Me: I’m going to definitely start writing again!
Since we’ve last met, I’ve: started a full-time job, joined a 42 day fitness challenge, taken a trip to the ER with the child (she’s fine, but she is banned from using the toaster), saw Hootie and the Blowfish and BNL in concert, dealt with continual digestive issues from a very stubborn 15 year old dog, met a kangaroo and a sloth, took a couple of beach trips, and watched a shit ton of Netflix.
It’s been a month.
In between all of that stuff, I’ve managed to read a few books and stay on top of my Goodreads goal. So yay for me.
The Laughterhouse by Paul Cleave. I love his books, he can do no wrong, even ones that aren’t his best are still awesome and that’s exactly how I feel about this one. His books are pretty gruesome, though, so if you don’t have a strong stomach for that stuff, you might want to pass. Also, expect a few more on my list over the next couple of months. I’m on a mission.
The Reckless Oath We Made by Bryn Greenwood. THANK YOU NETGALLEY. I can’t tell you how happy it made me to get this book because I think she’s a fantastic writer who writes messy, ugly stories with messy, flawed people. This one is a little tricky, though, so if you want to read it, be warned that one of the characters speaks exclusively in Middle English (?) and it is tough to follow until you get used to it. But OMG, it’s so worth it.
The Rosie Result by Graeme Simsion. Better than The Rosie Effect, not quite as good as The Rosie Project. This book focuses on Don and his son, as well as Don coming to some realizations about himself through his relationship with his own father. It’s a solid end to the series. At least for me. Like Louisa from the Me Before You books, I don’t need any more Don in my life.
Cleaning the Gold by Karin Slaughter and Lee Child. This book is actually more of a long short story/novella. It was a fine way to pass an hour. The story involved their two most popular characters–Will Trent and Jack Reacher–and was a fun little thriller-ish adventure. It needed to be a full-length book as this felt rushed and abrupt.
Following Christopher Creed by Carol Plum-Ucci. This is the sequel to a book I read with the child earlier in the summer. She didn’t like this one so she made me read it. It wasn’t great, kind of repetitive and annoying, but the ending had a great payoff. I’m not too angry.
The Substitution Order by Martin Clark. I only gave this three stars. Not sure why. Now that I’ve had some time to reflect on it, it’s actually quite good. It’s a legal thriller, which I don’t generally read, but it also addresses some social issues like health care. The plot was interesting and different, it’s well-written, and you can 100% tell this guy either was a lawyer or did some serious research. The main character did have a stroke, and it felt superfluous, which got on my nerves but that’s more for personal reasons than anything else.
Dignity: Seeking Respect in Back Row America by Chris Arnade. The concept of this book was way better than the execution. The chapters felt very self-serving amidst the descriptions and commentaries of the towns he visits and the people he meets. His observations about McDonald’s as substitute community centers and meeting places are fascinating, though, and are reminiscent of some of the chapters in Eric Klinenberg’s Palaces for the People. And it’s printed on photo paper so the book weighed a ton.
TL;DR: Paul Cleave and Bryn Greenwood are awesome and you should read their books. The Substitution Order is also worth considering. Not so much the rest.
Currently reading: Cemetery Lake by Paul Cleave.
Now it’s your turn. Link up and show us your books! Don’t forget to visit my co-host, Steph, and some of the other bloggers joining us. And for those who like to plan ahead, the next one is on September 10.
I was SO excited to get The Reckless Oath We Made on Netgalley, but I haven’t read it yet. The Middle English thing sounds strange, though.
I feel exhausted by just reading what you’ve done this past month. Also, feel a tad lazy now too. Congrats on the new full-time job (I’m assuming this is a good thing!) too. I’ve only read one Cleave book so every time I see you’ve read another one – I feel guilty that I haven’t picked up another one of his. I don’t normally mind gruesome but have noticed that it bothers me a bit more lately. Probably cause it feels like the world is on fire. It’s interesting that Slaughter and Child wrote a short story together. I’m not overly familiar with Will Trent but I do like Jack Reacher but generally don’t like short stories because everything feels rushed and I feel cheated. Adding both the Cleave and Greenwood books to my TBR.
Tanya @ A Mindful Migration recently posted…July Bookshelf: My Birthday Reads
OK, now I need to know what the child did to the toaster!
II got the second “Rosie” book a few years ago for my birthday, then had to get hold of the first one before I could read it. I did get hold of and read the first one but still haven’t read the sequel. And now there’s a third one as well. I can’t keep up!
Confuzzled Bev recently posted…What I read in July 2019
The Substitution order sounds interesting since it is a thriller?! Although I have never read a legal thriller…I think I am going to look into it! You have been busy and I am impressed by how many books you still managed to read!!! 🙂
Ooh you had a lot going on and still manage to read so much, good job! Added Paul Cleave’s book to my TBR.
Congrats on the new job. I’m intrigued by The Reckless Oath, but also intimidated by the Middle English thing.
I liked the Rosie Project but wasn’t a fan of the Rosie Effect. I’m going to have to give The Reckless Oath we Made a try.
Sounds like a seriously busy month!
I haven’t read any of the Rosie books but I want to – they sound quite good.
I just got All The Ugly and Wonderful Things to read and I heard people like it better than the second one, so I’m not sure if I’ll read that one or not!
I had no idea you started a job, we need to catch up!
I fear people will not like Reckless Oath because of the Middle English but I hope they can read through it anyway.
Your month sounds crazy! I am so excited about Reckless Oath! Adding that to my TBR, and thanks for the warning on the language… that can be a struggle for me. And sometimes I can get into it! LOL! It can go either way but it helps to know in advance for sure.
You had a hell of a month. I almost picked up The Reckless Oath We Made but the Olde English threw me off a bit… but now I must read it.
Oh my goodness, you’ve had a wild month! I’m amazed that you were still able to get through so many books. Congrats on the new job! What are you doing now?
You read a lot for having so much going on. Go girl! Im pretty excited to read Reckless Oath!
Can’t wait to pick up the new Bryn Greenwood – I loved the last book, regardless of how messed up the characters were. Someone just recommended The Rosie Project to me the other day, so good to know about the rest of the series!
Just sayin’,
A part of me is kind of ready to disappear from the blog world and only reappear on book days. Sometimes it’s just tiresome and exhausting. No shame in your very busy real life game. Also, I would love to meet a kangaroo 🙂
Sounds like some decent reading!
Audrey recently posted…What I Read…
Not too bad of a reading month! It sounds like you’ve been super busy lately in general- with MOSTLY good things. 🙂
ShootingStarsMag recently posted…Show Us Your Books: Mini Reviews, Giveaways, and Annotated Books!
Ugh, ER visits are the worst (and the sticker shock!…boo). Glad everyone is doing okay.
Okay, I’m apparently even more behind the times than I thought because I didn’t even KNOW there was a third Rosie book! I have yet to read The Rosie Project, so I’d best start there and decide if they’re worth pursuing any further for me 🙂
oh my goodness, glad she is okay! i’m so curious about the toaster.. i was banned from using the oven when i was a teenager because i put some fries on (in oil!) and then had a bath and a nap. i’m lucky i didn’t burn the house down! congrats on the new job 🙂
i want to read that bryn greenwood book!! i’m on hold at the library, #785 or something ridiculous.
i don’t need any more don in my life so i will be skipping that one.
Congrats about your new job! Can you tell us more about it 🙂
I still need to look into the whole Netgalley thing, but then i think, i already have enough books on my TBR, why make life difficult, lol 😀
Mackenzie recently posted…As The Page Turns: August Edition
ooooh I’m definitely adding the reckless oath to my list!
I get the Don comment. As much as I love Louisa – I’ll be OK with no more stories about her.
Hope the toaster didnt leave any scars.
& girl… let’s talk old dogs. We can talk for hours on that topic
Goodness, you have had quite the month!!! I feel like there might be a story there with E and the toaster?! Congrats on the job! I need to read the Rosie books, they’ve been on my TBR forever.
That month does sound exhausting.
I still need to read the first Bryn Greenwood book everyone recommends.
Old dogs :/ I love them so much but it makes me so sad.
I am #1 on the list for The Reckless Oath and cannot wait to pick it up. I loved All The Ugly & Wonderful Things so I’m really excited for this one. The Laughterhouse sounds like my kind of story as well!
You’ve had a hell of a month! I wonder if I can read the 3rd Rosie book without reading the 2nd? I might be able to tolerate the Middle English considering all of the good reviews I’m reading about The Reckless Oath.
Kimberly recently posted…Show us your Books: August 2019
I almost picked the Bryn Greenwood from Book of the Month this month, but then I ended up skipping the month… and you’re making me regret it! Haven’t read anything by her before, but you’ve got me more interested. And I didn’t know there was a 3rd in the Rosie Project series – I thought the 2nd was so bad, but maybe I could get behind one more if it’s better. I really did love the 1st one a lot.
I’m intrigued by The Substitution Order. I used to read a lot of legal thrillers, but it’s been a while. I’ll also have to check out Reckless Oath.
Wow, you’ve been busy! What do you write?
I’ve never heard of any of these books but I’ll be damned if you didn’t have a crazy busy month! You deserve some R&R book time!
Excited to eventually get to the Bryn book – my library just let all of Paul Cleave’s books licenses expire, so hopefully they get on that quickly.