This week in things that make me go hmmm…So, I’m not picking on receptionists or schedulers in doctors’ offices because I know their jobs are busy and hectic and they’re human but twice this week I got phone calls from offices reminding me of appointments that I cancelled weeks ago. I’m wondering why it’s so difficult to delete something, especially a prenatal appointment for a woman that had a miscarriage. Yeah, that one hurt a little bit.
This week in forgetfulness…I did not link up with Steph, Stephanie, and Ashley for the Choose Your Own Adventure challenge. I did participate in April and I’m pleased to report that I succeeded in all my goals! I tracked our spending with Every Dollar, stayed on budget at the child’s cheer competition, and paid in cash for everything at Disney. I even bought these guys for myself AND we came home with some money in our pockets! May’s topic is reading so I’m opting out of participating. I can’t think of any specific reading goals I have that would set the month apart from other months.

This week in trying new stuff…I signed up for the free trial of Kindle Unlimited. I’m not a huge fan of subscription services (although I do pay for Spotify every month) but my library is sometimes seriously lacking in availability of books I want to read and I can’t always get to them in the allotted time frame. And while I still prefer an actual book, my Kindle app is a fine substitute and I’m excited to give this a try. I’ll let you know if it’s worth the $9.99 per month.
This week in sports…My Mets won both of their games against the Orioles, keeping them in first place and me gloating to my husband.
This week in why does this shit keep happening…You might have seen a story floating around the internet about a 20 year old boy killed in a fight with another similarly aged boy and how the latter is not being charged with any crimes (none. At all) and there’s supposedly a cover up because the parents are or were police officers or some other vague details that just don’t make sense to me regarding why no charges are being filed. While I have dozens of things to say about this, I won’t. Because it happened where I live. Not just in my state. In my exact town. It’s literally too close to home to talk about. But if you need to discuss it, please do. What happened simply cannot go without punishment and accountability.
This week in other people’s lives…My friend Jess (who gave me permission to share this) is having some medical issues and is currently out of work. As a result, she spends mucho time at doctor’s appointments, including her therapist. Well, yesterday, after talking to yours truly on the phone for 2 hours, she arrived at her therapist’s office in pjs, sans bra, teeth and hair unbrushed, and basically looking like what you’d expect someone with medical and mental health issues to look like. And the best part is the fact that she gave zero fucks. Because sometimes, there are just no fucks to be given and you roll with it.
This week in movies I’m not sure I want to see but probably will…Quentin Tarantino’s the Hateful Eight. Now, I’m not a big fan of Quentin’s movies as they’re often too bloody for me (says the woman obsessed with Sons of Anarchy) but Walton Goggins is in this one and I adore him. He’s freaking fantastic in everything I’ve ever seen him in so that might be the push I need to see this one. On Redbox, though. I’m not paying $21372 or whatever it costs for a movie ticket these days.
This week in reading…Thanks to the Show Us Your Books linkup, I have an amazing stack of books on my nightstand right now, one more on my Kindle, and then there are three that I found independent of the linkup (for those counting, that’s 8 books waiting to be read. I have 3 weeks to do. Challenge accepted, library!). I love all my fellow booknerds and cannot wait to see what you discuss on Tuesday (yes, THIS Tuesday. Get your posts ready!).

This week in awesome…Amy Schumer’s parody of 12 Angry Men (and pretty much everything she’s done lately. If you can, try to find the episode that aired this sketch. I had trouble finding a link to the whole thing). Stephen Colbert funding any and all existing grant requests from South Carolina teachers on an education specific crowd funding site. These kick ass responses to questions in a sex-ed class. This amazing letter from Jennifer Weiner to her daughters.
That’s all she wrote this week. Happy Mother’s Day to anyone who’s celebrating whether it’s with your own kids of the two or four legged variety or if you have kids in heaven or if you’re celebrating your own mother (or father) or grandparent or whomever raised you or have a great Sunday if you’re not celebrating at all. See you back on Monday with my highly anticipated soapbox rant!