving it up because I loved the other books by that author, but man, what a waste of time! You are so right!
Barkley was such a cutie. Sending you all the hugs.
Nadine recently posted…Books
Sorry you lost your sweet Barkley. How awesome you guys have had this link up FIVE years.
Oh, so sorry about your pup – books are such a great (momentary) escape from the hard things in life for me, but I can only imagine it was all the more difficult to pick a book or settle in to a good read when your loss included your sweet reading buddy. I’m glad you found Evvie Drake though – I adored that book, and I feel like it could be a balm a lot of people need 🙂 I really liked the Laura Lippmann too. This one and Sunburn are good noir reads, but I also like her Tess Monaghan series set in Baltimore as a pretty decent procedural series. Also fun that the first ones are pretty old, so to do research for an investigation she actually has to do things like go to the library and look in a card catalogue – always fascinating to read about how things were done before Google, HA!
adding lady in the lake and little faith to my TBR. Congrats on 5 years of doing this, reading brings me so much joy.
Congrats on 5 years! Love your linkup and getting all the book recommendations! So sorry for the loss of Barkley. The Bookish Life is on my to read list. I’ve only read one of Waxman’s books but really enjoyed it. I’ve never read anything by Cleave and may have to change that!
i really want to read nickel boys but i’m nervous about the content; it’s hard for me to read about abuse but i loved his first book and i know this one is going to be really good….
So sorry to hear about your dog but I’m happy you have five years to celebrate at least! I was a huge fan of Evvie Drake as well and I’m dying to read everything by Abbie Waxman!
So sorry again about Barkley. Especially if he was always your little reading buddy, I imagine reading would be a bit harder now. 🙁 I’m glad you were able to get some comfort out of a few of your books this month. Evvie Drake is on my list and your review just sold me!! I really loved Nina Hill and I still need to read her other two books. I really like her writing. Happy 5 year SUYB anniversary!!
happiest of anniversaries!! i can’t believe it has been 5 years. time flies when you’re having fun, right? best fun ever. I am so sorry about Barkley. Hugs.
I used to love Jennifer Weiner, Mrs Everything is on my list – I’m excited! I am a little shocked you liked Nina Hill, but I love it! I need to read her other book.
I’ve gotten so many book ideas from these linkups! My TBR is massive now but that’s what it’s for. I don’t think I’ve read anything from Paul Cleave – I go in phases on what I’m interested in so I’ll check out one of his soon. So very sorry again about Barkley – our dogs never leave us, even when they’re gone.
I can’t believe it’s been five years either! Thank you so much for hosting, I love the SUYB community 🙂
So sorry to hear about your loss, it’s hard and it’s frustrating when your go-to solace just doesn’t do anything.
Congrats on FIVE years! That really is impressive and you two have created such a great reading community. I’m striking the JP Delaney book off my TBR immediately! LOL. Funny, I had to do the same thing this month by lumping a few from one author together bc they all ran together.
Happy link-up anniversary! I love this link-up! Seriously my favorite 🙂 I have Evie Drake starts over on my list so glad to hear you liked it!
I feel like so many people have lost dogs in the last month, including myself, and it breaks my heart every single time. I’m so sorry for your loss. I love that last photo – what a cutie pie!
Congrats on 5 years of Show Us Your Books though; that’s fantastic. I really hope to read The Bookish Life of Nina Hill sometime soon.
ShootingStarsMag recently posted…Author Interview/Giveaway: Matt Monroe and the Haunted House
Cheers to five years! I loved Mrs. Everything so much.
Longtime reader of Show Us Your Books, first time participant! So excited to check some of these reads out!
Congrats on 5 years. I’m sorry for your loss. I read Nina Hill and Mrs. Everything this month too!
five years is amazing!! Congrats!
I was thinking to pick the perfect wife soon but after that review i think ill push it back a bit lol. I still havent read the bookish life but I so want to!
So sorry about Barkley; losing a pet is losing a member of the family, and it hurts like hell (I still tear up when I think about my dogs, and it’s been years. Now I have a cat, but the time between was rough to say the least. So with all my heart, I hope things get better for you everyday and you get the love and support you need)
I’m not reading anything new at the moment, I’ve been on a reading slump for a while. The last one I finished was Red, White and Royal Blue, which was very cute. Now I’m rereading Places No One Knows, by Brenna Yovanoff.
(Congrats on 5 years!)
Paul Cleave has been on my to-read list forever! I love creepy, dark, etc and he seems to be right up my alley.
Congrats on 5 years…. my oldest son isn’t even that old! LOL
Congrats on five years of doing this book blog link-up! 🙂 That is awesome!
Mackenzie recently posted…As The Page Turns: October Edition
Books are indeed the one constant through it all.
I am having a no good reading month plus – my brain isn’t into it and I’m mulling along. I might try Evvie Drake though, that sounds different enough to be a refresher!
I feel HORRIBLE – I didnt know about your Barkley… I am so sorry!!! 🙁 that just makes me choke up!!!
I feel ya. I haven’t touched a book since Ly died. I want to and I think about them, but I just haven’t done it yet. A fuzzy brain and messy emotions can make for a tough time. Those little balls of fur leave a lifelong impact. Still thinking about you, friend <3
Happy 5 Years!! What an amazing accomplishment for you ladies! Thank you for creating this community of good people and book lovers!
Audrey recently posted…What I Read…
Still so sorry about your loss – I’m sure you’re still hurting, and I hope that you start to feel better soon! xx
In book news, I LOVED Evvie Drake. I’m glad that you did, too since I know that’s not your typical jam. Nina Hill is on my TBR – better than Katherine Center? I’ll take it. Mrs. Everything is sitting on my nightstand, and my husband agrees with you on the John Sandford book! He thought it was incredibly boring, too.
Thanks for hosting the best day in the blog world every month – cheers to another 5 years!
Just sayin’,
Karly recently posted…What I Read in September 2019 + Reviews
So sorry for loss – it’s always so hard.
Congrats on the anniversary!
Am adding Little Faith & Nickle Boys to my TBR – both look incredibly interesting.
I’m so so sorry for your loss!
Congratulations, I can’t believe it’s been five years! That’s insane! I’m reading the Girls of Atomic City right now, with City of Girls waiting on my coffee table (I’m seeing a bit of a trend in my library holds..)
I’m excited to read Evvie Drake and Mrs. Everything. I have The Nickel Boys on deck.
I completely understand the grief-fueled reading slump. It sucks.
Gwen recently posted…Showin’ My Books – October ’19
I added Evvie Drake Starts Over to my TBR list because it seems like a book I’d like to read so I guess we’ll see!! I’ve never read every book an author has written but maybe I’ll challenge myself to do that sometime. Also, happy 5 years on the linkup:)
Ashley recently posted…Reading Lately
CONGRATS on 5 years! I have to admit that this is my fave linkup and I look forward to it every month. Love this reading community you’ve helped to build!I’d be curious to see what Netgalley did if that was what you actually submitted for The Perfect Wife lol. Evie Drake and Nina Hill on my TBR, and now I’m even more to read them!
Dani recently posted…September Reads
I love Laura Lippman books. She lives near me and I have been lucky to meet her a few times at my local bookstore. Her books about Tess Monaghan are great too! Enjoy!
Sarah recently posted…Show Us Your Books – 10/8/19
I’m sorry about Barkley 🙁 You gave him the best possible life.
I wasn’t overly impressed with the first JP Delaney I read and I didn’t hear good things from anyone about this one.
Kristin Darhower recently posted…Why wouldn’t you take someone’s thoughts and prayers?
I’ve got like 4 books going all at the same time, but I’m finishing up Three Women Lisa Taddeo and Dear Girls by Ali Wong. The humor of Wong’s book is balancing out the darkness of the first.
Kaity recently posted…Dear Crosby (On Your 3rd Birthday)
Congrats on 5 years! And I’m so sorry to hear about Barkley. Losing a pet is never easy. 🙁
I just finished Evvie Drake last night – definitely not the type of book I normally read but sometimes I need something to get away from all of the death/horror/thrillers I read and I ended up loving it! I think you’re the second one I’ve seen where the JP Delaney book is a DNF which is not a good sign! I had been looking forward to that one and have it on my list at the library but now I’m not so sure!
Megan recently posted…books lately vol. 24
I am so thrilled to have “found” this link up! I was reading Not in Jersey’s post about her Sept. books and she mentioned this link up. I love to read and am always looking for new book suggestions. I post a monthly wrap up of my books each month and have added this link to my list of link parties so I don’t forget to join up next month too. Thanks so much for hosting!
I have several books from your list on my TBR. I want to read The Nickel Boys but don’t. I attended one of his book events and he is amazing. Sorry to hear about Barkley. 🙁
I’m finally catching up on SUYB – I don’t know where October went. Congrats on 5 years!
Jennifer Weiner is one of those authors who’s books are packaged to look like pure fluff, but are often pretty deep. I’m going to check out Mrs. Everything.
Jill K recently posted…Show Us Your Books October