Birthday week continues so we’re going to talk all about me because that’s what you do during birthday week. Today, I’m going to share random facts you might or might not already know but I figured I’d hashtag the shit out of them for extra fun.
My parents’ 41st wedding anniversary was on Monday and, because my birthday is so close to their anniversary, I tell them that I’m the best anniversary present ever (I also use this as justification for not getting them presents on a regular basis because really, how do you top your own birth? That’s right. You can’t. So I don’t). #ididitonpurpose
I was in a sorority in college. Delta Gamma, for those who are curious. #notallsororitygirlsarevapid
I have a dual undergraduate degree in criminal justice and sociology. I have a master’s in public policy. While I don’t work in those fields anymore, this explains nonfiction books I read and discuss. #iusedtobesmart #ipickedthewrongmajor
I don’t chew gum. #hurtsthejaw
I also do not eat anything orange flavored, including oranges and all of its cousins like clementines and tangerines. I don’t even like the way they smell and, confession time, when my daughter asks me to peel one for her, I tell her no. #worstflavorever #exceptforcoconut
When I was a kid, my best friend was named Rachael. Her mom is the one who taught me how to tie my shoes and she taught me to use bunny ears. I still tie my shoes that way. #bunnyearsarebetterthanloopswoopandpull
I have broken bones, gotten stitches, and once, I got hit in the face with a line drive that earned me two black eyes and 3 days home from school. #battlescarsmakegoodstories
I failed my road test 4 times. Passed on the fifth. #parallelparkingishard
Two of my favorite teachers in high school were science teachers. #butistillhatescience
The first concert I went to was New Kids on the Block and Tiffany. The first concert I went to by myself (with friends, no parents) was Warrant and Poison. The last concert I went to was Rush. #evolutionoftaste #istilllistentoallofthem
The only one of the main 4 professional sports I have not seen live is basketball. I have no plans for that either. #squeakingsneakersdrivemecrazy
Now that you know more than you ever cared to about me, share a random fact of two about you!