Last month, Steph and I posted our book reviews on the same day and from that, we got to talking and decided we’d start a monthly book chat where we share and review books we read the previous month. It’s one of the dozens of things I’ve come to love and appreciate about bloggers–most of us share a huge love of books and we have no qualms about recommending our favorites (and warn against the ones we hate don’t like as much). So, in addition to sharing our reading choices, we want to know what you read, too.
In other words, we want you to show us your books!!!
How you choose to do it is up to you. You can write a thorough review, you can summarize in a few sentences, or you can be like Lisa and do it in 140 characters or less. There are no rules other than to let us know what you read and what you thought.
As for me, in September (and by “September”, I mean the 4 weeks after Steph and I had the conversation so maybe it includes a little bit of October, too) I read 5 books (well, technically 6 but one was SO, SO BAD, I’m pretending I didn’t actually read it). I liked all of them; however, there were a few I liked way more than others. So let’s start with those.
Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell. You can read the Goodreads summary here. Jana says: I loved this book. Not quite as much as Eleanor and Park because the little snippets of the Harry Potter-like stories got on my nerves after awhile, and I found myself skipping over those at times. Trust when I say it didn’t impact the overall story. I adored the characters, identified immensely with the main character, Cath, and the plot was so realistic. If you’re looking for a quick, can’t put it down book, read this one.
Late, Late at Night by Rick Springfield. You can read the Goodreads summary here. Jana says: I am now officially obsessed with Rick Springfield. Yes, that Rick Springfield. The guy who performs “Jessie’s Girl”. But after reading the book, you realize he is so much more than that. Yes, he’s basically a scumbag but he admits it. He admits all of his ugly secrets and flaws and how he’s spent almost his whole life trying to fight his demons and be a better person. The way he talks about his depression is so open and honest and raw, and I believe that if you want to understand how depression truly operates, you need to read this book. He makes you realize that depression isn’t just chronic sadness; it’s a lurking presence, waiting to come out when you least expect it.
Where’d You Go, Bernadette? by Maria Semple. You can read the Goodreads summary here. Jana says: The way the book is written took some getting used to but once you figure it out, it’s so worth the effort (like The Time Traveler’s Wife but better). It’s such a creative, well done, intriguing story and like Fangirl, you forget at times that it’s actually a YA book. Honestly, with the amount of quality YA books I’ve been reading lately, I feel kind of cheated that all I had was the VC Andrews saga/trash and Sweet Valley High. Or maybe that’s all I chose to read. Definitely one of those.
And now for the ones I liked but not nearly as much.
How To Tell Toledo From the Night Sky by Lydia Netzer. You can read the Goodreads summary here. Jana says: I did like this book, even with all the sciency stuff mixed in. I mean, it did bore me a little at time and I found myself not falling in love with the characters like in some of the other books I read this month, but overall, it was a good read. Took me longer to finish than the others because it got tedious but it was great for the plane ride and as a read before bed.
Accidents of Marriage by Randy Susan Meyers. You can read the Goodreads summary here. Jana says: I wanted to like this book so much more than I did. I love the premise of this book and it had so much potential, yet for me, it fell a flat. The characters weren’t developed enough or something and I found myself getting annoyed with every single one of them. There were plot points that felt unfinished or the resolution was too simplified. It wasn’t terrible but I wouldn’t put it high on my list of books I’d recommend.
I’m excited for my October reads and I’ve already gotten started reading The Rosie Project. You’ll have to wait for next month to hear what I think of it!
The next chat is on November 10, and then the second Tuesday of every month going forward. We hope you’ll join us!
Tell me: What books did you read in September?
Good God, Rick Springfield’s life mimics his General Hospital character, Dr. Noah Drake! I read no books in September. My Stephanie gives me her magazines and I read them!! I am a non-fiction fan.
I want to read Gratitude and Trust, released 9-16 by Tracey Jackson and Paul Williams. I feel like I read a lot by reading all of these blogs, which I love. Last fiction novel I read was Gone Girl. I will see this movie, even though going to the movies skeeves me out a bit.
Thanks for the reviews!
Love, SMD’s Momma
I like nonfiction, too. Mostly memoirs. Occasionally a how-to. I love that there’s something for everyone!!
A lurking presence…that’s a really great way to describe chronic depression.
I loved Bernadette.
I also loved The Rosie Project. I hit a little rut already for October – started a book that I didn’t click with, which will usually force me into a week plus long book strike. Now I’m trying to read some trashy old novel. Should make for an interesting review. hahaha
SMD @ Life According to Steph recently posted…Show Us Your Books! – What I read in September
I get into reading ruts, too. I had one a couple of months back but I read a book I had downloaded for free that wound up being the gateway book out of the rut, Real Happy Family. It was quick and easy and it made me get back into the swing of reading.
I am enjoying The Rosie Project so far!
I just bought the Rosie Project yesterday! You have to tell us the book that was awful so we know not to read it- those are the reviews I need 🙂 I’m bummed you didn’t love Accidents of Marriage as much as me. I was reading on a beach with a frozen drink so maybe that altered my perception.
Kate recently posted…My Other Ex
That’s what I love about books–everyone gets something different from the same one. I’m thinking that maybe if I read the book under different circumstances, I’d think about it differently but I’m not sure. I really didn’t love or feel for any of the characters and it seems like the author could have done more with some of the plot points. It wasn’t a bad book. Just not my favorite.
Thanks for linking up my review! Maybe I’ll join you next month to show what I’ve read in Oct! I’m putting Time Traveller’s Wife on my Goodreads.
lisacng @ recently posted…Picture Practice: building
I loved your reviews!
I haven’t seen the movie but I did like the book even if I could never remember how old anyone was.
I read a historical fiction novel my mom brought me from Hawaii, The Last Aloha. So good!!
I need to remember to share my books next month!
Kelli recently posted…On Friendship
Yes, please make sure that you share!
I can’t get into historical fiction. My mom loves it and recommends some of them to me but the few that I’ve tried to read, I couldn’t get into.
I had Where’d You Go, Bernadette on my list of books to read….so yay! I need to finish this series that I am before I can move on…
Nadine recently posted…Sh!t Chris Says
It’s such a good book! You’ll be so happy you read it!
This is fun. I would definitely link up (although my reading is pretty sporadic). I did a post last week about the Lunar Chronicles (which I loved!), and a few others. One that I read, The Little Prince, I heard had a lot of deeper, metaphorical stuff behind what was basically a children’s story, but I wasn’t intuitive enough to ferret it out. I usually just take everything at face value, so yeah, subtlety is not my thing.
Jenn @ Business, Life & Design recently posted…Food Fraud – BS Serving Sizes
I almost NEVER find metaphoric stuff in books, especially if I am not looking for it.
I haven’t been finding much time lately to read and I need to start knitting too for Xmas presents. Bernadette is on my list as is The Accident of Marriage. Hopefully i can get some reading done because you know I want to join in!
I know you do! I miss your book posts! Definitely find time to read Bernadette. Accidents of Marriage can wait till knitting is done 🙂
oh my gosh i want to know what one you read that you didnt like, haha. i havent read any of these, fangirl is on my list though!
Kristen recently posted…Books Lately
It was Kailyn’s, from Teen Mom 2, memoir. I wanted to like it because I like her. But a shitty book.
goddammit, my library is being an asshole because i have been waiting for eleanor and park since the beginning of summer. i’m like, position eleventy billion so that means i’ll be able to read this book in 10 years.
also, i just finished a book called we were liars and it was ok. it was a quick read, not as good as i had hoped (based on the reviews) but not bad either.
Vodka and Soda
kathy@vodka and soda recently posted…my kind of perfect
I am angry at your library for not having more copies. That is a shame.
I really want to read the one about Rick Springfield now!
Amanda Elizabeth recently posted…The Top 10 Ways How to Stay Motivated With Workouts
OMG, you have to read it!! In my top 3 memoirs of all time.
Now I’m very curious to read Rick Springfield’s book. 🙂
Lynsey @ Eternally Wanderlyn recently posted…Sometimes You Just Have to Jump
READ IT!!! You will not be sorry!
Bahahah… I love that you gave Sweet Valley High a shout-out! I read those, too!
Amanda recently posted…Savin’ A Dolla Makes This Bitch Holla!
I will definitely join you for BookChat in November. I’ve been hoping to find an IRL book club but this may have to do for now. And I never thought of Bernadette as a YA book… interesting.
Sarah @ Beauty School Dropout recently posted…Sarah’s Famous Steel-Cut Oatmeal: Fall Remix #pumpkinspice
I’ve been struggling to find a book club, too. Then again, I haven’t looked very hard 🙂