This year was, to say the least, pretty fucking crappy. Sure there were some bright spots like the big orange baby getting his eviction notice, Curtis Flowers getting his release from death row (and prison!), Shinedown released new music (yup, new music from someone besides Taylor Swift), and I have a niece now.
There are also a few significant personal achievements but maybe we’ll talk about those another day.
I survived much of this year thanks to Netflix, Amazon, and books. I read more than I usually do, picking up 100 and finishing 96. While I know it didn’t pan out this way for many readers, that’s OK. And it’s OK this year and every year. Reading isn’t a competitive sport and shouldn’t be treated that way. When we start comparing our reading habits to others or feeling guilty for not doing as much as we think we should, it takes the fun out of it. At least for me it does. So I don’t do that.
But some I DO do is take a look at some statistics. Not so much so I can make changes but because I’m curious about how I read and what I choose. I know this year, for instance, I read less nonfiction than in previous years because this wasn’t really the year for that. And I read a more even split of men and women this year, with no tracking at all of how many books by BIPOC authors.
I also bought a lot more books than I usually do. And I’m pretty sure I read none of the books from my 2020 reading goals list (I checked. I did not). Which is totally fine. Because when a global pandemic combined with a (much needed) social uprising and an attack on democracy hits, priorities fucking shift. And shift them I did.
That said, here are my fiction and nonfiction favorites, along with the honorable mentions. My favorites aren’t necessarily the best books I read; rather, they’re the ones that stuck the most and deserve a spot on the favorites list. As always, I 100% recommend reading the summaries and/or topics before deciding if they’re for you. My taste might not be your taste and that’s just fine.
If you want a list of books I do NOT recommend, let me know and I’ll throw them in another post.
Fun fact: I had to double-check the dates of some books. Was not sure if I truly read them this year. Another fun fact: I did. 2020 is a strange year.

Had to add some honorable mentions in as well. Too good to leave out, not quite on my favorites list.

And now for the nonfiction. It’s a smaller list, but these books are quite impactful. My honorable mention for this category is White Fragility by Robin DiAngelo. Buy it, though. Don’t get it from the library. Trust me.

Now it’s your turn! Link up and show us your yearly favorites! Don’t forget to visit my co-host Steph and some other bloggers so you can round out your 2021 list.
Oh, and P.S. Every year, Steph and I make a donation on behalf of Show Us Your Books. Although we typically try to pick a literacy-focused organization, we went a step beyond this year. We chose one, The Conscious Kid, which is Black-owned, promotes diverse reads, and is also assisting with rent relief. People deserve to stay in their homes. People deserve to feed their kids and stay warm. Organizations like The Conscious Kid are stepping in since the government has failed, and I’m glad they are. If you have the ability, I encourage you to donate to them or a similar organization.
Great post Jana. It certainly has been a YEAR. I also read less non fiction than I’m used to- I just couldn’t do it for a lot of the year. There’s a lot on your list that I loved- Dreamland Burning is such a special book and I was to see more people read it!
Happy New Year. Here’s to continued social change and a new President!
Just added a few to my library request list; thanks!
I can’t believe I forgot to put She Come By It Natural on my list. It was so good!
Jill+K recently posted…Favorite Reads of 2020
I had a hard time choosing favorites this year, but I’m glad I made a list, and seeing other peoples’ lists will be good too. I read more nonfiction this year, which was interesting. Know My Name and Hood Feminism are high on my list of ones I want to read.
I for sure read different books this year – and enjoyed a lot of books I don’t think I would have liked as much in other years.
I have When We Were Mermaids, Transcendent Kingdom and Vanishing Half on my TBR. I really need to get to them. I enjoyed Such a Fun Age, but apparently not enough to make it on my list today. It was definitely a weird reading year, I read way more light and fluffy than usual.
Great choices Jana!
Dara recently posted…Year End Book Favorites and Goals
We had several in common this year. Thank you for hosting this – it was a bright spot in my year.
I love the charity you donated to – it sounds like an amazing one!
I’m so happy that you read and loved Deposing Nathan. That was a top favorite of mine in 2019.
ShootingStarsMag recently posted…Best of 2020: 13 Books I Loved
Best sentence: “Because when a global pandemic combined with a (much needed) social uprising and an attack on democracy hits, priorities fucking shift.” When you’re right, you’re right! I have not read most of your favorites this year – I’ll need to check a few out 🙂 Thanks for sharing and happy new year!!
Becki recently posted…The Boiling Season – Book Review
Yeah, my reading was all over the place as well this year. I read more fiction than non-fiction too. The best non-fiction book I read this year though was Untamed by Glennon Doyle.
Mackenzie recently posted…Taking Back Control
I added a few of your fiction picks to my library list this morning and they’re already ready to pick up! Thanks for the suggestions.
Shifting reading priorities, survival by books, and buying more of them – I’m with you on all of that for 2020! Seeing Winter Counts at the top of your list makes me even more pleased that I just bought it for my husband for Christmas (maybe one of those gifts that was kinda for myself…). I read Long Bright River at the very beginning of the year and it still sticks with me as such an excellent one – basically spent the rest of the year trying to replicate that reading experience. And I’m inspired by your non-fiction list. I 5-starred Just Mercy myself, but read very little other non-fiction. If life can calm down a little in 2021, I’d like to get to more.
This year has been a terrible reading year for me and that’s not okay but okay. The only book listed that I’ve read is She Rides Shotgun, which was excellent. I am ever so hopeful that next year will be better. I have put a bunch of books on hold in anticipation! 🙂 Thanks again to both you and Steph for creating this wonderful community of readers and giving me something to look forward to every month, even if I have nothing to share!
“When we start comparing our reading habits to others or feeling guilty for not doing as much as we think we should, it takes the fun out of it. At least for me it does. So I don’t do that. ” Agreed 100%. I’m done with grading myself.
Also yes please to your non-recommended books, because you have such a hilarious way of panning books. And thank you to you and Steph for rounding us up every month for these posts! I look forward to it even if I can’t keep up with all of the posts!