One of my lifelong goals is to write a book. Like a real book. That’s sold in stores (online stores count, too). And purchased by people who are not related to me. For years, I’ve started and stopped a number of books because…well, for a variety of reasons but mainly because I’ve always convinced myself that I’m not dedicated or talented enough to finish them.
But this year, I said fuck that. I know I can finish a book. I mean, I’ve already started one (that’s what the word count measure in the sidebar is supposed to track). Why not actually finish it? Good question, I thought. So I told myself that I would. As extra incentive, I’ve entered National Novel Writing Month, or NaNoWriMo. I’ve tried it before but have always, always failed. And I’m tired of failing. So, for the month of November (the duration of NaNoWriMo), I’ve committed myself to finishing the book I’ve already started. In order to accomplish that, I’ve had to adjust some priorities:
For instance, the schedule here on DMS will change from 4-5 days per week to 3-4. I know this makes many of you weep but I promise that things will go back to normal in December. I need to give myself extra time to write and focus on the book. I’ll still be writing original posts and guest posting on some other sites, but I need to decrease the frequency on DMS. Because when the book is done, I plan on having it editing and then searching for an agent to assist with publication. That’s how seriously I’m taking this.
I will not be as present on social media, specifically on Twitter. As many of you know, I’m a big fan of Twitter (if you don’t follow me already, stop by and say hi). But sometimes I get so caught up on what’s happening there that I forget what I need and want to do. Also, my brain is so full of noise from Facebook and Twitter and every other outlet that I need some time off to quiet what’s going on in my head. By quieting that noise, I’ll be able to focus on my book.
Instead of writing when the moment strikes, I need to dedicate a certain time every day to work on my book. Knowing that I’m going to write at that time will allow me to prepare my thoughts and ideas and pour them all out at once, instead of in a slow drip whenever I can fit them in. Given the other obligations I have during the day, most of which are not negotiable, I plan on giving up most TV for the month. I figure the best time for me to write is between 5:30-6:30 AM, which means I need to be in bed by 10 PM (to get up at 5 AM). I like watching TV but I’m willing to let it go to achieve this goal.
As upset as I am by this one, I need to temporarily put my eBook on hold. Another goal of mine is to write a independent living manual, geared towards anyone who is living on their own for the first time. It’s something I’ve wanted to accomplish for years; in fact, when I was working a full-time job, I would often jot down notes or make lists or outline chapters for this book during nonbusy periods. I even began writing the book earlier this month (mainly by formalizing the outline and culling all the previously written posts I’m including in the manual). But I know myself and I know that I can’t work on two major projects at once without feeling like I’m going to have a panic attack. So, for now, the eBook is on hold.
The last thing I’m planning on doing to make sure that I finish the book is having an accountability buddy. I already belong to my local Facebook group and the forums on the NaNoWriMo site, but that’s a bit impersonal. Having someone that I know on a personal level and can talk to about certain frustrations and excitements (and to keep me on track) is essential. So I’ve partnered with Cait from Blonde on a Budget Aloysa from My Broken Coin for this year’s challenge. She’s a pretty good task master so I know she’ll keep me focused and working towards my goal. I’m also using you, my amazing readers, as my accountability group. I figure if I’m not writing here, I better be doing something productive or I’ll feel like a big, huge liar And a fake. And I really don’t want that. (Also, if you’re participating this year and want to find me on the NaNoWriMo site, my username is demom06. I’m happy to have as many writing buddies as possible.)
I’m hoping that at the end of the month the progress bar is completely full and I can announce to you all that I won NaNoWriMo. No, that’s not true. I don’t hope. I know that will all happen at the end of the month. And then I can start working on the next step.
Readers, what have you given up, recently or in the past, to achieve a goal? Did it work for you or not?
Pauline says
Good luck with the NaNoWriMo! Did you quantify how much writing you want to do during the month? It helps me to be as specific as possible when trying to achieve a goal.
Pauline recently posted…9 tips for UK expats
Jana says
NaNoWriMo gives you a goal of 50,000 words which equates to a 175 page novel. I like that they set that goal. It’s hard but not impossible.
Mackenzie says
Love this goal Jana! Good luck with NaNoWriMo. You are an awesome writer, so I have no doubt whatsoever that you will accomplish this 🙂
Mackenzie recently posted…Goals For November
Jana says
Thanks, Mackenzie! I’m really excited and actually prepared this year.
Leslie says
I added you as a buddy. Good luck, you’re doing great so far!
Leslie recently posted…(Another) Budget Spreadsheet Template: NYC Living
Jana says
Thanks, Leslie! Since my goal is to finish the book I started and write 50k words on top of what I’ve done, my count is based on what I did yesterday plus prior work.
I hope that makes sense!
Leslie says
For your personal goal, that is fine, but rules-wise you should not count any words that were written before November 1st into your official NaNo word count.
“Previously written prose, though, is punishable by death.”
Leslie recently posted…(Another) Budget Spreadsheet Template: NYC Living
Jana says
I guess I need to fix that then!
I’ve never been good at following rules.
Shannon-ReadyForZero says
Good luck Jana, I know you can do it! I did a similar goal for myself last year and by writing every morning for a half hour and a few hours on Saturdays and Sundays, I was able to finish a book pretty quickly! (My hard part is now going back and editing it for real – once it’s written down it’s hard for me to change.) You already have the ideas and the writing ability, so once you get the schedule down you’ll be good to go :).
Shannon-ReadyForZero recently posted…What Happens If You Don’t Pay Your Car Payment?
Jenniemarie @ Another Housewife says
I am so proud of you! This is my first year signing up for NaNoWriMo. I needed the kick in the butt to get my thoughts on paper (or computer) I find that I have to work from a computer without access to internet and leave my phone in another room. I am too easily distracted! Can’t wait to read the finish product..after I buy it from my local book store of course!
Jenniemarie @ Another Housewife recently posted…Stop Sabotaging Your Joy
Cait says
I’m so excited we are both writing this year, Jana! I think by forcing ourselves to spend less time on our blogs / Twitter, we’ll get better at scheduling all of our priorities. Or, at least that’s what I hope, haha. Can’t wait to see how the challenge goes for you!
Emily @ evolvingPF says
Congrats on making room for your goal! I can’t think of when I’ve done that committed-ly recently…
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